For or against the death penalty?
Why or why not? Discuss.
shareYes. Some criminals are so sub human that they do not deserve to draw breath.
shareThe death penalty I can go back and forth on. The only issue I have with it is if someone's conviction gets overturned and they were found innocent later and you kill them well it is futile at that point. Now criminals who beyond the shadow of a doubt did a brutal premeditated murder I have no issue with them being executed. A part of me likes keeping them alive though as well as some of those criminals want to be killed. I don't know mixed emotions.
shareFor, absolutely. Do it quickly and publicly. People shouldn't sit on death row for +20yrs.
It should also be expanded for rapists and child molesters.
I agree with "do the death penalty quicker" but only actually be for child molesters or child killers, anyone who had a proven interest in children and there was no doubt.
There's been too many people who have been exonerated after waiting on death row, if it's just a "normal" murder, death row should stay the way it is.
The history of the death penalty is horrible and atrocious. Countless innocent people put to death usually because they had no financial power to fight the charges. That being said I don't have a problem with the death penalty in cases where there is zero doubt such as with mass shooters. If the DP went away I wouldn't care.
shareNot sure if I'm for or against it, but it definitely should only happen in cases where there actually is zero chance that the guilty party didn't do the crime. Like an active shooter who gets taken alive.
We've had a few too many lifers and death row inmates get released on new evidence or because some evil cop lied for me to be okay with it currently.
The death penalty does not do anything to stop a psychopaths from killing people so it is not for stopping psychopaths from killing people. Psychopaths have no fear of death so they do not care. Prison also does not stop psychopath people from committing crime in general.
Was the death penalty invented by psychopaths to scare people who can feel real emotions? I can feel real emotions including embarrassment and I would seriously consider killing psychopath people if there was not any death penalty. Psychopath people know that if all psychopaths did not exist that the world would be a good place to live.
Death penalty to free up tax payer resources and make room for more sub-humans to reside in. Should also only be applied to folks that have absolute indisputable proof they were the suspect, everyone else no due to possible mistake or incomplete evidence of a innocent person.
shareTheoretically, guilty verdicts are only issued to people who are found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If there is a doubt, they shouldn't be convicted. The judicial system doesn't t differentiate between guilty and really, really guilty.
shareTheoretically, yes that's how it works. In practice, fuck no the standard isn't that high!
A great example is Russ Faria. A jury convicted him for life beyond a reasonable doubt, despite no physical evidence, multiple eye witnesses backing him up, and literal receipts showing he was elsewhere during the murder.
Against, but that's mainly because I don't trust the legal system to not kill innocent people. If a guy filmed himself including his face and id before committing a massacre I would be okay with it. Unless he was intellectually disabled/criminally insane that is.
shareCategorically against. I am opposed to killing defenseless people who do not pose an immediate threat to anybody. It is barbaric. It is not justice, it is vengeance. Having the government do it is even more offensive.
On a practical sense, the death penalty it applied haphazardly, it is not a deterrent and has death sentences have been issued to innocent people. It needs to go.
It's punishment for a crime already committed, plain and simple. It's no more barbaric than a system that allows criminals to roam free to do it all over again. Typical cluelessness from the high horse.