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How Wokeness destroyed a working class movement

In 2012 the media began to promote racial divide as a way to destroy a populist movement:


It was by design.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Yes, that is what that image is suggesting. We, as the working class, were on the cusp of a minor revolution, possibly culminating in a general strike. We could have put a choke hold on all the corporate motherfuckers. But the oligarchs know that being in the minority, their best strategy is to divide and conquer. And so they did. They used their corporate mouthpieces in the media to spread woke poison, causing racial divide and strife, and poisoning a whole generation of kids. Now we have woke degenerates being normalized in our culture and cohesion is nearly impossible.


Limbaugh predicted it when Obama won his first term.

The usual brainless Democrat party media claimed Obama would bring America together, Limbaugh predicted the exact opposite would happen, and like so many other things he knocked it out of the park.

Funny how race relations were set back 50 years. And gender anarchy was created. But these 2 issues obviously had nothing in common with the Obamas.


Obama could have united America. He could have bailed out the 5 million families that lost their homes, but instead he bailed out the banks that were responsible for the crash that led to those people losing their homes. He ran as a Bernie Sanders type of candidate, but governed as a neo-liberal corporate parasite. He, like all the other Democrats, betrayed the working class. Their jobs sent over seas, their homes taken away, their futures destroyed. It is only natural for those people to then, 8 years later, vote for Donald Trump. He may be a conman and a buffoon, but at least he didn't betray them and make them invisible.
Take this situation and sprinkle in a little woke divide and conquer and you have a society that is barely hanging on. Woke degenerates are being normalized, and their repulsive ideology permeating our culture, makes it nearly impossible for the working class to coalesce into a movement that takes on the oligarchy. This is why Wokeness must be eradicated. It is the poison that keeps us all divided. That prevents us from seeing each other as human.

———Terminating Wokies is not just a job - it's a passion.————


2012 was a focal point of a lot of things wrong in society today. The Mayan Calendar got it right, it was the end of society as we know it, a sort of end of the world so to speak.


I think you are right, with respect to it being a focal point. It seems as though it was the beginning of the end for our society, here in the US and the west in general. It feels like we are sunsetting. The only question is: Are we going to rise up like a phoenix from the ashes and become something better?
Right now it doesn't look good.
What's that saying from the Dark Knight: "It's always darkest before the dawn"? I hope that is true because things are pretty dark now.
