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Cassidy Hutchinson said she lied to the January 6 committee about a claim that Trump grabbed the steering wheel

Cassidy Hutchinson says she initially lied to the January 6 committee about a claim that Trump grabbed the steering wheel of his SUV and lunged at a Secret Service agent

After the deposition, she told the committee in a separate deposition that she broke down in front of Passantino out of fear that she had just lied to the committee.

"Stefan, I'm fucked. I just lied," Hutchinson said she told Passantino. "I lied, I lied, I lied."

In a legitimate trial that would be called perjury. We used to follow laws in the country. She asked for a promotion than 3 months later was a star witness for the Jan 6th committee. Sometimes things in life are so obvious it doesn't take logic to see there is a setup happening.

Nothing to see here folks, move along...


I had no idea the level of DC corruption until the last few years. Prior to that I thought watergate was an that looks like stealing candy.


in what way does someone lying make breaking into your opponents building to steal stuff "look like candy"


It's not the only lie..


New reports have said that most people lied because they were afraid of the Dems and didn't want to be canceled.


"news reports". aka Fox News talking heads with no sources. just like when Laura Ingram brought on a lady who "vote stealing"


thats what dems do, they lie and steal elections...


Oh my goodness still with the stolen election seriously?


it worked for the dems in 2016, they still think Trump stole that election...


Nope we are talking about you. He lost get over it.


Fake News! A Trump lawyer coached her to "forget" that claim. She's a hero for ratting out Trump Crime Syndicate!


Hah! That figures.


Really? Is Hutchinson the difference of Trump being a piece of shit or not? She’s far from the only evidence that could land Trump in jail.

As much as you’d hate to admit it, Trump has decades of evidence that has him neck deep in legal problems (plural).


Lmao! Another TDS putz.


Wake up, Trumps a piece of shit




She lied when she initially testified it didn't happen, following the orders of a Trump lawyer. Disbar the lawyer.


Case dismissed !!!


Imagine being so stupid you actually fell for that lie. Of course if you did you also fell for the Trump/Russia collusion lie. Biden got the most votes ever lie. The Ukraine/Trump quid pro quo lie. The mandatory injection will vaccinate you against Covid-19 lie. The Trump said the N word lie. The man made climate change lie.

But this time they’re telling the truth. Because the walls are closing in.

There’s a reason Democrat voters are referred to as lemmings.
