hey think if they repeat their lies its true. daddy trump has taught them that if they just believe misinformation hard enough everyone else will be swayed by their "alternative facts"
LOLL what? not trump was impeached because he tried to withhold aid to blackmail a country to find political dirt on an opponent.. and your historical reimagination won't change that sweetie
Trump was impeached because he wanted Ukraine-related corruption exposed. Corruption that would've impugned Biden, Clinton and Obama. You liberal fucktards always leave out the "why". Why do you support corruption?
So Biden wanted to remove a corrupt prosecutor who was looking into his sons legitimate busirma energy deal and replace him with a legitimate prosecutor who would look.the other way...ha ha ha ha ha
So the new legit prosecutor is continuing the burisma investigation??
Ha ha ha
Comparing people's political leanings from 20 years ago to now, is egregiously bad faith bro.
Were you even alive in 2003? I'm guessing no. You're most likely an edgy-teen lord, and have no real clue about anything before 2005 unless you read it on HuffPo or Slate.
When it comes down to it conservatives figured out Bush was a piece of shit and liberals figured out Obama was a piece of shit. Logical lefty is neither. Just an agitator
Based on his inane, contriving, redundant ranting, and the non-stop name calling, along with the competitiveness and the incessant need to win; I suspected the same. He/she seems to be a very disturbed teenager that is self-medication or in need of some.
I'm calling "YOU" a socialist because you are a "leftist". Yes, the very chart that provides clear evidence that a "socialist" like you is on the left of the chart. You are leftist and 100% a socialist...as per the graph.
BTW, there is absolutely nothing logical about a "leftist", so your username is an absolute oxymoron.
Prove that a leftist is not socialist or that a socialist is not on the left...wait, you already tried and failed miserably since the graph shows that "socialism" is on the left. Your syllogism doesn't apply...typical inept leftist strawman rhetoric.
Asshole terrorists from Afghanistan killed 3000 Americans, destroyed the World Trade Center and caused billions in damages and other losses. Losses we continue to pay for to this day.
A tyrant in Iraq, also a terrorist sanctuary, used up all his chemical weapons on his own people. Where's your compassion for hundreds of thousands of dead Kurds?
Russia invaded Ukraine, which is also Russia. Funny you thought it was okay for Lincoln to invade the South but not okay for Putin to invade an estranged part of his country?
Ukraine is not an ally of the US. It is where the Biden, Clinton and Obama crime families' dirty money comes from.
ohhh so now Iraqi freedom was about Kuwait! I thought it was about WMD's!. no that changed to spreading democracy. I can't keep up with all the conservative lies!
ill admit estimates are all over the place. but the lowest estimates show the Iraqi death tolls were 150k to as high as 1 million. with most settling on 500kish
while estimates of Kurds Saddam killed were 50-100K
so if Addams the bad guy for killing 100k Kurds, what's america in Iraq??
are we going to invade every oppressive dictatorship? whens Saudi Arabias turn?
Can you answer the question?
Did you condone the invasion of Kuwait and the war crimes committed by Saddam including mass murder?
You sure did say a lot more then that,.but the Kuwait invasion predates everything else as the main cause to send troops to Iraq.
It was to protect the illegal invaison of Kuwait.
After that Saddam would always be target.
Now the Democrat lead lynching of Gaddafi under Obama and Clinton should cause you anger.
Remeber Hillary said we came, he saw and he died and then cracks up.
What was the reason to hire rebels to take out gadaffi?
What was the exit strategy after taking out their leader?
It was a hit and run and Libya became and is currently a terrorist hot bed.
you re trying to change the subject because you have nothing
WAIT. Kuwait was the MAIN REASON for the 2001 invasion of IRAQ???????????????? ha the historical reimagination.
"Now the Democrat lead lynching of Gaddafi under Obama and Clinton should cause you anger. "
yes it does they should be charged for that illegal war too. damn that is going to put a wrench in your shit huh? I think you won't reply because you guys are sad little partisan cowards.
where did I ever once talk about the 1st Iraq invasion??
ohhh you somehow thought when is aid Afghanistan and Iraq. was when I said "Iraqi freedom". the literal name of there 2001 mission, not obvious enough? you really this dumb?
oh wait :s 900 billion..... still about 5.5 trillion dollars short :s
that's without even going into Ukraine being an ally fighting a dictatorship. while Iraq was legitimately an illegal war. even the US's biggest allies including Canada refused to offer substantial support for that war knowing it was one big lie.
its about constant outrage. if they do something 10X worse just ignore it or like one guy above do historical reimagining where for 20 years republicans were actually against those costly wars.
then try and compare a justified protection and arming of our ally against a dictorship. as the same as an illegal war and a failed middle eastern war.
so you are going to start fighting corporate tax cuts, getting the biggest corporations to stop tax dodging and same with the rich? welcome to the left.
No words, just show the numbers. Man YOUR special ed....
Just show the numbers. Man YOUR special ed....
Man YOUR special ed....
YOUR special ed....
that explains why you can't scroll up and ascertain the information I already provided to your question
yes 100% of course I agree with trumps statements on the Iraq war. its one of many things hes said I agree with. but see, im not a partisan hack like you. I actually think for myself where you wait to be told.
its why you were prob screaming in 2001 how anyone who didn't support the war was a traitor. and now that daddy trump told you bush is bad you agree with him. you are essentially a mindless bot.
im a socialist>? where did I ever advocate for a command economy? yes im just like the USSR because I want a slightly higher corporate, capital gains and wealth tax.
I remember all those debates in the USSR about changing their tax rate on their stock market right?
yes im on the left so "da socialist!". and you are on the right so you are a nazi correct?
you didn't actually address my arguement and me pointing out the absurdity of calling someone a socialist because they slightly disagree on degrees on things like tax rates. im actually okay with extremely low or no corporate taxes, but only for genuine small businesses.
stimulate actual entrepreneurs rather than just reward massive corporations.
no they aren't,. just like all conservatives aren't fascist, or anarcho capitalists. there's a huge variation across the political spectrum.
come on you are showing you are dumber than a kid who finished a grade 10 civics class! you are so stupid it hurts to contemplate how someone can be so confident in their ignorance and stupidity.