MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden does 100% more to cripple china th...

Biden does 100% more to cripple china than Trump ever did

and without hurting America.

crippling chinas importation of chips and making chip manufacturers leave will put the already behind on this tech China, years behind.


why won't republicans thank Biden for the courage to do what Trump didn't.


It doesn't matter, independents will know.


Democrats have an agenda against fossil fuels which is causing a shortage.
So recklessly the Democrats are using up strategic oil reserves used for emergencies.

Some of this emergency oil went to China.


1. ohh its a conspiracy to keep prices high and stuff

2. you don't know how free trade works.the government sold the oil. these companies on the global market, sold some to china. all of a sudden you want big government dictating what corporations can and can't do and who they can't sell to?

get your ideology consistent then come back


You can sell oil you produce and refine.
I believe America was exporting oil under trump.

You do not sell oil that is part of the countries emergency supply.

There is no emergency to even tap into those reserves. Just another reckless Democrat decision.


you do not know how the emergency fund works then idiot. try again. spend 5 minutes doing research.

honestly you will come off as less dumb than you are


You act as if the Biden Administration isn't trying to impose Price Caps on Oil for certain countries to create an intentional shortage and dictate who they can and can't sell to just so they buy the oil from those Capped Countries so they can refine it then sell it to Europe for Quandruple the price and they have to buy it.


It’s not a conspiracy it’s called supply and demand. You’ll learn this if you ever go to high school.


yes and show me the numbers Biden decreased oil production by, then show me the numbers globally. then explain how Biden is responsible for the global energy crisis and how an increase in US production would lower prices . ie give me facts. I doubt you will reply


Oh yes, the sheer brilliance of Joe Biden. Why would he cripple China, when he's in their pockets???


yes why would he do something he objectively did. when you can just shriek "no no no"

stop being a partisan tool and look at reality. I also never voted for Biden. im describing what happened.


Except he did nothing to "cripple China". He's in their pocket, that's the point.

I know you didn't vote for him, you're not an American citizen. You're a foreign loser who needs to get a life.


for the second time since you may be slow. I have you evidence of him crippling china. and you just say "nah uh".

you are in need of a safe space online free of facts!


Says the loser Canadian that lives in mom's basement. You really need to get a life that doesn't involve sucking off Joe Biden, Keeliar.


im on ignore yet somehow you see my comments and reply?

I gave you evidence, it upset you. get to your safe space


Nothing you say, post or share has any credibility whatsoever. That's what happens when you make a habit out of lying.


I lied... by posting a video that covers the topic? doesn't know what dunning Kruger is and doesn't know what lying is.

figure out the ignore button yet glue sniffer?


Laugh worthy propaganda..


facts that upset you. but try again.
