Monkeypox: Time to ban gay sex between men
During the Covid pandemic we had states here in the USA arresting and fining people simply because they opened their business.
Workers were told to stay home and businesses were shutdown, sometimes resulting in those businesses going away permanently.
Children were not allowed to go to school, not allowed to participate in sports, band, choir, drama club, or even play on a playground.
People were arrested for going to the beach, swimming, and famously, one man was arrested for being out on a paddleboard in the middle of the ocean by himself.
Families were told to stay home for the holidays. No large gatherings. States were fining people from other states who were found visiting family during Christmas.
Now that monkeypox has been found to be spreading primarily due to homosexual sex between men, will we see any of these states try to restrict or ban gay sex between men?? Even temporarily to just flatten the curve??
Answer: HELL NO!!!!