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Taiwan betrayed by the Biden Admin.

Should've stuck with the one china policy, not say you don't support their independence. So much for upholding Democracy. What's the point of it if it can be easily crushed by bigger nations like Russia on Ukraine and soon in the future, Taiwan by China? Democracy is a joke.


Mark Blyth: The Euro – an assessment in the midst of a European war | Q&A with Yanis Varoufakis

This guy, Mark Blyth, is an interesting economist, and in this short snippet of this video he talks about a Chinese guy, Wan Huning, who was invited - by America after getting an award to tour America as a sort of modern day De Tocqueville.

He traveled around America for a year going to all the Universities Political Science Departments and then came back to China and wrote a book about how America was, well - Blyth paraphrased it as "fucked". What did you do to your capital stock. Why did you send up all of your manufacturing jobs? What good does it do Americans to have 400 billionaires.

It is not so much that China is outdoing us, it is that we are just about forcing them to outdo us. Everything the US has been doing is classically wrong, and we cannot seem to get anything right. Now we have manipulated the world into this Ukrainian war, screwed up our economy, but screwed up Europe's worse, and mess up food supplies to much of the Southern hemisphere, driven Russia into the arms of China. It would be comical if it was a Laurel and Hardy movie, but this is our real lives being fumbled, by our own government, our own doing.

I think it is disgusting that China has to own Taiwan. There is nothing that justifies that but China's policy, and why did we dump Taiwan to give China all our jobs, and put ourselves in the position of owning them so much money, and giving them so much technology. WTF do we think we are doing, and what do we do about our regrets at this point?


If the world couldn't possibly have got this screwed up by accident then what does that mean ?


For some reason they are doing this in purpose.

They are making moves that go against common sense and economics 101.


Because those billionaires wanted to be billionaires now, not later.

Why make phones in the US when you can make them for a fraction of the cost in China (due to slave labour) but still sell them at inflated prices stateside?


im glad conservatives are finally recognizing the flaws in free trade and corporations and the wealthy betraying america to save a few bucks. welcome to progressivism


Eliminating pipelines and running with the mentality that fossil fuels are no longer needed is economics 101 will lead to an increase and demand for gas.

Why would people do this to a industrial nation?

No cash bail, prosecutors refusing to charge people with crimes. Criminology 101, it will cause an increase in crime. Why would they purposely want more criminals on the street?

The open borders mentality.
The numbers speak for themselves. Why do care about diseases and epidemics. Why not do health care before they enter the country the way Ellis island did?

Is there any concern for letting too many in? The risk of over population, lack of jobs, lack of resources, lack of school space?

Terrorist are pouring over the border and new Yorkers have been told recently to have go bags ready and instructions what to do in case if a nuclear terror attack.

These idiotic Democrats are in over their heads.


700+ billionaires in the US now and 600+ in China pre-COVID before dropping to 500+.

Actually, US purposely speak of this or its ex-generals or think tanks that do. They opening speak of trying to separate Iran, Russia, and China from joining yet don't think people can watch television or Youtube and see the obvious. Now they're joining ever closer, maybe something they've always wanted. Reverse psychology either worked or failed.

US had a much better position back in the Bill Clinton days in terms of military power to make Taiwan independent but now it's much harder as they keep making China richer, stronger, more powerful via trade and doing business there because of corporate greed. If we ever do go to war on China, you can blame Bill for bringing them into the WTO and all the corporations that sold their souls to China to make the quick bucks where you can sacrifice your life for so-called Democracy.


Biden does what's best not just for the US, but the world.


Thank God for President Biden.


/high five
