California bridge to never reopen.
They should now allow the homeless to move on it.
They should now allow the homeless to move on it.
This is what happens when there is no consequences for illegal behavior.
shareHow come you are only interesting or outraged when it it illegal behavior of races or people you don't like, but when the oligarch like Trump try to take over the country, or the oil companies raise the prices of gas for now reason and fire inflation through the whole country, I never hear you whining about that?
sharefirst, Trump is not an oligarch and didnt try to take over the entire Country. thats just propaganda spread by the left.
second, the oil companies starting raising the price of gas because Biden threatened to shut down the oil industry. remember his speech in 2020? they also raised prices because they can, its called price gouging.
then Biden blamed Putin, then he blamed gas station owners for high gas prices.
third, inflation is a result of flooding the market with trillions in stimulus and PPE loans, people were paid $600 a week to stay at home for at least a year, there was a glutenous influx of money and people started buying things they didnt need.
lastly, there are crime waves all over America because of defund the police and police were persecuted for doing their jobs. criminals are allowed to flourish because there are no repercussions.
Los Angeles is a democrat city in a democrat State.
> Trump is not an oligarch and didnt try to take over the entire Country.
Guess we have a difference of opinion here. I'm right and on the side of all the same people, and you're a rabid Trump supporting insurrectionist. Your Fuhrer will be in prison soon.
ok, well enjoy your new dementia Joe America. only good thing is you cant blame Trump now. but somehow I know you will.
shareYou know I will blame Trump because 99% of everything he touched turned to shit, or was just plain lies. You'd defend anything he did, and never have a single criticism, and we all know whatever you think, he certainly was not perfect. Criminal belongs in prison.
sharehe wasnt perfect but I still support him because our Country was going great until a mysterious new virus popped up in an election year. I can do without his theatrics but I think overall he led our Country well.
You lived through it but you didn't pick up sh*
The US has 5% of the world's population and 25% of the Covid cases.
That all happened on Trump's watch.
Trump purposefully got people killed.
Maybe you need to go back look at the real news and video instead of
believing what your Right-wing networks tell you that is getting farther
and farther from the truth every month.
> I think overall he led our Country well.
You think he ripped at the country well, because that is your goal too. You are anti-American. That's treason, not leadership.
Trump is an utter moron and an embarrassment to our country. He needs to go away as most Americans dislike Trump.
Inflation rate on Inauguration Day: 1.1%
Gas per gallon on Inauguration date: $2 and change
By the logic of leftards, all bad things are now the fault of current president, all good thing inherited by former president.
Make them play be their rules.
Trump lit the fire and then ran away pretending Democrats did it.
Lies and incompetence, virtually everything he ever did or said.
Now you claim to claim to think for and speak for "leftards" ( a term
that on any other social media site repeated daily or hourly would get
you kicked off for good, yet here you are ) to make some kind of point
I guess to support Trump - who almost 80 of Americans thing should
not run again, and even get out of Dodge.
>when the oligarch like Trump try to take over the country,
Isn't that true for anyone running for president wants to take over the country?
How come you are only interesting or outraged when it it illegal behavior of races or people you don't like
To be fair the kind of harmless fun being objected to on that bridge seemed to be being perpetrated by the white people he likes.