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Georgia GOP Senate Nominee Herschel Walker calls out Trump for being a liar

Georgia GOP Senate Nominee Herschel Walker has called out Donald Trump for being a liar now that he's taking credit for Walker's entry into the Senate primary race.

Walker explained in an interview with REVOLT TV host Michael Santiago Render that it was God, not Trump, who told him to run for U.S. Senate.

"One thing that people don't know is is President Trump never asked me," Walker said. "I need to tell him that he never asked. I heard it all on television that he's going to ask Herschel, saying Herschel is going to run."

"President Trump never came out and [said], 'Herschel, will you run for that Senate seat?'" he continued. "So, I'm mad at him because he never asked but he's taking credit that he asked."

"I prayed about it," he explained. "And to be honest with you, I was praying that God would bring somebody else because I'm happy. My life is doing well."

"But I love the Lord Jesus," Walker added.

No word yet if Jesus told him to repeatedly threaten the lives of his ex-wife Cindy Grossman, her boyfriend at the time, and her family members. Maybe Trump will take credit for that, also ?


Trump and Walker are friends and allies. Nice try though. Even hard left PBS knows that.


Thanks for this link ! Just goes to show you shouldn't profess to be a friend / ally of Trump because one day he will turn around and stab you in the back. And then you have to do a public interview and set the story straight - that your friend / ally is nothing but a liar who is trying to take credit for your own personal success.

Let this be a learning lesson for all the morons who are still licking Trump's balls - he will turn on you on a dime.


Perfect example of leftist lies. You people have no shame whatsoever.


Where's the lie ? Walker is quoted verbatim in this weekend's interview. Where is 'leftist' Herschel Walker lying ?

Do tell...


Where did he call Trump a liar? That's your word and you've obviously changed the context of the whole thing.


"So, I'm mad at him because he never asked but he's taking credit that he asked."

Did he use the word liar? No.
Did he state that Trump keeps saying something that he knows isn't true(the very definition of lying)? Yep!


Perfect example of Trumptwat alternate reality. You people have no shame whatsoever.


Lol WTF? If these are all quotes from Walker, how is any of it a leftist lie?


Fat Donnie will turn on Walker next. But who cares.


Ahhh - that 'alternate reality' Kelly Conartist warned us about !


Walker made his bed and needs to lie in it.


Walker better kiss Trump's ring and apologize. Nobody does petty like fat Donnie, and if he told his supporters that Herschel suddenly isn't the guy, his candidacy would be deader than dead!


The quotes in question with a video. Doesn't need to say lie but it's apparent he meant Trump was wrong/disingenuous/falsehood/lied. Also, there is no evidence that Trump told him to run. If you can find the exact words that he said it, post it.
