MovieChat Forums > Politics > I saw a guy

I saw a guy

Today at the gas station complaining that the cashier won't give him free food and saying he's homeless and that they have to give it to him. He then proceeded to whip out a smartphone to show proof of the law or whatever... I almost bought It for him till the smartphone came out.


What kind of free food?


All I saw was a soda... but he kept talking about food


Probably crazy or desperate. I only asked what kind of food because I know of a little bodega type place that gives free peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and water to homeless people if they ask.


He looked like white trash and was kind of young.. get a job bruh


Did he look strung out on something?


Not really. He seemed pretty coherent but looked like he smokes about a carton a day


I would have done the same thing as you.

When I worked in retail we had a married couple who were known thief's in our store. I finally caught the lady stealing a $60.00 XBOX controller on the security cam. Had her banned from the store.

They also had a 50k + car in the parking lot that they drove away in.


Yeah. Alot of the mare just scammers and fakes


Food will get you through times of no smartphone, better than smartphone will get you though times of no phone. A smartphone is necessary for anyone these days. How would you ever try to look for a job without a smartphone - if you have no phone and no home? Or, call the police or call the paramedics?


How did people do it before smartphones?


I'm no expert, I never had to, but it was easier in the past to find help. Are you under 20? 30? I don't think young people can really get how different the world was just 40 years ago.

But, for one thing there used to the these things all over the place called pay phones.


Exactly. And jobs were listed in the newspaper and on signs in windows. A newspaper was easy to get.


Our younger generation is almost frightening in their need to have to spend so much bandwidth working the buttons and flashing lights of today's technology and having such lack of knowledge coupled with contempt for the older generations. Most older people are just much higher quality people than today ... and by that I mean if you exclude the super-rich who use you and shine you on about how exceptional you are.

Honestly, when you look at the comments and opinions of younger people who are the ones to mostly post here very people older than say, 50, would ever post these blatant and insulting sexual comments, insults, extreme political views. My generation knew how to be civil ... most of them. The problem is that the ones that were hugely successful have turned on everyone else and blatantly manipulated society in media, and economically.


I'm 45


Maybe you remember payphones, but not the world in which payphones existed. 45 is young.


I used payphones.


Nice Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers reference!


Thanks ... didn't know if anyone would recognize that or not.


I'm an old hippy, so I caught it right away!


Me too.


look for a job without a smartphone

You can acquire employment with a flip phone. You cannot acquire employment without an address. A shelter counts as an address.

Donate to shelters. Call your lawmakers to get more funding for them. Smartphones are a waste of tax payer money.


I quit going inside a gas station. I always got behind somebody buying a bunch of lotto tickets or doing some scam to get something.


Same with me. And they're always wearing a MAGA hat and matching tee shirt. So sad to see.


Certain people walk into any store and take anything they want from the shelves as they think they are entitled to it.
Democrats tell law enforcement and companies to let these people take what they want without consequences


Look at this guy who can afford to go to a gas station - no need to flex buddy!


Never give money to "homeless" people. Donate to shelters.


How about I do neither
