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Is Biden and his party just wanting to fight overturning Roe Vs Wade for re-election purposes?

It recently occurred to me that Biden and his cohorts might simply be fighting overturning Roe Vs Wade purely to gain political favor in the party rather than actually following their personal values.


LOL the party that some the ruling has been the only of the two to constantly and consistently fighting for it for decades. so much so they've been accused of having it as a party "purity test"

are actually not for it and its just for political gain..

The shit you guys write sometimes. truly stupid


We know how much you love your hero Biden and his masters. I won't hold it up against you.


funny cause I voted trump. try again hard. now flee back under your sad Little rock you slug


Who cares if you voted for Trump or not? Things wouldn't have been that different even if he won, considering how ridiculous Politics has become in the last decade or so.


yes you are ridiculously man. bedtime dont say such dumb shit


I think you don't care much about discussing politics so much as being a troll on this board.


you came to write that the party that has almost completely, unanimously, consistently and totally (with some few exceptions) defended R v W for 50 years and is literally criticized as having too strict position on it (a purity test again non RvW supporting dems) actually don't believe in it.

you wrote a clown comment and got called out for it. the cry "you are a troll!" because you are called on your stupidity. go back to whatever hole you came from


Lol, I didn't say they didn't actually believe in it at all. I just said they are prioritizing using it as a convenient strategy to win points for themselves in the elections and stuff.


"Lol, I didn't say they didn't actually believe in it at all"

oh so why the f are you posting this implying they do...

"I just said they are prioritizing using it as a convenient strategy to win points for themselves in the elections and stuff."

wow politicians taking a political stance on their political position...

again why did you post any of this?


we are Trump buddies? why didnt you say so. thats awesomO!

maybe we can be friends someday. :)


Trump while a liar and conman, at least promised to do something about China and jobs.

Shilary, also a liar and conman, didn't even say she would and avoided it.

statistically you are more likely to get something done on those things with Trump than Hilary.

Unfortunately Trump bungled the China issue massively. Addressing China is a global, western multilateral undertaking that will take the entire wests cooperation to end or at least lessen and restrict our reliance and relationship with them and rebuild a strong west.

unfortunately just before/during trump "taking on china", we not only didn't have any plan with our allies to do so. He ACTIVELY insulted them, attacked them and even put on tariffs against them.

if you are about to go fight 1 big bully, is it smarter to get your friends to help with a coordinated plan? or insult and punch your friends before hand then go it alone?

I get why he did this. He either overestimated the US's ability to act unilateral. or/and largely had no plan and used to as red meat to republicans. unfortunately this meant it was not a serious effort and really accomplished nothing.

it was standing up to china for show, rather than an effective multilateral plan that would do so.


No, killing babies is the beast they feed. They want dead babies.


That was the first thing that popped in my head since they're losing on everything else and maybe too late to activate BLM, or maybe that's for later on.

We really don't know what they're going to rule in the end but at worst, it goes back to the States to control.


Democrats know that if universal healthcare happened in the USA that democrats would no longer have anything to run on and democrats would not be elected into public office anymore. If universal healthcare happened in the USA all the liberal news media reporters and liberal talking heads and other psychopath liberals would lose their lazy, high paying jobs and they do not want that. High status liberals want to have people fight over abortion rights because that distracts people from universal healthcare and lower class liberals actually go along with that "red herring" because lower class liberals are stupid psychopaths.
