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Republicans now trying to force Madison Cawthorn out of the closet?

Footage obtained exclusively by shows Rep. Madison Cawthorn, 26, in a car with his close aide and staffer Stephen Smith, 23
Cawthorn sits in the driver's seat and says, 'I feel the passion and desire and would like to see a naked body beneath my hands'
The camera then pans back to Smith who says, 'Me too' and then films himself reaching his hand over and into Cawthorn's crotch
The video is one of several exhibits filed in support of the ethics complaint drafted by political group Fire Madison Cawthorn
The complaint calls for an investigation into a slew of behavior that, the group alleges, has put Cawthorn firmly on the wrong side of a host of House Rules
Among the many allegations is the claim that Cawthorn provided thousands of dollars in loans and gifts to Smith


You can call me Bidney, Joe Bidney. And how do you write with a paw? lolz

This man is in serious decline on the biggest stage in the world in front of billions of people. It's pathetic, incomprehensible & unacceptable. Each time he appears & opens his mouth to speak, the democrats cringe & hope that he doesn't say something they can't "walk back" or deny that, it really is what he actually said. SMH


Someone's got a serious case of BDS to be commenting about our POTUS on a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with him...


They sound like they were being sarcastic in the video.

Who cares?
