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Marcus Lamb latest anti-vaxx Christian to die of COVID-19

Marcus Lamb, CEO and founder of the conservative Christian Daystar Television Network who was outspoken against COVID-19 vaccines, has died at age 64 after contracting the virus. [also had diabetes]

In recent months, a number of prominent anti-vaccination Christian broadcasters have died from COVID-19. Radio hosts Dick Farrell, Phil Valentine and Marc Bernier, who were unvaccinated, all died after they contracted the virus.


Are you sure they all died of Covid? Anything anyone dies from while having the virus is counted as a Covid death. Just recently a man shot to death was counted as Covid fatality.


Didn't they prophesy that Trump would be re-elected?


Fake skepticism! Doctors are educated, you are a Moron Chat troll.


What about the healthcare professionals that aren't taking the vaccine?


No, I'm not. Covid stats have been questioned by respected people.


What about the 1000s of doctors that are against the vaccine?

They have medical degrees too!


Oh don't forget how they manipulate "unvaccinated" stats.

No Jab = Unvaccinated

1 Shot = = Unvaccinated

2 Shots before post-2 weeks = Unvaccinated

2 Shots after 2 weeks, no booster = Unvaccinated

It's all become so, so tiring...


You’re responding to a vax koolaid drinker. Don’t expect logic or independent thought.


I know...


Exactly what is an "anti-vaxxer"?


The patched version of "Trumper" and "Racist"...probably a few others.


Anyone who has not gotten 3 shots of the covid vaccine is an anti-vaxxer.


Don't be dense, you know damn well. This board if full of anti-vaxxers.


I'm not being dense. If you can't answer the question, then don't bother responding.


He's trying to lump people in with the Jenny McCarthy disciples from like 10 years ago.

I used to think she was batshit insane, until 2021 happened...


Satan can only cut and paste. There are a few like this clown. They work for MC.


I have all my vaccines, including SmallPox. But being against a rushed mRNA clotshot that doesn't actually work, and gives a crap ton side effects?

Yeah, that doesn't make anyone a leftoid buzzword....sorry.


Exactly! They talk like it's a cure but it isn't. If it was, I'd risk the side effects to be able to eat in a friggin' restaurant again. All it does is moderate the symptoms. It's not a preventative cure. It doesn't stop it from spreading and apparently it does jackshit against the latest mutation. It falls into the category of, meaningless things liberals do to 'feel' better.


Collectivism is a hellava drug.


It's real easy, requires little effort.


How dare you you heathen! You probably bleed your children when they get a cold too!


They'll never take my leeches.


He probably died from complications of his diabetes, and they just cranked up the PCR cycles to generate a positive PCR test to get that sweet sweet covid cash... I'm so done with the bullshit manipulated data, statistics, and propaganda.

Plenty of ideologically/politically driven doctors have revealed themselves on reddit doing fucked up, malicious things to their patients so I don't buy these articles anymore.


Another fucking retard!


Yes, NPR are retards...we know.


Note they can't handle dissent or conflicting information in any form. They're really just overgrown spoiled children that need an ass beating.


It is fishy.

IF we assume this to be true.

Antivaxxing Christians die at a much higher rate than other anti vaxxxxers.

And possibly a SLIGHTLY higher rate than vaxxers.
Of course this depends on AGE and HEALTH pre-virus.

It's hard to prove anything when you throw around known pathological liars words as proof..


Article never said dying at higher rates. Only 4 out of thousands.
Christian preachers have followers who believe bullshit.
We should celebrate their painful deaths!


And you wonder why people aren't willing to have a conversation with liberal idiots.


Well that and leftoids(they are anything but 'liberals'), have zero ability to have a civil conversation.


None whatsoever. Part of that is that they live in a bubble where they don't get punched in the face for saying something inflammatory.


The 2 largest bubbles are Southern California, and the entire Northeast.


The cut and paste loser trying so hard to be relevant.


Gods will. Probably in imaginary heaven or rotting in hell depending on how televangelisty they were at reaping the poor to pay for their private jets.


You are one of the few right-wingers on here that actually seems to have the capacity for critical thinking

I don't care if anyone is individually skeptical about the Covid vaccine, but everyone treating this like their civil rights are being abused needs to read up on the history of organized anti-vaccine ideology and how it's largely been run by con artists and people with little regard for scientific ethics
