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Press Sec can't answer "Why give taxpayer money to people who broke federal law to get here?"

bizzaro liberal logic

DOOCY: "Is there discussion about giving people who came here the right way money?"

JEAN-PIERRE: "Why would we be giving people who came here the right way money?"

DOOCY: "Why are you giving people who came here the wrong way money?"


The communist Democrat media/party and their lemmings can’t answer any question without blaming Trump/Republicans. Been this way since Johnson.

Don’t believe me? Just ask one to answer any political problem without mentioning either.


They are literally flying them around secretly during the night and strategically placing them around the country.

They are being given credit cards with lots of gov assistance money on it.

These are people with covid and also prior criminals.

How anyone can justify flying illegal immigrants around the country is beyond me.


there was a news special in my city, we got 800, they want donations for food and clothing, and are currently finding them housing, they all got free tkts to the local soccer game, I guess muslims like soccer. meanwhile there is no initiative to help the homeless or those in poverty.

none of these people had any intention of coming to the US until their Country fell apart.

meanwhile over 15,000 Haitians were turned away at the border or sent home.

we truly live in bizzaro world...


"meanwhile there is no initiative to help the homeless or those in poverty."

America last, under the Biden AdMenstruation: A Bloody Mess.


Help for homeless:

This program needs to spread. Much better than dormitory lodgings.


Because that question is a BS question designed to make it look like Biden and Democrats are doing the wrong thing in being human. That is bizarro Conservative BS.

Doocy ... Deucey, well named, is a complete waste of time. It's hard to fathom why someone would send this guy in to report the news when all he does is disrupt with stupid questions. I didn't like it when the Left wing media did it to Trump and I don't like this. Trump looked sympathetic when asked stupid questions - just ask him serious questions and he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Now we have Republicans in there who pretend they do not understand the most basic of issues.


so you are going to reward someone that came here illegally vs legally?


Peter Dushy is just butthurt because he can't carry Fat Donnie's jock strap anymore.


It was a big one says the Dooce.


Her voice is as empty and dull as her eyes. They must have had to look long and hard to find a liberal dipshit woman dumb enough to be Freakshow Joe's mouthpiece, considering the majority of liberal women in Washington are idiots.


Do you know how Faux "News" found Dagan McDowell?
They put out a help wanted ad for hideous skanks.


Seeking asylum is LEGAL under federal and international law.

Kidnapping children and child abuse are illegal in which Trump specialized.


no one is disputing that fact. you might reread what dementia Joe plans to do.

20,000 Haitians were seeking asylum and they were told to go back to Mexico or were deported back home, meanwhile 100,000 Afghani's were flown into America and are being given free homes, wares and sundries. and are being guaranteed jobs.

no children were kidnapped, under the Laws set up by the Obama regime, no one was forced to illegally cross the border.

why give money to illegals and not those who immigrated legally? giving money away is just going embolden more illegal immigration.

how is that BBB working so far?


What about kids that came alone to the border? They have no parents or they abandoned them or Cartel separated them. Isn't that the fault of the Biden admin.s passive aggressive 'don't come but we won't stop you or turn you away if you do'? Are they going to get money too?


Kids have been coming alone for decades.
