It's possible that the three people being sued by Dominion will lose, but that doesnt mean they were lying.
Very sadly, what an American judge says in 2021, and what the truth is, are two very different things now.
Because in elite "establishment" America, the official "truth" is that Biden won supposedly "fairly", that means a judge will be forced to rule as such because if he/she didn't they would be shunned mocked by their peers and possibly railroaded out of their profession.
However that doesn't mean Dominion will get any undeserved money.
Since there is no sign of the government cancelling any of their contracts there is no case for saying they were damaged. It's unfortunate and terrible that Sidney Powell and the others did not point this put when there was an opportunity to dismiss the lawsuit - it shows that even they can be intimidated. When the case eventually comes to court they should point this out.