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NYT, MSNBC's Mara Gay: 'Disturbing' to see 'dozens of American flags' on trucks in Long Island

Naturally the unwoke called her out for playing the race card. A black snowflake.

"The reality is here that we have a large percentage of the American population — I don’t know how big it is, but we have tens of millions of Trump voters who continue to believe that their rights as citizens are under threat by simple virtue of having to share the democracy with others," Gay said in response to MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski calling for an investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

"I think that as long as they see Americanness as the same as one with Whiteness, this is going to continue," Gay said, turning to race and adding that "Americanness" and "Whiteness" needed to be separated.

"I was on Long Island this weekend visiting a really dear friend, and I was really disturbed. I saw, you know, dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with explicatives [sic] against Joe Biden on the back of them, Trump flags, and in some cases just dozens of American flags, which is also just disturbing … Essentially the message was clear. This is my country. This is not your country. I own this," Gay said.

She claimed Americans would continue to see things like that until the country was ready to have the conversation about "Whiteness," adding her concern that "a large percentage of Americans" don't understand the threat that it is.

"That is the real concern. Because, you know, the Trump voters who are not going to get onboard with democracy, they’re a minority. You can marginalize them, long-term. But if we don’t take the threat seriously, then I think we’re all in really bad shape," she said.


You shouldn't misrepresent what she said because it's important!

Her quotes:
"I think that as long as they see Americanness as the same as one with Whiteness, this is going to continue. "Americanness" and "Whiteness" needed to be separated."

"Essentially the message was clear. This is my country. This is not your country. I own this."

Her comment isn't about flags. It's about some whites who believe they're more American than people of color including Native-Americans.

They believe that people of color are a threat to the American way of life instead of being a part of the American way of life.

Whites don't own the American flag. ALL Americans do!

Long Island is notoriously racist. Decades ago, some whites moved there from NYC to distance themselves from minorities. There is a chapter of the KKK there.


I and most of my friends are Trump supporters. EVERYTHING you just said, is wrong.


"A Suffolk County correction officer, who was investigated by the FBI for alleged ties to the Ku Klux Klan, retired last summer after being charged with official misconduct."

You were saying...


lol!!! A klansman? You do know that there are like, under 8k of them in the whole country, right? They are the fringe OF THE FRINGE.

If you are using one of them, to support your claims about white America, all 230 million of US, you are setting yourself up to....

be wrong. very, very wrong.


You denied there was racism on Long Island. The article and the KKK headquarters there prove otherwise.

Your downplaying the KKK doesn't help your argument. Do you downplay the Holocaust, too?


You equated racism with someone having an American Flag on their Truck and a fuck Biden sticker

Well Fuck Biden and the only racist on this board is you KKKeelai


Twisting my words won't work!

The American flag still belongs to ALL Americans.


”Twisting my words won't work!”

This is definitely the pot calling the kettle black! There is no one on this board who can best you when it comes to “twisting words”!

Your words weren’t twisted due to the fact you agreed with Mara Gay’s statement:

”... in some cases just dozens of American flags, which is also just disturbing...”

By being in agreement with her statement you are equating the American flag with racism! We, the American people need to clean the halls of our government, including others who believe such nonsense. This type of belief is destroying our country!


My stalker is back!

The GOP is destroying the country:


True to your persona:

You are a Master of Deflection!


You're projecting, insurrectionist!

Beat up any cops lately?


My denial was for AMERICA as a whole.

KKK headquarters? WOW. Sounds huge. What was it? An massive underground lair built into a volcano, with sharks with frigging lasers beams?

Or was it more an office with a couple of filing cabinets full of most defunct mailing lists? With like ONE Guy sitting there licking envelopes.


You don't get to ignore a piece of racism by simply saying the majority aren't like that. As you can see on these boards some people are bigots. Racism will always exist, the sick thing is some people deny it existing period. Whether it be historically or currently.


As you can see in this thread, some people are pretending that the lone klansman, defines the whole county or the whole country.

THAT is the "sick thing", that is tearing this nation apart.

What do you think happens when you accuse a group of people of being racist, and they know that they are not? What happens when you keep harping on it? What happens when you get some of them fired or ruin their lives because of it? What happens when you marginalize them in society and politics and in whole fields of employment because of it?

Do you want to tear the nation apart? Cause what you are doing, IS tearing this nation apart.


No what tears the nation apart is when people will not own up to wrongdoing. People like yourself gaslight and refuse to call out racism even if it is minimal. I do not think a small sample size defines the entire country but it can not be ignored. No I want corruption to be called on either side whether it someone who is democrat, republican, or no matter their ethnicity, gender, religion etc. Stop covering up for wrongdoings of politicians.


Do you believe that Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?


No but I do believe he cheated on his wife, said grab them by the pussy, tried to censor Kaepernick and spread lies. Remember how he claimed Obama wasn't a citizen? He has people convinced the only way he could have lost is by voter fraud. So if he wins it's fair and square if he loses its rigged. What a great thing to teach people.


Does it bother you that people like you, spread the lie that he did say that about ws? I mean, how divisive was that, to tell half the country that the other half was voting for a ws?

That is the shit that is tearing this country apart.

The shit you focus on, small potatoes compared to that. Not to mention that the majority of that shit is false.


Straw man I openly said no I don't believe that. Since your position is weak now you are placing words in my mouth. Go ahead and go through my posting history and post the link where I claimed he said that. Have fun searching. Now you are in a predicament if you can't prove I said it you will have been caught in a lie. Especially since you asked if I believed it and I said no in this very debate.

No deflection and lies are tearing this country apart. Keep covering up for a person you don't know personally.

Trump said grab them by the pussy fact, Trump said get that son of a bitch off the field you are fired when Kaepernick kneeled which is an attempt at censorship fact. Trump pandered to the crowd that said Obama was not a citizen fact. Trump lied about the wall being finished when he was in office fact. Trump cheating on his wife okay the one thing I can't undisputably prove.

Other than that claim all facts. So another lie from you, the majority of what I said about him is fact. Just curious did Trump sign a poster for you or something? Why do you guys lawyer up for a person you don't know? Even if it's blatantly a fact you will defend him. I might lean left but I do not cover up for a democrat or left leaner. If they are wrong they are wrong. In your eyes Trump can do no wrong that's obvious because you are willing to lie for him.


1. I said, "people like you" not "you" so, drama queen much?

2. He was talking about the way women treat you when you are rich and famous, not telling people to DO it.

3. Kaapernick was disrespecting the flag and the nation it stands for. His bosses should have fired his ass. That is not censorship but firing an employee that is being an ass to the customers. He can speak his anti-Americanism on his own time.

4. Trump's birtherism was dishonest, it was not racist.

5. Trump exaggerated his accomplishments? OMG. He is the FIRST PRESIDENT to ever do that.

6. Trump cheating on his wife was wrong. NO one says it was not.

7.We are not "lawyer up" for him. We are calling you on hysterical accusations.


You don't even know what I'm like, you simply don't like that I don't worship Trump like you.

No he got caught. Again anything to excuse him.

It is the NFL's call to make not yours or anyone else's call. The NFL decided it was okay to do. They are a private organization just like twitter. Since like the NFL twitter is a private platform they have the right to censor Trump if they want to. Again it's their call not yours or mine or anyone else's. Also no he didn't disrespect the flag. He protested peacefully no law was broken, you just don't like it. The law does not bend to your feelings. If you don't like it I suggest you leave the country.

I didn't say it was racist... Again placing words in my mouth. It was dishonest as you just conceded.

Since others did it it makes him doing it ok? No sorry it doesn't.

Oh plenty of people attempt to downplay his affair.

Most of what I've said about him is true.


1. I don't worship Trump. I support him politically for political reasons. That you can't respect that is a problem with you.

2. Yes, it was the NFL's call to make. Trump, like any of us, has the right to voice his opinion on what their call should have been. I did not say Kaepernick broke any laws. I said, he is an anti-American asshole who insulted his employers customers and should be fired. And he should have been.

3. He didn't say he did it, he was making a point about what it is like to be rich and famous, about how women treat you differently.

4. I don't know what you mean by "downplay". Plenty of people cheat. It is a moral failing. It was a minus in the consideration of Trump as a candidate and as a person. I've never seen anyone NOT admit that.


You will support him no matter what he does. No I can handle different views what I can't stand is when people make excuses for his behavior. Him and Biden both are garbage.

It is your opinion he is an anti-American asshole I disagree. Trump has the right to voice his opinion as do you but it stops there. You think oh the NFL should do this. Again not your call to make. The NFL has approved it. What you think means nothing. Two options quit watching the NFL which you won't do. They won't miss boot lickers like you I promise. Or you can leave the country it's up to you.

Nope he is a foul mouthed idiot who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Oh I've seen plenty of people side step it. Clinton gets slammed for it and rightfully so but I will also slam Trump for it. In my book no one is exempt from criticism. Trump is trash and I can't stand him.


I've not supported Trump for lots of shit, just not the hysterical made up shit you people imagine.

No, Kaepernick's actions were very clear. And if they weren't he verbally explained that his actions were directed at the nation as a whole. He is an anti-American asshole, who insulted his employers customers. I agree that the NFL, has the right to take his side. I have not watched the NFL in years, , and with this, they make sure I will never watch again. Nor will I buy nike.

He is somewhat vulgar, but he was an older man talking locker room talk to some younger guys about what it is to be rich and famous. That you people got hysterical, is about you people, not him.

"Side step" it? What does that mean? Does it mean denying it, or does that mean accepting it as a flaw but supporting him politically for other reasons that are more important?



No it is quite clear you will blindly support him.

Nope disagree wholeheartedly. Good do not watch the NFL as a matter of fact I think you need to leave the country. I actually kneel during the national anthem to spite people like you. I like how arrogant people like you actually think the NFL is going to listen to your advice.

No he got caught and I have no time for foul mouthed idiots like him.

Denying it or finding a way to justify it. Go ahead support him but he will never get my support not in this lifetime.


Explain why you believe that those that support TRump so so "blindly" and don't give me a gish gallop of bullshit. Something real and concise that I can actually address.


It is quite obvious. Listen to things you have defended that I pointed out about him.

Trump demanded to see Obama's grades and birth certificate that is a fact! You then deflected and said that it was dishonest not racist. I never said it was racist... This shows you have a baseless assumption. I said from the start it was dishonest the end! It is like when I say to people that Derek Chauvin shouldn't have done that to George Floyd. People jump to oh you think it was a racist crime! Nope never said it was, now deal with the the criminal please.

Trump exaggerated his accomplishments. This is fact! Your response well other presidents do this. This does not make it acceptable sorry.

Trump wanted to censor Kaepernick. As I stated before since the NFL is a private platform they have the right to fire or not fire Kaepernick. Just like how twitter can censor Trump if they please. Funny how you conservatives do not like this. You are fine with censorship so long as it does not happen to your side.


So, your first evidence to defend your claim that I support Trump blindly, is where I agree with you that something he did was dishonest?

MMMM.... This is the point were we need to question if the problem in on my end, or on your end.


You said it was dishonest not racist. Why not just dishonest and that be the end? You are defending him from something I never claimed. Why? If I had said that was racist that would be one thing, I never did though. This shows you are on the defensive for him.


Because a. in our society "racist" is the line of pure "evulness", that once past, you cannot be redeemed, and b. most libs immediately go to it, especially in the context of birthism.

And I do not deny being "defensive" for him. I support him politically and you are attacking him.

The question was, is my support blind, or is your enmity blind.


Which shows you made a generalization about me. I never said it was racist. it was dishonest though and I don't appreciate dishonesty.

What I attacked are true things. Why defend his blatant wrongdoings?


Not all the things you attacked were "blatant wrongdoings", many were matters of opinion or spin.

And I do it because the idea that we Trump supporters are blind supporters is a harmful, divisive lie.


Most were true. Even the ones that were blatantly true and factual you still defended.

There are blind Trump supporters and there are blind Biden supporters. To think otherwise is ignorant.


Most were not. Keapernick verbally clarified that his problem was with the nation as a WHOLE. He refused to show respect to AMERICA.

You are the blind one here, not me.


Ok let's count them. Trump said grab them by the pussy fact! Trump was dishonest about the birth certificate fact! Trump said get that sob off the field fact! Trump exaggerated his accomplishments fact! Trump cheated on his wife ok maybe this is one thing you can argue. Most of what I said is fact!

It's not about disrespecting the flag. It's a protest that's peaceful. Aren't you guys the one that say protest peacefully? No one was harmed nor was a law broken. Your feelings and ego was hurt nothing more.

No actually quite the opposite. I can admit Biden is garbage you can't admit the same for Trump. You are a boot licker.


Ok, lets count them.

1. Trump said THEY LET YOU, WHEN YOU ARE RICH AND FAMOUS. big difference. And true, from what I hear and have seen. Your drama is bs.

2. Yes, Birtherism is somewhat dishonest.

3. Kaepernick issues a verbal clarification for those that were willfully ignorant. It was about not showing respect to the nation as a whole.

4. LOL. EVERY President exaggerates his accomplishments. Trump is braggart. It is a matter of style and not a big deal. You can not like it, but don't pretend it means shit.

5. Trump cheated. THat was wrong. i admit it. THe vast majority of Trump voters would admit it.

6. I'm glad you can admit Biden is garbage. But Trump was by far the best available. That you cannot see that that is reasonable, is you being blind.


No he got caught being a foul mouthed idiot. I am not letting you slide on that.

Not somewhat it was dishonest. This is what I mean about you defending him.

No it was because Kaepernick did not boot lick. Trump is saying it is about the flag to throw boot lickers like yourself into a fury. Kaepernick broke no laws and has the right to protest. Don't like it? Too bad! Leave the country.

Just because every president does it does not make it acceptable. Sorry bud.

Finally you admit he did something wrong. No lots of people will downplay his cheating. Trust me I have seen it many times from blind Trump supporters.

No Trump was not by far the best available. Bernie Sanders was a better option than both Biden or Trump. You are blind not me.


Nothing idiotic about knowing that women are impressed by fame and fortune.

And Kaerpernick has the right to express himself as an anti-American asshole. And society has a right to shun him for it. And it should have done that.

And this thread is getting weirdly tight. I'm done with it.


Yeah no he got caught being foul mouthed.

You can shun him all you want. Who are you to say what society should and should not do? Ego much?

Good I can't take your ignorance any more.


shaming bad behavior is part of a healthy society. A society that celebrates disloyalty from it's members, is a decadent and dying society.

Trump is somewhat vulgar, especially behind closed doors. That is a much smaller flaw than the shit the other candidates had. Or will have.


In my opinion it is not bad behavior therefore I disagree. Had his behavior been bad I would agree but it was not. It was a peaceful protest. No law was broken, nor was anyone harmed.

No I already told you all the lies he has told. Have you ever paid attention to his failed businesses and how he treats his workers?


Not breaking laws or being violent, is hardly the only standards for a healthy society.

Lies? He is a braggart who does a lot of hyperbole. His actual lies are less than his enemies. Far less.


So long as you obey laws and do not harm others that is all someone can ask of a person. Peaceful protesting, you guys simply do not like free speech. If you owned the NFL you would censor him. Good thing people such as yourself do not own the NFL.

Your defense of him is always well he is not as bad as this person. Isn't that a sad state of affairs the country is in if that is your defense?


Bull. Him being such an ass that he interrupted an unity ritual to express anti-Americanism, is worthy of criticism. That you can't see that is something wrong with you.

And yes, that a twice divorced vulgar braggart is, by far the best candidate, does reflect poorly on the current state of the country.


Nope. I disagree completely. You can disagree but no law was broken. If you dislike it leave the country.

And no he is not the best candidate. It is sad you think he is. It is only because he is conservative. Look beyond labels.


Or, I can call out the bad behavior and try to shame him as he so richly deserves for being an asshole.

Trump? Trump did not have labels when he started. He had good issues.


Lefties LOVE to give away their power, for free, to fringe idiots for some reason....I don't understand this mindset.

Why would you freely give away your power like this?


I wouldn't call them fringe per se, more like creeping mainstream but have evolved, adapted, changed themselves to blend in with a certain party nowadays. They've blended so well that the party they've blended into doesn't even see it until you look at their social media history and affiliations (usually after certain attacks or remarks made).


Yup. These losers have never left their little blue bubbles...they literally have no clue how the rest of the country operates.


The rest of the country drives a car with dozens of flags sticking out of it?





Specifically state which comment in this thread you find "racist about white people", snowflake.

(request 3x now)


I’ve stopped believing these people believe any of this crap they spew. They’re puppets reading scripts given to them. No one could possibly think this way. Fucking idiots.


Either that or they're too dumb to realize they are going to set back race relations years if not decades.


She's out of touch with reality that's all I can say.


“... we have tens of millions of Trump voters who continue to believe that their rights as citizens are under threat by simple virtue of having to share the democracy with others," Gay said”

As well as other unfounded, baseless claims.


My favorite is their flat out refusal to believe a deeply unpopular President, who didn't even get the most votes the first time around, could have once again lost the popular vote.


I don't think the words unfounded, baseless claims means what you think:

"She claimed Americans would continue to see things like that until the country was ready to have the conversation about "Whiteness," adding her concern that "a large percentage of Americans" don't understand the threat that it is. "

Whiteness a threat, eh?

A white man recently lost his job because of what someone else said. An Indian woman said she fantasizes about killing white people and not only was she not punished, I guarantee you most people haven't even heard this story:

Twitter certainly isn't filled with racism against white people: hate white people&src=typed_query


I probably could have worded it better, I was referring to Gay’s claims.



I'mma tweak this a tiny bit...

"The reality is here that we have a large percentage of the American population — I don’t know how big it is, but we have tens of millions of Biden voters who continue to believe that their rights as citizens are under threat by simple virtue of having to share the capitalism with others."

"I think that as long as they see Africanness as the same as one with Blackness, this is going to continue."

"I was on Long Island this weekend visiting a really dear friend, and I was really disturbed. I saw, you know, dozens and dozens of ANTIFA/BLM folks with explicatives [sic] against Donald Trump on their signs and through their blow horns, BLM fist flags, and in some cases just dozens of African flags, which is also just disturbing … Essentially the message was clear. This is my country. This is not your country. I own this."

"That is the real concern. Because, you know, the Biden voters who are not going to get onboard with capitalism, they’re a minority. You can marginalize them, long-term. But if we don’t take the threat seriously, then I think we’re all in really bad shape."


Anyone with dozens of flags of any kind on their car is clearly themselves disturbed.


And liberals wonder why they get accused of being being anti-American. These people walk right into it sometimes.
