MovieChat Forums > Politics > Imagine choosing Derek Chauvin as your h...

Imagine choosing Derek Chauvin as your hill to die on

There's never been one of these cases that was more obvious the cop was in the wrong. Besides the testimony of expert witnesses, the fact that the death was ruled a homicide, we've all SEEN. IT. All 9 minutes of it. It's indisputable what happened. And blind cop defenders are just refusing to accept the truth.They are doubling-down on their defense of Chauvin. This guy: is who you choose to make your buckle down, dig your feet in deeper, and refuse to change your mind in the face of evidence.

It's all fake. A sham. A "sacrifice" to the mob. The election was rigged of course too. It's not possible your actually wrong, it's everyone else. Again.


Makes you wonder who chose it.

Is it the poor left behind slaves in the Democrat party run inner cities? Uh no.

Is it the woke ignorant screechers who’ve reached their 20s without ever learning the ability to critically think for themselves? Uh no.

Is it the Communist Chinese run Democrat Media/Party/Big Tech who continues to enslave the black community with propaganda and propping up the worst in their community as hero’s? Ding ding ding!

“400 years is a choice” - Kanye West


Bahahahahaha @ you turning this into a "tHe lEfT!" rant. You people are GONE mentally.


You use of facts an evidence really makes your argument persuasive lemming.


What. Are. You. Talking. About?


see where you sided with the dead black guy instead of the clearly guitly white guy ?
Thats where , in the eyes of these fanatics , it becomes a Woke" or "left" issue



Spot on.


Imagine being a pregnant woman robbed at gunpoint and seeing his face everywhere held up like some hero. Then shitstains like you defending this career criminal scumbag

Don't start with the election bullshit. We heard 4 years of Muh Russia from you idiots




You obviously don't know a fucking thing about me. Floyd was GARBAGE. He was still murdered. His past has no bearing on what Chauvin did to him. One has nothing to do with the other.

I mean there IS evidence of Russian interference, but hey, when's the last time a fact mattered to you nutters? A cop knelt on a guy's neck for 9 minutes and you'll deny that until you're blue in the face.


It has everything to do with it when his name is run on the system and his rap sheet comes up you brainless meat sack

LOL more muh Russia fuck off


"It has everything to do with it when his name is run on the system and his rap sheet comes up you brainless meat sack"

Kneeling on his neck, which ultimately causes his death, was justified because he did bad things in the past. I have that right? His murder was justified to you, yes?


That tells the officer he is a violent felon and what to expect. Floyd shouldn't have tried passing fake 20$, he should have complied with orders and not ingested a shitload of drugs AGAIN

If I'm under the influence and involved in an accident that I didn't cause guess who will go to jail and be deemed responsible?


^Second That.Chauvin was guilty but using a violent criminal like Floyd as the face of social justice is ridiculous.


Kuatories here, here!


Like, they can't concede this one guy is guilty? It's on video and everything.


Even my racist grandmother thought Chauvin went too far kneeling on Floyd's neck killing him. Cut this guy loose.


I wasn't following this too closely, just pundits everywhere...

Was there any evidence presented, or at least investigated, about the reasonableness of Chauvin's knee tactic, IN THE OPINION of other law enforcement agencies that permit that tactic?

I thought I read somewhere that the knee tactic is permissible some other places. Maybe I'm wrong.

I know I did read that most places have prohibited it because of the risk of crushing the trachea. And since Chauvin did not crush Floyd's trachea, that would suggest to me that Chauvin was particularly skilled in the technique.


"Was there any evidence presented"

Aside from the 9 minute video and expert testimonies?

"Derek Chauvin’s attorney, in questioning pulmonologist Marty Tobin, is asking whether George Floyd having had COVID-19 could effect the elasticity of Floyd’s lungs. Tobin said no. "

"A critical care doctor called as a prosecution witness in Derek Chauvin’s murder trial testified on Thursday that George Floyd died from a lack of oxygen caused by being handcuffed face down in the street with the police officer’s knee on his neck."

"Blackwell asking if any Floyd's pre-existing conditions have anything to do with his death. Tobin says "none whatsoever."

Are you serious with this question?


I posted a USA Today story that reported that only 51% of Democrats believe that George Floyd's death was murder.

So I think there are issues that need exploring.

I think the question in my OP was straightforward. NO, it is NOT relevant to the actual conviction due to Minnesota's laws.


"And blind cop defenders are just refusing to accept the truth. They are doubling-down on their defense of Chauvin."

Of course they are. It's just like that StopTheSteal bullshit or QAnon. It's what they gravitate towards.


He OD'd.

Give up your silly quest to change people's minds.


Weird... the coroners report - 2 of them, in fact - said it was a homicide. The jury - which heard testimonies by experts - did too. Then of course there's the 9 minute video. Imagine denying that many facts because of your politics...


Not every "Homicide" is criminal.

Not every "Criminal Homicide" is murder.

Are you another proud alum of Nathan Bedford Forrest High School?


His mama sure does care about his schoolin son hmmmm mmm mmm
