MovieChat Forums > Politics > Two Asian people attacked in NY

Two Asian people attacked in NY

The attackers race doesn't seem to matter this time. Weird.

Whereas in these stories, race of the offender WAS mentioned.

‘My Ancestry Results Came Back’: Maskless White Woman Makes Bizarre Claim After Calling Black NYC Bagel Shop Employee the N-Word

White Woman Who Called Police On Black Bird-Watcher Allegedly Made A Second 911 Call

All in NY too. So odd.


More black white-supremacist attacks? This is reallllly needs a discussion.




What's wrong Keelai? You were super into these Asian crimes last week.


Into? No, attacking Asian-Americans and other people of color is your favorite pastime.

I'm AGAINST all bigotry.

Condemn ALL anti-Asian attacks!

BTW, where are all the gun owners who are supposed to be protecting people? So far, the only gun nuts I've seen have been the Capitol mob and mass killers.


Considering these attacks seem to be happening mostly in NYC and the Bay Area, both dem areas where it's hard to get a weapon, its your unarm the population fantasy coming true. This is what you want


I had the exact same thought watching the two blacks attack asians. Why isn't THEIR race being mentioned? Is there a problem with asians among the black community?


They are calling the first one hate crime though. that (presumably black? )guy will be charged with racism.


But why won't the news say it? Why won't the news or people like Keelai mention the attackers' race?



just so we are clear about your OP
Whats your point?
I know most people might know due to thousands of previous rants on this and that
but can we just take a moment to re state the beef?
otherwise pople just carryon posting tons of shit all at cross purposesd and talkimng about diferent things


I'm not sure how you DON'T get my point: Why is race ignored in these two latest stories, but brought up in other ones?


could it be that your two examples of white agressors being mentioned are not main stream publications,
they are "fight racism agains blacks" sites - so of course they mention the color

whereas cbs news might not have mentioned the color whatever the color


Info on the NYC stomper. What a guy he is, on Lifetime parole for murdering his mother


Saw that this morning. Fucking unreal he was a free man.


Covid release along with free hotel room. Maybe they didn't know at the time of who so they offered a reward.He will be out of jail before this hits the news and just another little charge added to his lifetime parole.


Asians the other white meat with them all moving to Florida.
