"Deflection attempt alert!"
Holy jesus I'm so glad I can't actually hear your voice. I guess there are still some small miracles.
So anyway how come Muslims aren't "homophobes" despite being frequently shown to hate gays when the'yre asked about it. And the fact that Mosque-dwellers (I dunno Imhams or Imclams or whatever) have been caught on camera teaching violence against gays.
A Muslim murdered 3 gay British men in a park in Reading last year. In broad daylight, in the summer. Just cause he felt like it. They were just sitting there on a bench I believe, bothering nobody.
You spew a bazillion judgmental labels such as islamophobe, racist, etc . - towards "Trump-voting hicks", who you say are the minority, but you don't apply any labels to a religion that has a 1,000,000,000+ members. Why is that?
Why do you spend your entire life judging and labelling a minority in the population but you don't say anything negative about a powerful religion? Is it because you're a delude clown with an intellect the size of a particularly small peanut?
If you agree that you need to book an appointment with the Swiss company Dignitas, please indicate either by responding without addressing the topic of violent ISISlamic homophobia, or by suddenly stopping replying altogether.