MovieChat Forums > Politics > If you post evidence of election fraud ...

If you post evidence of election fraud do you get kicked off the internet?

Here is video of Republican poll watchers being denied access to view the ballot count in Detroit (where they also used large pieces of cardboard to block the view of the ballot count) :

And here is a certified poll observer showing his city-wide certification in Philadelphia and being denied entry into the building:

The Gateway Pundit had their Twitter page deleted on Friday when they posted this video of a white van unloading over 50 boxes of ballots at 3 o'clock in the morning, almost a full 8 hours after all ballots were due in. The van came back about an hour later with another 50 boxes of ballots. No one knows where these ballots came from, but they resulted in a HUGE jump in votes for Biden, despite the fact that all ballots were supposed to be received by 8 PM.

Nope, nothing wrong here!!


"no evidence!"

Then they cancel anyone who presents evidence.

80 million people voted for a walking zombie who spent the election hiding in his basement. So much support that no one showed up for his inauguration, except the 25,000 troops brought in to protect the most popular presidential candidate ever.


Why a bunch of losers - not Election losers, Intellectual losers - want to continue to cry overt fabrications to deflect from the abject desertion from being Decent Humans in Society, I don't understand.

You want to be dick-holes and freaks, pretending to have a real point? Sure, but don't expect us to have any respect for your positions. It's ugly and divisive and no fun to be a part of.


I suppose this means we can put the Orange Man back on his thrown and CNN can start lying against the current president instead of for him.

I forgot to buy Cheetos for the Super Bowl today. Next year?


We dont know what would happen if someone posted evidence of election fraud since no one has done that yet


If someone ever produces evidence then we'll let you know.


I don't think the word "evidence" means what you think what it does.
