MovieChat Forums > Politics > At this point, a civil war is about the ...

At this point, a civil war is about the only thing that'll save the beast.

Luckily one side has 600 million guns while the other thinks store bought tits makes a dude a woman.


I have guns :)


Well then you may as well come on over to the winning side.


I am already there.


Doesn't look like it.


Never will. Can't support a position that is backed by treason.


There won't be a winning side.

We all lose.


Yeah but the right don't wanna do that real work. We saw that yesterday. If they were really about it, it would have kicked off when the capital was stormed.


It's because no one wants to be the asshole who gets shot while everyone else just goes back home to eat cheeseburgers and watch TV.


Exactly, you should go out and show them how it is done.


He lacks the balls and is only a keyboard warrior at best.


My god there are so many cucks on this board


Am I wrong though?


Being a filthy cuck shill is always wrong


Not as bad as being a hateful, delusional nutcase who fantasizes about civil war lol.


No it's far worse.

What's so bad is liberals are so retarded and myopic, by the time they've made the US a third world country they won't even be able to understand how good we used to have it.


Your head is so far up your rectum, you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not even a liberal and even lean right now many issues, yet you assume anyone who calls you out for being a racist, delusional asshole is "cuck" or "shill." Seriously, are those the only words in your limited arsenal of insults? Frankly, the world would be better off without people like you, as your only insignificant purpose is to further push the divide. The threads you start are so ridiculous I seriously can't tell if you're trolling or not. I mean, race mixing? Are you for real? Instead of worrying about the color of someones skin, how about live and let live? It might make you less of a miserable pos.


>the world would be better off without people like you

Tell that to Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta...

>Color of someone's skin

Do you honestly believe that all humans are identical just with different coats of paint?


>Tell that to Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta...

Tell them what? Your vagueness is further showcasing your disgusting personality. Honest question, do you use the N-word?

>Do you honestly believe that all humans are identical just with different coats of paint?

Yeah, I do. We're all just humans spinning on this random planet in the universe. Do you think non-whites are inferior? You seem to be beating around the bush and can't just come out and say what you think.


If you think I've been beating around the bush, then you've got a bigger learning disability than I thought.

Without white people, brown people starve to death.


I didn't think you could be any more ignorant, but you continue to push the envelope! Well done, sir. And you didn't answer my questions. Do you use the N-word and are non-whites inferior? Feel free to get back to me tomorrow, as its Saturday night and you're probably at the clan meeting having a circle jerk.


You're here hoping someone else does the hard work for you.

You're the biggest cuck here. Lol.


Please go get shot and get back to us!


What's it like being a cunt?


Ashli Babbit did just that


Karen down.


They might be willing to fight if we took away their bread and circuses. It's one reason the oligarchy got away with their shit so long; they blinded and distracted regular Americans with entertainment and food.


What? Are you on meds? Bread and circuses? You have to be joking.


Get rid of your bank cards and use a credit union.


Were you the one that chased the black cop up the stairs? Did you feel like a man?
