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What Has Happened To The Promised Doses Of The COVID Vaccine? Trump incompetence rears its ugly head yet again.

Clinton lied, no one died.
Bush lied, millions died.
Trump lies and lies, hundreds of thousands of Americans die and continue to die.

The moral of the story, when Republicans are in office, lots more people die.

1. At least twelve states are reporting cuts in their initial allocations of doses.
2. One governor is reporting that the total number of doses projected to be available nationwide has been cut by four million monthly.
3. The vaccine maker reports it is not having production problems and says it has doses in warehouses, but is awaiting direction from the federal government on where to send them.

The combination of no production problems plus doses sitting in warehouses suggests some issue with the federal government’s oversight of the distribution of the vaccine.

But it’s not exactly clear what the hold up is. The federal government has not offered an explanation for the shortfall in available doses.

The reduction was announced during a “CDC/OWS all-state call” Wednesday afternoon, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services spokesperson Lynn Sutfin.

Most disturbingly, Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker (D) suggested that the entire federal vaccine distribution effort was falling short of what had been expected. Federal officials with Operation Warp Speed have promised a monthly cadence of 20 million doses per each manufacturer per month. But Pritzker said that federal officials had told him that the Trump administration would only be able to distribute 4 million doses of the vaccine per week.

He added that his state would receive half of what it has expected of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine over the next two weeks.

In addition to Pritzker’s Illinois, California, Kansas, Nebraska, Maryland, Michigan, Washington, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Oregon, and Florida have said that they expected to receive less vaccine than federal officials had initially promised, offering different reasons for why.


It's fine ... I don't care. Let a lot of other people test it and see if it works and there are no bad side-effects. Then round about May or June I will see if I can get a shot of the Moderna Vaccine. The Moderna is single jab and appears to be the most effective.

I also have to wonder how many of these shipments are going to fail to keep the vaccine cold enough and they will be ineffective.

A few more years of incompetence like this and the Russians and Chinese can just ignore us while we destroy ourselves.


In Illinois (under Pritzker) they were planning on giving the vaccine to the prisoners first.

Just like Illinois to always worry about the criminals first!

Are they going to put all of the prisoners back in prison now that there's a vaccine? I have yet to hear about any going back in who were released because of "Covid."

I think it's a great idea to give it to the prisoners first. 😅🤣🤣


You care to provide a citation by Pritzker to prove this or are you content to just believe what someone on twitter told you what Pritzker had planned? 😅🤣🤣


I saw it on the fake news a week or so ago.


That figures. I did try to search for anything by Pritzker or anyone on his staff saying anything like that but turned up nothing.


Looks like it's catching on. MA plans on giving it to inmates in first phase.


So are you saying you're opposed to this Norma?

Do you understand there are real practical reasons to give it to prison populations first that goes beyond bleeding heart liberalism?


I don't have an issue with anyone taking the vaccine who wants it.

I don't want it, but that's just me.

I just find it funny that criminals are thought about first (not totally without reason though).
I could understand people being upset if they wanted the vaccine but a murderer or rapist got it before they could. Ouch.

I say give it to the inmates! Doesn't bother me.
Get their @$$3$ back in that cell asap!!

But here's a question. What if a prisoner doesn't want the vaccine? Should it be forced upon him/her?
My opinion, no it shouldn't but that can't be their "get out of jail free" card either.


Here's what I'm saying, I don't see giving vaccines to prison populations first to be as altruistic as you seem to think it is. I see it as a purely pragmatic decision.

Because while it's true these mRNA vaccines have been tested on a limited basis, we really can't know for sure all the downsides these vaccines really have when they've been rushed to market so soon. Normally the process of bringing new vaccines to market can take anywhere between 3-10 years. It goes without saying that in 6-9 months there's no way you can be as certain of all the negative side effects that might affect a small percentage because there just hasn't been a large enough population sample size for study.

Especially when you consider the novelty of how mRNA is an entirely new process never really tested at scale where RNA with instructions on creating what's known as a "spike protein" found on the surface of Covid-19 is injected into our immune cells. Prisoners live in very close quarters in a controlled environment, perfect to guinea pig a new vaccine on a mass scale for potential side effects. I'm sure US scientists will be observing these populations closely as they are administered the vaccine for potential negative reactions that are all but certain to develop in a small percentage of them. This data can then be useful for ensuring the safety and efficacy of their administration in the general population of society at large.

That's why I see administering prison populations first as going beyond bleeding heart liberalism. I actually see it as more self serving than altruistic.


Why the eff didn't that idiot call it Operation Vaccine? Did we need a cool code name for some covert operation?
Let's ask rump to explain what Warp Speed even means. Does he understand the concept, or is it just some dumb phrase to sell to dumb people? Warp Speed, Chekov, and I mean yesterday !


lol. Warp Speed. 😅 More like so fast that it turns invisible and no one can find it.


OP(original Poster) LIES and LIES and LIES and LIES.

He is a liar.

Carry on.


What did I lie about? I cited my source. Axios is reporting the same thing:

Is this just the trumptard MO to accuse without evidence?

Or are you just venting because it makes you feel better after your boy's crushing defeat?


Your sources are lying..they all lie


lol. Yeah everyone lies except trump right trumptard?

Got it.


No Trump lies as much as the rest of them...learn to read....I said "they ALL lie."


And you know this how?

Unless you're fact checking them yourself how would you know this?

I can confirm the reports are real because I live in a state where the governor held a press conference about the shortage of the vaccines. All the states mentioned did the same thing, some of them are GOP governors that are saying this. Why would they lie?

I'm sorry it's too difficult you to figure out what is a lie and what is truth.


I know because I read 1984.


Then you're just stupid. 1984 describes a totalitarian society. We don't have that here, at least not yet.


The people in the book don't realize they live in a totalitarian society...


Do you think any of these people on tv give a shit about you? What a joke!


I frankly don't care whether they do or not. You're the joke for thinking otherwise. lololol.


Otherwise what?


Like you would know what I thought slow boy. Do try and keep up.


Uh, what?


If you don't care why do you defend one and put down the other?


Why is it so important for you that all these people live?


lol. Are you stupid?

Actually don't answer that. I already know you are.


Ok, I won't answer your question...still would like you to answer mine though.


My answer is not going to make sense to someone with such a severely stunted intellect like you.

Less vaccines available means less chance I or my family will have vaccines available to us. I also realize you're just too stupid to know that EVERYONE getting vaccinated prevents YOU from getting it even if you refuse to get vaccinated because there would be no one to give it to you.

I would tell you to look up the term "herd immunity" but I realize that you wouldn't understand what it means anyway.

And having un-vaccinated members of the public is exactly how viruses mutate and grow stronger. There are two strains of Covid mutations right, one in England and one in Africa, that the current vaccines cannot treat. That is because of stupid people like you who either refuse to get vaccinated and think it's not important that everyone get vaccinated.

So why are you such an imbecile that this is all too complicated for you to understand?


So do you just care about you and your family or do you also care about the world at large?


If you died from not getting vaccinated then I can't say I'd care about your death much at all, no. Our race is better off if the dumb don't survive to reproduce.

But I do care about seeing the intelligent members of our species surviving and breeding yes, because I'd like to see our species survive in the long run. But if that were exclusive to people who think like you do, we'd have no shot. Sorry that excludes you from my empathy, but that's tough titties.


Why so hostile? That's all I was asking.


Sorry I'm used to being asked questions like yours by people asking them in bad faith.

If you don't fall in that category then don't take it personally. I'm just jaded.


That's fine. I don't take this board seriously.

But with covid... everybody's motivation...I'm not questioning them.. it's just, I don't know.... everybody seems to be running going crazy...not to say you're going crazy...I'm just trying to get a base reading on the world....


I'm not a doctor so I look towards what expertise and professionals in the field are saying to get a fair reading. I don't get the scorn that some have developed for those with expertise in their field of discipline. Covid is real, the risks are real. The fact that ICUs are at capacity demonstrate this.

Last month there were loons trying to break into a Utah hospital at capacity because they were convinced Covid was a hoax. That's what I legitimately consider 'crazy'. Not the professionals that are doing their jobs trying to educate the public and treat the sick.

We're almost over this hump if we can just get the vaccines distributed and people taking them. I don't get how people can genuinely be questioning the veracity of Covid at this point. We've had a year already for the reality of the virus to sink in.


Not questioning covid. Questioning the politicians.


Think past the disease...they want the fighting between sides.


Within reason. Yes, adversarial parties and partisanship is built into our political system.

But in times of a pandemic there should be unity to overcome national challenges for the good of the country because American lives are on the line. Trump throws that all out the window by turning PPE distribution during the pandemic into playing favorites, giving essential medical supplies and equipment to red states first that support him politically. It was outrageous.


I feel there is only one party. The Party. Unity is opposed to the can't control the people if they are united...and you can't have real power if they are united...


Basically I feel like we are being played, like in the movie 'A fistful of dollars'.


I liked that flick.


I did too. Hadn't seen it in forever though.


Lol, you skipped O'Bombedkids.


You mean the ones killed in trump drone strikes? I just didn't mention it because it wasn't relevant to the subject topic.
