Why are do so many want to ignore the will of the people?
Four years ago when Donald Trump was elected many didn't like it. We dealt with it. You're turn.
shareFour years ago when Donald Trump was elected many didn't like it. We dealt with it. You're turn.
shareyes...you dealt with it by spying on him, calling him a racist, saying the Russians fixed the election, let's not forget the celebrities trying to get the electoral college to change their votes, then there was the impeachment nonsense, then the covid nonsense. the news media's extreme bias with anything Trump did.... yea, you guys really sucked it up the last four years....you're right...it's our turn...Where's Hunter?
shareUh ... listen to him talk, he is a racist. The Russians did interfere with the election - whether they put him over the top, or James Comey's last minute Hilary Clinton announcement, or if none of it mattered, are the kind of questions we'll never be able to answer. Who knows? The impeachment "nonsense" as you put it: blackmailing a foreign leader using Congressionally approved aid money they desperately needed, holding it back until he did a little favor for Trump, that kind of gangster behavior should be automatic removal right there.
The Republicans were in the position of a jury saying basically, yeah, the defendant killed that man in cold blood but he's one of ours so we're just not to convict him. Not going to do it. They never even tried disputing Trump's guilt. If it was a Democrat doing exactly the same thing they would've voted unanimously for conviction and given stirring speeches about honor and duty, the rule of law, blah blah blah. You know it's true. Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell would've brought us to tears with their patriotic rhetoric. They're like life-size plastic action figures from Mattel, the whole lot of them. Totally fake.
Donald Trump is a lifelong criminal who put his lying, cheating, and grifting into overdrive when he came to Washington. Jimmy Carter was made to sell his shitty little peanut farm (which wasn't even profitable) before taking office, to remove any potential conflict of interest. Meanwhile Trump was open for business from day one. Using his office to shovel money into his own pocket any way he could. Violations of the constitution's emoluments clause that also would've been grounds for removal - but Republicans made it clear they didn't care. A Democrat they would've raked over the coals. But the GOP don't have to follow no stinkin' rules. Trump made foreign policy decisions based on what was good for his own finances because he was still directly running operations in the very countries he was dealing with, and stood to gain or lose money based on US policy toward them. Conflicts of Interest Я Us. That's the Trump administration.
If you're a career criminal the police, the FBI, and the DA are going to be "out to get you". That's their job. If you weren't constantly breaking the law they'd leave you alone. You certainly have no right to grow a persecution complex and whine about it! Oh it's so unfair. Why is everybody always pickin' on me?
Covid nonsense? We're closing in on 300,000 dead, and will end up much higher than that before it's over. This is no flu (except maybe the Spanish flu). All Trump did was the vaccine program. That's it. Not only has he obstructed every attempt to put masking and social distancing mandates in place, he's opposed testing, he neglected therapeutics in favor of the single magic bullet of a vaccine, and he's been riling up his supporters to defy health guidance like it's a badge of pride, like they're striking a great blow for liberty. Fuck Donald Trump. For all this needless death he deserves trial and execution. Hell, if I ran over a pedestrian street racing I'd do years behind bars for negligent homicide - and that's not even intentional. Listen to Bob Woodward's recordings. Trump lays it all out, he knew exactly what he was doing, that it would kill people, and he didn't care. Such a profound dereliction of duty is mind blowing.
I find it hilarious that they called him a "dictator" and an "authoritarian," considering a.) he didn't have the mainstream press in his pocket, b.) he never sent people who spoke out against him to prison or "death camps," and c.) not once has he used the military against the American people.
And yet the Left has the nerve to accuse him of the very things they have been doing, including censoring people they didn't agree with using Big Tech as their butt-monkeys, using the virus to make people's lives miserable and blaming it all on Trump, and lastly, having their useful idiots in Antifa and BLM go and destroy property in the name of "social justice."
They're actually terrified that Trump can turn this election around. That's why they are pushing the "president-elect" bullshit so hard, including bragging about the malignant sideshow freaks Biden is loading up his staff up with.
He was only prevented from being a true authoritarian because our democratic laws and institutions would not carry out his dictatorial impulses. All you need to do is listen to him talk to recognize he's a wanna-be authoritarian.
So how can Trump "turn this election around" exactly? It's those Democratic Institutions, in this case the Supreme Court of the United States that refused to grant the frivolous lawsuit filed on his behalf by the Texas AG, standing to even be heard because it was utterly without substance.
But if it were up to him he'd overthrow the democratic results of an election because he is a wanna-be dictator. How much more proof do you need?
Last time I checked, he has been following all legal avenues like a smart person would. If Trump had wanted to, he could have easily had the military and national guard come in to take over the joint, but he hasn't, has he? I have yet to hear him declare martial law.
He's also not the one who sent thugs to destroy public property, had big-tech censor people they disagreed with, had every major news station lie for him, let everyone at the top get away with being criminals with no oversight from the authorities, murdered people and got away with it, and forced all of us to stay home, even though we weren't sick.
How blind and stupid do you have to be not to see how you are happily giving away your freedoms to those monsters on the Left? Because honestly, they don't give a damn about you, they don't give a damn about me, they don't even give a damn about America or her founding principles. All your false gods care about is money and power, and they would happily destroy everyone's way of life to get it. And yet you think you know better, while you happily sign away your freedoms with their devil deals.
Don't make me laugh.
And by the way, we always suspected the SCOTUS thing might not work. Truth is, we don't actually need them. We were just testing to see if they truly would piss themselves and stab us in the back.
It's interesting that Texas has "no standing" in questioning election processes in other states, and yet multiple states have "standing" in forcing people to have unaffordable, govt.-sponsored healthcare. Think on that, if your tiny brain can process it.
Bravo, AmeriGirl!! 👏🏻
If needed, he certainly should declare Martial Law.
This thing with the SCOTUS only proves how broken the judicial system actually is.
The corruption runs deep.
I'm sure several of the justices have been at the very least threatened but you don't buy the toy for a kid having a temper tantrum.
This thing is just getting started, not even close to being over. We have 39 days to go.
Trump won and everyone knows it.
He's taken all legal avenues to be a whining baby who lost. See above why he has been prevented from taking it further, as we know he stays up late nights fuming at being a plain old effing loser like he always has been his whole life.
No one sent thugs in anywhere, you freeking liar. Big tech doesn't like him because he's a moron and a danger to the country. People Lie FOR him, that's definitely true, but the major news stations reported his treachery and ineptness truthfully. rump has let everyone at the top get away with being criminals, so what the eff are you talking about? Once we get to the Murder business, you are just an annoying poster with nothing better to do than sound like an idiot, lying through your ass.
How blind and stupid do you have to be to cherish what is dangled in front of you as being freedoms while the Wrong slowly steals everyone's hard earned capital, keeping wages stagnant and giving corporate tax breaks in exchange for campaign and personal cash. Monsters on the Left? Go to hell you heathen. You've sold your soul to the devil and have no right to hurl such invective when it's your own hate that is dragging down this web site. You make me sick you filthy cretin.
And no, I'm not laughing. You shouldn't either. You should have an ugly cloud of guilt lowering over your head, but you're just like your lord rump: shameless, amoral, clueless, reckless. Hopefully you never get that Driver's License.
they would prefer to obey the will of the dear leader
Sorry dude, that blackmailing of a foreign leader with Congressionally approved aid money not only happened, Republicans didn't even bother disputing it, they simply refused to convict him. It's called a jury nullification.
Donald Trump is a sociopathic piece of trash and the fanatics like you who believe his lies, get down on their knees and worship him like some kind of god, you're a disease infesting this country. Well your lord and master is out of office and soon to be headed to prison. Good riddance! People like you really ought to be sterilized to protect the human gene pool. But these are the dying gasps of the Far Right and you'll soon be irrelevant anyway. Go and believe whatever nonsense you like. Live in your own parallel universe. To be honest, who gives a shit what you think?
Trump won. Live with it or get over it.
shareIt is a minority of the people, the Libertarian Plutocratic Elite that hate democracy, regulation, laws and the government .... they want to do what they want to do. They want to override and own the government and enslave all of us. They present a fake view of the world through fake voices in Social Media, and by buying and manipulating news outlets.
shareTrumpism which has overtaken the Republican Party is authoritarianism. They want to replace democracy with a dictatorship in which elections by the majority doesn't exist.
shareAsk the Republicans, they have been the masters of the world in terms of voter suppression.
shareIf nothing else, Biden deserves to be terrorized by Republicans immediately with claims he colluded with China to win the presidency, with special investigations into his subservience to a foreign country, with constant impeachment threats and actual impeachment proceedings, with daily ruminations about his decayed mental state by amateur psychologists, with FBI and CIA officials actively undermining his presidency, with internal leaks of his presumably confidential conversations, with conservative Tea Party type groups looting Democrat-controlled metropolitan cities (again) and beating the crap out of anyone showing even nominal support for Antifa or BLM, and a new China-virus that completely obliterates any economic recovery plan he supposedly has. And to top it off, 100% blame for all of those things happening despite all evidence pointing toward the culpability of his political opponents.