But Trump Told Me Stock Market Will Crash If Biden Wins...
WRYY didn't it crash?!? Trump big brain genius. No way he is ever wrong.
WRYY didn't it crash?!? Trump big brain genius. No way he is ever wrong.
Because Biden didn't win!
sharecope harder
shareBiden did not win.
Scream all you want.
SCOTUS says otherwise, unanimously
shareMore states are going to file more suits...not over yet!
Also, daily reminder Joe Biden is still not President-Elect, and he hates you.
It's over. Biden will be president-elect on the 14th, and president on Jan 20th.
Keep sucking on that copium.
LOL... Joe Biden is the status quo, the establishment. If you think for 1 second he cares whatsoever about "wokeness" or "antiracism" or BLM or any of that bullshit you're delusional.
Joe Biden likes lobbyists, cronies, and swamp creatures. All his victory accomplishes is the return of Blood for Oil wars, Nation building, stagnant government, and sucking on the nipple of China...aka THE STATUS QUO.
You got played.
Trump is the ultimate crony. It's impossible to get any worse than having Mnuchin in your cabinet. Trillions upon trillions in Tax cuts for Wall Street, and pandemic aid to the wealthy, but scraps for everyone else. Endless "blood for oil" war in Yemen to satisfy the Saudis. And let's not forget him siding with "big tech" on Net Neutrality at our expense, and canceling the Iran Deal WITHOUT getting the money back he complained so hard about so Iran gets to keep it AND make nuclear weapons, lol.
You got played, kiddo.
No, u
shareHonestly, it cracks me up that you think Trump is some sort of wholesome person. He has been into shady deals all his life. Mob payoffs and all that jazz. How can you not see what kind of scumbag he is?
shareIf Trump told me it was raining I'd check.
shareThe Economy isn't a reflection of how well the Country is doing.
It's become a measure of how well Rich People are Prospering,
So if that's what America wants -- god help us.
What kind of idiotic post is this?