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An illuminating example of Trump and Republican lies and cynicism.

In the weeks before the Nov 3 Election we all heard Trump repeatedly express the cynical thought that after Nov 3 the media and Democrats etc. would suddenly lose interest in the pandemic. Trump argued that all the 'Covid, covid, covid' talk was just a beat-up designed to hurt him, that concern about it was insincere at best, and really that the plague was no big deal and that we'd have a simple proof of that on Nov 4 when suddenly concern about it would just melt away in the sunshine of a Trump victory. Trump went on to repeatedly insist that Doctors were cynically inflated Covid numbers to get more money, etc.. And lots of Trump followers repeated these cynical lies.

Obviously, however, the pandemic was and is completely real and serious, and concern about it was never just a beat-up or cynically put-on. Hence, since the election, the pandemic, far from fading from the news, has got much *more* coverage as it's got worse (as it was predicted to). Nothing's 'faded away' or 'melted away'.

If you are a Trump supporter or die-hard Republican, this easy-to-understand, clear, real-time demonstration of the President's corrosively self-serving cynicism and pathetic lying is another big offramp for you, another chance finally to repudiate the man and all he stands for. Don't be the last one to see the light, face reality, reject cynicism.


Does the fact you were lied to about Russia collusion for 3 years bother you? Probably not. 3 years. The Democrat media. The Democrat party. The Democrat appointees in the DOJ. No evidence. Zero. Not even a logical claim to someone with even a small amount of education in modern politics

Now they lie to you with their “office of the president elect”. And “president elect Biden”. There’s no such thing as the office of the president elect. And He’s not the president elect. He may be one day. But not today. Another Democrat media/party lie repeated over and over.

Does Bidens plagiarism bother you? Probably not. Or how how about Kamala lying all through the debates calling Biden a racist and sexual harasser. So was he those things? Or was she just lying at the time. She’s either a liar. Or she stood proudly by a racist, sexual harasser and pedo. Which is it?

These aren’t vague opinions and interpretations. They all happened. They are cut and dry. But we all know as a Democrat you could careless because you don’t care about honestly despite what you try to claim.

There is no question covid has been politicized. Just look at how the Democrats politicized it. They still haven’t passed a second stimulus. Something desperately needed by the millions their lockdowns have bankrupted. 6 months now. No stimulus Bill. But but, orangeman makes feels naughty.

Illuminating post.


*8 months since the first stimulus check


Does the fact you were lied to about Russia collusion for 3 years bother you?
Good God man. Trump at the very least solicited and accepted Russian help... which looked bad and warranted a long investigation given Trumps lying about his financial ties to Russia and all his aides' lying about their Russian ties.

Collusion itself isn't a defined/named crime but conspiracy *is*. Ultimately Muller couldn't prove that in large part because Trump repeatedly obstructed justice - he prevented lots of people from testifying, dangled pardons to Stone and Manafort to keep their mouths shut, and so on. Once Trump leaves office he *should* be charged with at least the 10 counts of obstructing justice that Muller identified. Ultimately, however, it might still be thought too disruptive to the life of the "needing to move on from the horror of the Trump years" Republic to bring those charges. So on one level the odds are good that yet again Trump is going to 'get away with it'. Damn it. But there's never been anything lying or dishonourable about the Russia Investigation itself, and it's truly galling to hear people like you insist, following the President's lead, that the whole thing was a 'lie' or a 'hoax'.

Can't face going through everything else you write (it's lots of tedious misdirections mostly). Life's too short.


So true
Both Don’s refused to be interviewed by Mueller.


Of course there’s no answer.

I’d say your ignorance is illuminating but it’s really not. We know what brainless Democrat lemmings will say before they do.


Trump is nothing but lies and evil. At some point even his supporters will not be able to deny he was a disaster, just as they cannot ignore Covid-19.

I'm just speculating here, but I think the reason Trump is so furious and talking about the voting machines being rigged is that the Republicans bought and rigged the machine ... and then some patriotic programmer put a virus in the code to disable their rigging, so when they expected to win the election and lost instead they were flummoxed and flaming mad.


Nothing but lies and evil? Why don't you elaborate. How is Middle East peace, evil? How are tax cuts, evil? How is getting rid of critical race theory that perpetuates racism, evil? How is utilizing the private sector to expedite a vaccine, evil? TDS proven.

Stupid much? Apparently so.


The evangelicals are freaking out. Paula White called on African angels to help the US election and they came and helped Kamala out. God bless those angels!


Lulz, GOD trolled all of them. Such a jokester God is. That or the one they've been praying to was Satan all along in sheeps clothing. If you can believe in a magical being, you definitely can believe in 'alternative' facts. The good thing with these evangelicals is they're good for the Crusades against foreign enemies. Easy cannon fodder.


It's the god of money (Satan), and Trump is it's prophet (Messiah).


Excellent post swanstep. Of course you will be labeled a Democrat lemming for your troubles, but it’s extremely refreshing to read such an intelligent and well constructed argument here. Thank you for taking the time.


What was so intelligent about the post? I'm curious to hear your breakdown of what you deem as "intelligent". Also, how was his argument "well constructed"? I'm curious to hear your breakdown of what you deem as "well constructed".


No you’re not, you’re interested only in bring wilfully contrary. That’s cool, but since you weren’t the person I was complementing I really owe you no explanation. We can just agree to disagree and, what do you know, the world will still turn. Everyone wins 🤗👍


No I'm not what?

You can't explain why? Because you're too lazy to or you don't know how to?


Or because I don’t want to engage with someone who is being obviously facetious in the face of an opinion they dislike. Surely my prerogative.


Your two posts have said enough. I understand now why you think the post was "intelligent" and how you think it was "well constructed". Your non-answer speaks volumes.


Well so far all of seen of you is lame insults towards anyone you disagree with which also speaks volumes about your character, wouldn’t you agree? That’s what I’m not interested in, life is too short to humor bullies.


I appreciate you looking at my previous posts. Then again, you could've just answered the question I imposed on you regardless, which would've shown that you meant what you said and you know what you are saying.

Apparently, asking "tough" questions is deemed as condescending and insulting to you just like Biden and Harris. Thus, the asker is rude just for asking a question. Another snowflake dem! Amusing.🤣🤣🤣


Trust me, if I find something you contribute to be intelligent and well written rather than just flat-out nasty, I’ll let you know 👍


Translation: You're too stupid to even explain your own horseshit. 👍


And there we go with the insults again. Why change the habit of a lifetime?

No translation necessary I was complementing someone on a post I found well written and you took it upon yourself to badger me into explaining something that was totally self explanatory.

I don’t mind that you disagree with me but why be such a tool about it?

You seem very unpleasant.


That's not an insult. It's a fact.

Clearly I disagree with your sentiments and instead of ignoring the post or replying to it directly, you responded smugly. Very typical for an empty-headed person. I wanted to see what you saw in it to reach your conclusion, yet you can't because your attempted explanation would just expose just how stupid you really are for all to see.

Go back and read your replies to me. They are incoherent to the point I would assume English is not your first language. All you had to do was not respond and yet you chose to. Do yourself a favor and don't respond since you have nothing to say.


Lockdown much?


I live in a dem state. What do you think, dumb dumb?
