An illuminating example of Trump and Republican lies and cynicism.
In the weeks before the Nov 3 Election we all heard Trump repeatedly express the cynical thought that after Nov 3 the media and Democrats etc. would suddenly lose interest in the pandemic. Trump argued that all the 'Covid, covid, covid' talk was just a beat-up designed to hurt him, that concern about it was insincere at best, and really that the plague was no big deal and that we'd have a simple proof of that on Nov 4 when suddenly concern about it would just melt away in the sunshine of a Trump victory. Trump went on to repeatedly insist that Doctors were cynically inflated Covid numbers to get more money, etc.. And lots of Trump followers repeated these cynical lies.
Obviously, however, the pandemic was and is completely real and serious, and concern about it was never just a beat-up or cynically put-on. Hence, since the election, the pandemic, far from fading from the news, has got much *more* coverage as it's got worse (as it was predicted to). Nothing's 'faded away' or 'melted away'.
If you are a Trump supporter or die-hard Republican, this easy-to-understand, clear, real-time demonstration of the President's corrosively self-serving cynicism and pathetic lying is another big offramp for you, another chance finally to repudiate the man and all he stands for. Don't be the last one to see the light, face reality, reject cynicism.