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Huge Legal Victory for President Trump in Pennsylvania

A judge in Pennsylvania has ruled in favor of the Trump campaign after concluding that ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day that were segregated should not be counted.

The judge also determined that Kathy Boockvar, the Pennsylvania secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked the “statutory authority” to change election law days before the election.

“[The] Court concludes that Respondent Kathy Boockvar, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked statutory authority to issue the November 1, 2020, guidance to Respondents County Board of Elections insofar as that guidance purported to change the deadline in Section 1308(h) of the Pennsylvania Election Code […] for certain electors to verify proof of identification, based on Secretary Boockvar’s interpretation and application of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision in Pennsylvania Democratic Party v. Boockvar,” Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt’s ruling reads. “Accordingly, the Court hereby ORDERS that Respondents County Boards of Elections are enjoined from counting any ballots that have been segregated.”

Caroline Glick:
Like I said, Pennsylvania is going to the Supreme Court. And it won't be pretty for the Dems and their "president elect."


lol @ this moral victory

The segregated ballots only amount to ~10k and they were never counted. The lead is currently ~54k


Yeah, wasn't this ruling two days ago? And no evidence that any of these ballots WEREN'T being segregated or were being counted. Since they're aren't enough or them to alter the outcome it doesn't really matter at this point anyway. Also, this isn't really fraud - it's just ballots coming in late. And people who mailed their ballots in with a postmarked November 3rd voters did so with the understanding that they would be accepted if they came a few days after the election. It's not their fault if the Bookvar didn't follow the proper procedures. It just points out what a discombobulated mess our system is with all the arbitrary variance from state to state. There certainly are things we need to fix. Luckily, this dispute doesn't involve enough votes to make a difference. I should also point out it's not like subtracting those 10K lowers Biden's 54,000 lead... because they haven't been counted yet and may never be. This ruling doesn't narrow the gap for Trump, it merely prevents it from getting any wider.


Trumpists grasping at straws out of desperation.


Those segregated ballots were already discounted because they lacked ID.

Come on, Trumpers. The con is staring at you in the face. He's using meaningless lawsuits to fool you into thinking he's actually trying to change the results. Even if he had an actual path to victory, this wouldn't be part of it. It would be a waste of time.


More problems than those 10K late votes. Multiple cases of corruption. Recounts need to be done with observers!

Morgan also referenced a lawsuit the Trump campaign filed against Boockvar on Monday, accusing the secretary and county election officials of violating voters’ rights to equal protection by favoring some mail-in ballots over others and of violating the Constitution by usurping the state legislature’s authority on election law. The lawsuit laid out ten reasons to suspect Pennsylvania’s election results are “irredeemably compromised,” and asked the court to prevent Boockvar from prematurely certifying the results.

Morgan announced that the campaign had filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to allow the legal team “time to confirm our well-founded theory that Pennsylvania officials have counted thousands of invalid votes.” He also repeated the lawsuit’s claims that Boockvar and other election officials have prevented the Trump campaign’s poll watchers from observing the ballot-counting.

On the observer issue, the campaign filed a claim in the state Election Court on Election Day. While a lower court in Philadelphia rejected the campaign’s claims, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania gave the campaign a win, ordering that observers must be able to view “all aspects of the canvassing process within six feet.” The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hear the case.


"Theory" lol. Courts don't deal with theories. Only evidence.


Your fat man is a one pump chump


Biden leads by:
148,382 in MI
54,726 in PA
36,866 in NV
20,546 in WI
14,149 in GA
11,434 in AZ

Recounts or litigation doesn't change these kinds of margins. PA late ballots were already also put aside and not counted.


Trump is going to turn out to be a bigger loser than the NY Jets this year.


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PJ Media is an opinion website focusing on news from a center-right viewpoint. Founded in 2004 as Pajamas Media, PJ Media is now part of the Salem Media Group. The website records more than 12 million visits per month. Ad Fontes Media rates PJ Media as hyper-partisan right in terms of bias and as somewhat unreliable in terms of reliability.
