MovieChat Forums > Politics > If " Diversity is our strength " how can...

If " Diversity is our strength " how can " We are all one " be true at the same time ?

Hasn't it got be either one or the other ?


You're definitely one.


And I guess you're definitely the other.




All one, as in one nation or one tribe or one big family.
Within the 'one' everyone is different as in a different human being with different interests, hobbies, friends, sex, perversions....

Are you dumb or are you even dumber?


They are mutually exclusive terms. But I wouldn't expect the woke brigade to be able to think at a level any deeper than a very shallow puddle which is why they think that there is no contradiction in believing both of them at the same time.


They aren't mutually exclusive, Saying something is "one" is a descriptor humans give to something that is often made-up of various components.

That is "one car". but its made up of wheel, struts, an engine, a roof, axels, an exhaust pipe. but if its missing any one is it no longer a car?

who made you the arbiter of what "we are all one".


Ya Quasimodo truly is this dumb. imagine being confused by those terms.. does this guy put his pants on alone every morning or get help?


YOU TAKE THAT BACK! He's special needs. Why you think he lives atop the Notre Dame? YOU RACIST!! He very bright, just with a lot of abnormalities.


Conformity or else. Toe the line or be depersoned. That’s the way the communist Democrat party leadership wants it. Can’t persuade. Can’t debate. Just censor. And their lemmings are too stupid to realize the fascism they support.


So, you are unable to get along with people that don't think exactly like you do. So now you are oppressed?


"why cant I oppress gay people and women in peace! And say horrible things about brown people! im oppressed!"

republicans in america


You forgot, you have to play the victim too. NM, guess that was included in the package.


"when will me and all white males like me have any political power in the USA for once! its about time we rose up and finally stopped letting everyone else have the power!"


You really this dumb?

men and women
city and rural
people of various states
trades vs academics. hell mechanics vs plumbers

This isnt even getting into any sort diversity you are talking about, which I assume means "immigrants and brown people"
