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Election playing out exactly

like I was hoping for. Trump is very likely on his way out and the Dems didn't gain much at all.

Trump is an awful person and embarrassment. He is a con man who never stopped campaigning. That's all he does. He riles up crowds and sells merch. He pulls the wool over people's eyes with rallies and merch. He has no ethics or morals whatsoever. His refusal to accept election results is just another example of his narcissism.

But the liberal mob has gotten out of control. Their behavior this summer is flat out inexcusable. They are anti-cop, anti-democracy, and think violence is an acceptable for of disagreement. Biden isn't a Socialist, but many in the party and many who voted for him are. I fear for the direction the country will head in when they get control. Biden will be the last moderate/normal politician we will see for a long time. The AOC's, Omar's, and Harris' of the world are gaining popularity with young people. And the right? We all see how fanatical they've become. The left's answer? To become even more fanatical. I don't know if we'll ever see another normal politician after Biden, it's all moving towards fanaticism. But for now, the balance has been kept.


American socialists are capitalists with reservations.


If you are saying they aren't as socialist as they think they are, I agree. These dorks claim they want socialism, but would cry about living under real socialism. These morons hate cops, politicians, and big corporations, but want someone to take care of them, LOL? Get outta here.


I think medicine should be socialized but also have private insurance for those who want it as they do in Sweden and the like, successfully.


How is it both socialized and private and why would you pay for it twice when the socialized option is coming out of your taxes?


In some cases you can apply for rebate on income disposed on things like health insurance. Or you're probably just rich enough to afford the premiums + whatever % of your taxes funds social medicine.


Hybrid system. Socialized provides a brief level of basic care. Private might cover more elective surgery, brand name meds, private docs.


Sounds like a ripoff tbh.


maybe educate yourself on different systems. it isnt hard. for example the NHS in England all healthcare workers are government employees. In canada all doctors and nurses are "private", but paid by each provinces health care organization.


Isn't that what I'm doing by asking about it? Why are you so fucking mad?

Stop playing dumb. The left has proudly embraced socialism the last several years:

"Liberal Democrats in Congress aren't shying away from the term "socialism," despite efforts by President Donald Trump and Republicans to weaponize the word against the Democratic Party in 2020.

Leaders of the House Progressive Caucus welcomed the term Wednesday, arguing that many of the government services that people have become accustomed to were also once labeled as socialist policy. They made it clear that as a liberal wing that makes up roughly 40 percent of the party, they would not seek to dispel the "labels" provided by their political foes and would continue to push proposals that are popular among their base, like Medicare for All and a national minimum wage hike."

"Centrist House Democrats Lash Out at Liberals"

"The rise of millennial socialism

Across the world, young activists are turning to old ideas. Why?"

"Why Socialism Is Back"


your first post said "If you are saying they aren't as socialist as they think they are, I agree. These dorks claim they want socialism, but would cry about living under real socialism. These morons hate cops, politicians, and big corporations, but want someone to take care of them, LOL? Get outta here."

Again educate yourself. progressivism is NOT socialism. Bernie Sanders versions IS NOT SOCIALISM? so who are all these "dorks" claiming to want real socialism????

you re a joke man. as the other guy pointed out they are capitalists with reservations. but still doesnt stop you saying dumb things. yes how dare people think amazon should pay its fair share and cops should be better trained and held accountable like other countries. "day are da socialist!!! dey hate da cops and da corporations but want da big gubernment to take care of them!"

honestly how stupid are you?

who is asking for a command economy? its made clear this was a political attack used.

" would not seek to dispel the "labels" provided by their political foes "

so yes republicans are just calling everything bad "socialism" so democrats reacted saying" "People like to throw labels out. If we go and chase the labels, we can waste lots of time doing that.""

fail. again this is what happens when people like you dont understand basic definitions and just throw out terms.

by your same standard, I could easily call centrist conservatives right wing fascists

So again who are all "these dorks" (you sound retarded saying that btw) asking for a command centrally planned economy? ill wait


I literally posted multiple links proving you wrong. Stay angry.


hahahah cant address any of my counter points. typical contard :) make bald ass unsupported assertions, runs away when called out.

another tard who doesnt understand basic terms and would fail a grade 10 civics class.

you just parrot right wing talking points like the good follower you re. Keep not thinking for yourself and showing you dont even have a high school education on the topic. I love when you guys come on here and expose your ignorance its hilarious ;)


Somebody didn't read the original post.


1. again nice dodging of all my counterpoints. are you such a coward in real life too or only on the internet?

2. yes you made a lot of assertions..... cool story bro... then proceeded to rant about the socialists/communists..

Omar, AOC, Bernie ect would literally be centre left or even centrists in most western countries......... but again keep up with your fear mongering insanity


"Omar, AOC, Bernie ect would literally be centre left or even centrists in most western countries.."



Ya in Canada for example they would be NDP or even liberal. Most conservatives won't DARE touch universal healthcare and any privatization is political suicide. support for universal healthcare polling around 90%+

The things they are advocating are already fundamental institutions in most western countries. whether its affordable education or universal healthcare.

Again your ignorance is showing. you dont even know basic terms of political science. and you keep running away.

again another sad person trying to put their feelings in and ignoring facts :(


"The idea that government should have a critical role in providing for basic needs of everybody to bring everybody to a certain standard is not socialism, but that's what they want to keep calling it," Jayapal said of Republicans' criticism. "I think that is the concept of democratic socialism."

""Like today, the quest for transformative change was opposed by big business, by Wall Street, by the political establishment, by the Republican Party and by the conservative wing of FDR's own Democratic Party," Sanders, an independent, told a welcoming crowd."

still waiting for the takeover of all private industries and turning america into a command economy. do you even know what that is?


show me all the people asking for socialism? you create straw men and makeup enemies in your head, then attack them.

you are an idiot


WE can play this out to next year and with no clear winner the presidency goes to Pelosi. She will then just say give the election to Kamala, And we not have to go through any time with pedo mental Joe as president.


Pelosi is going to "give" the presidency to the VP, LOL?


whom ever wins america loses


I just read the subject line.

I always suspected this election was going to be much closer than polls and ideologists on the left and right assumed.

As of now...this is just 2004 on steroids.

There wasn't a really surprising flip other than AZ.

PA, MI and WI were always safe for the Dem's.


I wouldn't say I suspected, but I had hoped. Trump is a compete and total piece of shit. I was hoping he would lose, but the liberal mob wouldn't gain too much control; which is exactly what happened.
