Election playing out exactly
like I was hoping for. Trump is very likely on his way out and the Dems didn't gain much at all.
Trump is an awful person and embarrassment. He is a con man who never stopped campaigning. That's all he does. He riles up crowds and sells merch. He pulls the wool over people's eyes with rallies and merch. He has no ethics or morals whatsoever. His refusal to accept election results is just another example of his narcissism.
But the liberal mob has gotten out of control. Their behavior this summer is flat out inexcusable. They are anti-cop, anti-democracy, and think violence is an acceptable for of disagreement. Biden isn't a Socialist, but many in the party and many who voted for him are. I fear for the direction the country will head in when they get control. Biden will be the last moderate/normal politician we will see for a long time. The AOC's, Omar's, and Harris' of the world are gaining popularity with young people. And the right? We all see how fanatical they've become. The left's answer? To become even more fanatical. I don't know if we'll ever see another normal politician after Biden, it's all moving towards fanaticism. But for now, the balance has been kept.