We're not coming back from this
Humanity - the U.S. in this case - has become too extreme and fanatical.
The conman in the WH is already claiming a rigged election and it would be a miracle if (he loses) and isn't taken out of the WH under some kind of force. He's a liar and a piece of shit.
But then you've got the left:
"Uncle Tom coon ass niggers"
These words need to be seen and heard, because this is what the left is now; the public, at least. And not enough leaders on the left have condemned this UNACCEPTABLE behavior.
It doesn't matter who wins. There is going to be violence regardless. Too many are just lying in wait for the opportunity. "Progressives" have shown all summer they think it's an acceptable form of disagreement. And people have outright defended it or pretended it doesn't happen. It happens on the right (Rittenhouse), but not as much. They defend it too. There won't be a Civil War - neither group of extremists is organized enough or has the resources - but these riots and small scale incidents are the norm now and will be going forward.