MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden would END FOSSIL FUEL PRODUCTION, ...

Biden would END FOSSIL FUEL PRODUCTION, destroying US and world economy. Faceplants in debate by reaffirming it.

Trump deftly pushed him into admitting it, securing a major victory despite the moderator's bias and incompetence in showing another huge substantive contrast between the candidates.

The Democrat energy policy is insane. Not only would it wreck states like Pennsylvania, Michigan (bye bye auto industry), and Texas, overall economic activity would grind to a halt. The economy needs the lubrication of cheap, effective energy. And this leftist push to undo all this good comes right after Trump's governance led to the US becoming the world's chief oil producer for the first time in several decades.

What great timing!


Oil is bad and should be phased out. Now excited to vote Biden.


LOL! "Oil is bad"? Spoken like a deranged statist who's out of touch with reality.


Coal has been a dying industry for years.


Then it shouldn't need government intervention to kill it off. Oil and natural gas, on the other hand, have seen innovations that have fueled massive economic booms in recent years. They're vital to the national and world economies. Killing them off would be an unmitigated catastrophe.


Not how it works Einstein. Just like how the market wouldn't kill off cigarettes, or the lack of seatbelts in a car. Do you normally set up straw men because you lack actual arguments?

He never said "end it immediately". I dont know anyone advocating it.

but its undoubtable that ur contribution of C02 from fossil fuels is causing man made global warming and an existential threat to civilization


His claim was that coal was supposedly a dying industry anyway, moron. Learn to comprehend what you read before embarrassing yourself by preaching clumsily regurgitated bumper stickers.

πŸ˜„ You know nothing about science or logical argumentation (including what a "straw man" is), But I love the backpedaling spin that Biden supposedly doesn't want to end fossil fuel production "immediately", as if crushing the industries vital to the global economy and human well being over a period of several years would somehow be OK. πŸ˜„


"His claim was that coal was supposedly a dying industry anyway, moron. Learn to comprehend what you read before embarrassing yourself by preaching clumsily regurgitated bumper stickers. "

Nothing I said contradicts that at all LOL

" You know nothing about science or logical argumentation (including what a "straw man" is), But I love the backpedaling spin that Biden supposedly doesn't want to end fossil fuel production "immediately", as if crushing the industries vital to the global economy and human well being over a period of several years would somehow be OK. "

hahhahahahahahah ironically that's what you just did. straw man. You dont like that I or he never said "immediately" so you are angered by that and pushing rhetoric. try again neckbeard


πŸ˜„ I see you rejected my advice, halfwit. I didn't say "immediately" either, though I mocked you for pretending that distinction mattered anyway. Even Hitler didn't kill all the Jews immediately.

Talk about a straw man...


"halfwit" LOOOLL> he thinks hes clever. next up "drool chin". I can smell the leather on the trench coat and see the fedorah and neckbeard through the screen.

yes he didn't kill them immediately. This doesnt mean he did. Im sorry words have meanings and that triggers you. and it doesnt help with your narrative. I have no misrepresented you at all. Ive simply made fun of you trying to play the semantics game when the word use was purposeful and clear.

"halfwit" LOOOOLL.


oh aren't you the guy who tries to use random old words to sound intelligent? and everyone just laughs at you?

"If I use terms and insults form the 1700s I sound smart!"


oh aren't you the guy who tries to use random old words to sound intelligent?

No, but I do try to write in clear English. I see that you have a different philosophy...
yes he didn't kill them immediately. This doesnt mean he did. Im sorry words have meanings and that triggers you. and it doesnt help with your narrative. I have no misrepresented you at all. Ive simply made fun of you trying to play the semantics game when the word use was purposeful and clear.

πŸ˜„ Sure, halfwit. Meanwhile I'll keep (really) mocking you for retarded word salad like that.


totally off topic. You lost so now you've decided to nitpick. this is what all you sad losers do in the end. try again neckbeard


Wrong. You lost because you failed to write a coherent post, dickless.


philosophy 101

'If he has a laptop then the assertions are true! he has the laptop so they are true!"

"any evidence of the assertions?"

"the laptop exists!!!!"

hahahaha dickless now? I guarantee ive been with more women than you. if you ahem a gf send me her #. she clearly has never had a real man with you. You probably call women whores cause they won't date you. then write on 4chan about horrible feminism


You're still spouting a straw man, dickless.

Your defensive boasting is hilarious though, if a bit sad.


defensive boasting? its logic and argumentation 101.. this int complex stuff.

You clearly are wrong. you know you are wrong, but too much of a coward to admit it

you dont know the difference between valid and sound do you..

so now me pointing out your fallacy is "sad" and "hilarious"..


STFU for two seconds and take your Xanax. You're like a little hyperactive dog dry humping all the leftists and barking at all the right wingers while chasing your tail endlessly. As Dwight Yoakim said, "Calm. The Fuck. Down."


are you okay man? you have an obsession with Xanax.. im seriously concerned you will do something horrible

yes im humping all the leftists. while I call Joe Biden and Kamala a corporate whore that id never vote for. and that the Democratic Party is corrupt and the two party system abolished. what a leftist! what praise!


Thank God you're not old enough to vote yet and of course, thank God for Xanax, right snowflake?🀣🀣🀣


are you on lots of Xanax? does it stop you ending it?


Calling the raving moron "dickless" really seemed to strike a nerve.


The punk is so high strung, any little thing sets him off on a full out tantrum. Pathetic. Amusing, but pathetic.


I dont do drugs and barely drink. but whatever helps you dinosaur. dont do anything horrible if you run out of your Xanax...


Well then start. You spaz out here constantly like a kid goofed up on sugar all of the time. Dude. Tell your mom to refill your prescription. She'll thank you for it and of course she'll thank God for Xanax. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


goofed up on sugar...... retardation detected...


You realized you're retarded? Just now? Well it explains why you're so slow. Now take a Xanax before you get triggered again. 😁😁😁


it just makes me laugh at your own issue with impotence. it makes the "halfwit" comment make sense as well.

its a cliche but those two go hand in hand with impotent neckbeard incels trying to sound intelligent. You seem to inadvertently hit all the stereotypes.


The punk is so high strung, any little thing sets him off on a full out tantrum. Pathetic. Amusing, but pathetic.

The insecure little freak is still spamming up threads with his defensive blustering and projection laced rants. πŸ˜„ It's quite a meltdown.


Biden wants to shut down the oil and coal and nuclear industries

Joe Biden's promise to destroy the oil and coal industries (and prohibit nuclear plants), may be the biggest miscalculation in the history of American presidential debates. During the height of American dependence on Middle Eastern oil, the US inflation rate soared to as high as 14.8% and unemployment as high as 7.9%. (The unemployment rate under Obama-Biden was as high as 9.9%, much higher for blacks and Hispanics.)

President Trump noted some of the states whose economies would be shattered by job losses from Biden and AOC's Democrat platform plans (Texas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio.) But the real cost would be the soaring cost of energy and how that would be felt across the whole country. President Jimmy Carter established the Department of Energy with lofty goals similar to Liar Joe Biden's. The green energy projects were not cost effective in the 1970-1980's and that hasn't really changed.


Dems and climate alarmist baffle me with the negativity on nuclear. It produces zero carbon emissions. It's extremely clean and the amount of energy to waste ratio is very high. Also, the plant footprint is small in comparison to solar and wind farms. Look at the nuclear plant accidents? 3 mile island, which wasn't a meltdown and nobody killed, Cherynobyl due to poor regs and poor construction and Fukushima, due to the tsunami.

You'd think people that really want clean air would be pro nuclear, but the tree hugging eco-terrorist say it's bad so stupid and backwards.


Man made global warming is a fact. But yes I agree nuclear is our best option.

modern technology has made a meltdown almost impossible.


That's because this isn't about the pseudoscience of "man-made climate change". A once legitimate environmental movement focused on conservation, clean air, and clean water was hijacked by socialists decades ago and repurposed as a mechanism for centralizing government power over the global economy and individuals' lives.

This twisted version of leftist radicalism is made up of Luddites who hate civilization and the human race.


The biggest mistake Democrats can ever make is telling you what they really think.


Aren't these greenie idiots aware that America is not ready to completely rely on alternate energy? Shutting down fossil fuel plants will do nothing but cause people to lose their jobs, and have power outages all over the place, regardless of how many windmills or solar planels have been built. I saw it myself during the heat dome incident in CA, and talked to an Australian whose country has had issues in their "summertime" (AKA winter).

Are these idiots also not aware of how many petroleum byproducts we use? Only a portion of that oil drilled up from the ground goes towards fueling cars, boats and airplanes. A lot of it goes towards making things like plastic, nylon, rubber, and a lot of other everyday items.


Great point that isn't made often enough. Ending fossil fuel production would eliminate a vast amount of goods consumers buy daily, not just most vehicles and power plants.
