I think it's because of the name. There are those who really think it's about black lives, about them actually mattering--and I doubt anyone disputes that. There's nothing wrong with the phrase, just the organization itself and what they stand for.
He's playing it smart by only calling out Antifa.
In his second term I wouldn't be surprised if he started labeling BLM the Marxist terrorist organization they actually are.
It's possible he doesn't know but that's highly unlikely.
BTW, here's a great example of how us Trump supporters don't follow everything he says or in this case, doesn't say! You guys here are always harping on how we supposedly do this but we ALL think for ourselves. 👍🏻
Who said "I do the rest?" You're making a big assumption! I just pointed it out to UV who regularly makes comments about how we hang on his every word and follow him like little puppies.
There's things I disagree with him about. There's many things I have said way before I ever heard him said it.
But the right deals with logical and free thinking.
The left has to be told what to think.
The left and Bernie wing has to be told what to think so much bunch of them didn't vote for Hilary and lost her the election and probably won't vote for Biden. While republicans get in line like good sheep. Especially the top politicians who trump called names, said their wives were ugly, said their dads were part of murder plots and said disgusting things. Ya such free thinking men...
Hows this massive government spending going? even pre covid trump was spending like a drunk sailor. I thought you guys hated that. Now you love it
All you guys do is follow and tout the party line.. But whatever helps you man
You laugh at progressives because Hillary lost, yet progressives are the reason Trump had a chance to win. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were screaming for a populist and all Hillary was doing was campaigning in Florida and giving Wall Street speeches. Michael Moore and progressives were telling the DNC to campaign in the rust belt and the DNC literally told them to "fuck off."
But you say progressives are the ones upset that Hillary lost because it makes you feel good.
You give Trump a pass on everything because you are addicted to his personality. There's no legislation from Trump that has affected you in any way. Even Trump's most famous legislation, his tax cuts, were standard republican fare created by the same banking institutions they always are. Trump just stamped his name on them like everything else in his life.
But you say he made America great again because it makes you feel good.
You don't vote based on facts. You vote on your feelings. He uses words that are specifically designed to insult the other side, and it makes you swoon. And that's also why he's going to lose.
He can't criticize BLM because it kills his chances of winning. But he's so damn transparent that not even his friend Kanye being on the ballot to steal black votes from democrats will be enough to save him. That would work for any other republican.
If the DNC told the progressives to "fuck off", then why doesn't Biden piss on the New Green Deal? Why does he model his bullshit deal from the New Green Deal??? Is Biden a progressive???
The progressives want to pack the courts, yes? Well then if the DNC to them to "fuck off", then why doesn't Biden just come out and say they won't pack the courts??? Pandering, isn't he?
The progressives want to ban fracking, yes? Well then if the DNC to them to "fuck off", then why didn't Biden come out during the primaries and say he won't ban fracking? Why such a two-faced approach? Pandering, wasn't he?
The progressives are pro Anti-Fa, yes? Well then if the DNC to them to "fuck off", then why doesn't Biden just straight up and acknowledge them and condemn all of their actions??? Pandering again.
BLM is an openly Marxist organization. How hasn't he criticized BLM when he constantly condemns America becoming socialist???
Not only do you suffer from oppressive white guilt and continue to hypocritically fail to give up your ill-gotten gains due to your white privilege, you are still racists towards blacks. Why don't you just stopping being a hypocrite and save the Xanax for people who really need it.
Yeah that first debate really chipped away at Biden's base, exactly what Trump wanted.
- He got Biden to reject the green new deal, loosing any of the bernie voters
- He got so many things on record from Biden, packing the courts (the non answer), his son (which is coming up now) yeah countless things
Also you know whats funny, due to Hunter Biden's child porn hard drive and all the business dealings in black and white (never trust a crack head) Joe Biden has told the media he wont be out till THURSDAY.
Less than TWO WEEKS AWAY the presidential candidate is not campaigning! COME ON MAN!
You have emotional language for a person that talks about the other side being guided by feelings
Under President Trump’s leadership, Congress passed historic tax cuts and relief for hard-working Americans. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act:
Is the first major tax reform signed in 30 years.
- Provided tax relief for 82% of middle-class families.
- Doubled the Child Tax Credit proving an additional $1,000 per child in tax relief for working parents.
- Nearly doubled the standard deduction, a change that simplified the tax filing process for millions of Americans.
U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth has soared under President Trump, topping 3% in 4 quarters under his administration.
- 2018 annual GDP growth was 2.9%
- In the first quarter of 2019 GDP growth was 3.1%
President Trump is unleashing economic growth and jobs. Since his election, the Trump administration’s pro-growth policies have generated 6 million new jobs, the unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest point in 50 years, and wages have grown at more than 3% for 10 months in a row.
- The manufacturing industry created nearly half a million new jobs.
- 625,000 new construction jobs have been created since President Trump took office.
- Hispanic, Asian and African American unemployment rates have all reached record lows under President Trump.
- There are more than a million more job openings than unemployed persons in the U.S.
All of Trump's accomplishments are piggybacking off of Obama's stable economy. It's growth at the same rate as the few years before he got in office.
It's not even what his supporters care about. They are in it for the cult of personality that Trump represents. They like the words he says. The words he says puts off the majority, that's why the majority is emotionally against him.
Then there's the fact that literally half of his supporters believe democrats are child rapitsts. That is what Roger Stone's pizzagate has done to the country. There's no defending that level of insanity.
No Middle East peace deals are piggybacks off of Obama. In fact, they are all contradictory to Obama policy.
Tax cuts are piggyback off of Obama? Seriously?
Pulling out of the Paris accords is a piggyback off of Obama??? News to me.
Pressure on China trade? Obama and Biden perfected their kowtowing during their tenure.
USMCA? You think Obama would've replaced NAFTA???
Ignorance and Idiocy once again, eh white guilt? Now go sit in the corner and put your dunce cap back on. Remember, it's not to remind people you're stupid. It's to remind you.
So are they gonna take turns kissing this woman's ass and worshiping her for an hour? They already did it for O'asshole, shouldn't be much different for this chick.
They tried to kidnap , torture, and kill the Governor of Minnesota!
Oh, no, wait...that was the Trump-supporting white supremacist group 'The Wolverine Watchmen'. One of the many Trump-loving domestic terrorist groups which Trumptards try to ignore.
It was an online sting operation which was close to entrapment, the kidnapping.
Its not that we deny it RE: that group (first I've heard of it, but I'm not surprised, there are racists that exist, yes.)
Its more so, they are individuals and they are responsible for their own actions, the exact same goes for me.
The left are the people that have this collectivist mindset, and thus, they project it onto the world, assuming everyone is a collectivist, when in reality. HALF of the population believes in individualism
And Trump is on record countless times denouncing white supremacy! There are videos going back to 2016, and the fact that this came up during the debate, is just proof there is bias and fake news everywhere!
Portland, they had over 100 days of riots, RIOTS!
Its still going on I think?
Wheres the democrats denouncing it? OH WAIT! THEIR LETTING THE FUCKS OUT!
Why don't you just provide it? A person that demands something outside the law and threatens society with mayhem if he doesn't get what he wants fits my definition of terrorism.
Terrorism, the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective.
Yeah. That fits. Now just look sad and say D'oh. Stupid much?
I guess its a matter of perspective and what you as a soy boy believes to be true
Its ok, I know the big men with guns scare you, and the police are meanies.
But lets be honest bro, the second you need the cops cause you cant defend yourself, your first instinct is going to reach for the phone and dial 911.
Pleading for help and advice because you have no idea what to do
It doesn't fit? Then pray elaborate. The burden of proof is on you. Let's see your use of logic that you've propped yourself up to hold so close to your heart. I doubt I'll see anything worthy of note, but then again, what else is new?
No, the burden of proof is always on the idiot making the idiotic, fact free accusation. BLM is not recognized by any rational, sane person as a terrorist organization. Nor is it recognized as such by any formal crime fighting organization. Fact.
The only people who think otherwise are knuckle dragging racist morons.
You're fucking retard, aren't you? You wanted the dictionary definition. I gave it to you. My example clearly fits the dictionary definition. So prove it to me that it doesn't. I mean, why do I always have to explain the logic to morons that think their smart all of the time?
Now you're just strawmaning the argument. You know what? Why don't you just call a lid like that the other old dumb bastard. Go drink your plastic bottle vodka. You are a proven idiot, but then again, what else is new?
You'll have a point, little snowflake, when the sane people who actually need to worry about real terrorists feel the need to label BLM as a terrorist organization.
Until that time, you're just a crazy, racist right wing nut and nothing more.
You must have been living under a rock since late May.
How about the guy in Denver shot dead by BLM just over a week ago?
Or how about Michael Reinoehl, part of BLM and Antifa killed Trump supporter, Aaron Danielson?
BLM is responsible for many savage beatings and killings in the past 5 months, not to mention destruction, arson and looting.
Please cite information from a respected outfit of reliable journalism demonstrating that any of these acts was done with the official blessing of BLM as an organization. Oh, and also show that these folks were official members. Good luck with that!
What did BLM say??? Silence equals violence, yes? Thus, we can attribute their own bullshit logic to them. Their silence to condemn the violence equates violence on their behalf. Duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
aha well im doing quite well for myself if you want to know
got a hot asian girlfriend
doing really well in krav maga
im rich
umm, got a really good connection with god and jesus
got a really nice ragdoll cat, hes my baby boy
Like Biden, your non-answer speaks volumes. Did BLM say looting equals reparations??? Isn't that condoning and justifying a criminal activity??? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
You don't think BLM knows their supporters are pillaging Kenosha, Seattle, Chicago, LA, NYC, etc.??? if they don't condemn the violence, then they're passive voice is them condoning it. Duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
You're not too smart, are you dunce? Go home and drink your plastic bottle vodka.