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Donald Trump is an enemy of America

So now it's all coming together. Our stimulus checks and all other COVID-19 relief bill elements are being held up by the orange, fat hog himself.

He's refusing the democrat's request to fund the post office mail-in voting measure.

This FAT FUCK is is attacking the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE and DELIBERATELY and BLATANTLY trying to meddle with our election DURING A PANDEMIC.

Why? Because this piece of shit TRAITOR to our country KNOWS he will lose if mail-in voting is allowed. From that idiot piece of shit clown Kanye West to this mail-in voting meddling to trying to cause a government shutdown a month before the election--this loser is trying to cheat in every which way he can to try to win this election.

And the most disgusting part of it all? His lunatic supporters DO NOT CARE. As long as he wins, they're fine with it. And they'll defend it with all manner of deflection there is.

Never in my life have I hated an American president more than Donald Trump. I literally hate this guy's guts and I've never felt this way before--not even for Bush. Obama, who angered me profusely on more than one occasion, didn't drive me to feel this way.

This vile piece of shit is an enemy of America as far as I'm concerned and God only knows what happens next if he wins again.

Jesus tap dancing CHRIST, are we in trouble...

Never in my life have I been this angry with a single president in our country.

Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to America and he MUST lose this election or we're screwed.


The democrats are requesting this money on behalf of the Board of Governors for the post office, which he appointed himself! These are most likely big fat ass white people who made big donations to Trump, so he’d appoint them.

This is the thanks they get.


I'm absolutely livid. We need this stimulus. This son of a bitch is willing to let Americans HE'S SUPPOSED TO SERVE AND PROTECT starve and die just to try to cheat his way to reelection.

Anyway, I'd better watch what I say. Apparently, admins around here have no problem with people joking about George Floyd's murder or endorsing Donald's Gestapo tactics on protester but "god forbid" if I get too "harsh" with what I'd like to say about "Dear Leader". *eye roll*


He said the quiet part out loud today on Fox. He openly said he’s sabotaging the mail system so the Dems don’t win.


I still stand dumbfounded over the fact that NO ONE is making ANY moves to stop this absolutely psychopath. NO ONE. It feels like Star Wars Revenge of the Sith in real time: Orange Palpatine has slowly usurped and corroded every level of our system and has now brought everyone down to their knees as he declares himself Emperor. We're a mere few steps away from that at this point.


I agree. I’m guessing no one knows how to stop him at this point.


They'd have to sell their souls and get as slimy, grimy and despicable as him. Fighting fire with fire.

I'm against that but wonder if that's the only way at this point. We have a dictator in the making.


I'm glad you picked up on it. Lucas made the trilogy as a warning about how a democracy becomes a dictatorship.

Some Republicans want him out, too. My favorite Republican group is Lincoln Project because they know how to fight dirty. They're also targeting vulnerable Republican senators to make sure Biden can undo the Trump damage without having to deal with obstructionism.

Make sure you vote. If you can, donate $5 to Biden or the DNC. Or volunteer. But, make sure you vote. A landslide is needed to get Trump out.


Yes, it's amazing how life imitates art and vice versa.

I LOVE the Lincoln Project! They are the one group of republicans I have a lot of respect for. They're far from perfect but they're one of the few active forms of ammunition against the orange-haired freak right now.

I don't remember Obama having massive splinter groups of democrats turning against him during his presidency. This is Twilight Zone level stuff we're dealing with here.

Yes, I'm afraid of what will happen if Biden doesn't win in a landslide. The fat fuck will challenge it no matter what but, with a stacked SCOTUS, I could see the fat fuck taking a close win to court and winning the election.

Either way, he'll take it to SCOTUS. I know you are skeptical about that if Biden wins in a landslide but I'm tell you--don't doubt it. Donald WILL take this through the courts no matter HOW it turns out. He'll try to de-legitimize the voting process.

I don't see him leaving quietly.

Inauguration Day will look one of two ways:

1. Trump will make a dramatic display, trash Biden/Harris and storm out like an asshole


2. Trump will make a dramatic display but refuse to leave, having to be escorted out.

I expect many of his cultists will be there, protesting. I think DC will be a violent atmosphere that day.


"I know you are skeptical about that if Biden wins in a landslide but I'm tell you--don't doubt it. "

There will be massive voter suppression, therefore I do doubt it.

* Assume democratic voter registration rolls will be purged

* Assume the post office will be crippled and ballots will miss the deadline.

* Assume thousands of polling sites in democratic areas will be closed making wait times hours-long

* Assume Russia will manipulate the elections.

* Assume democratic voters will be challenged at the polls so they give up and leave before voting

* Assume voters seeking ID cards to vote will meet long delays

* Assume mass evictions will be used to stop voters

Swing state polls are still close. Don't assume anything. Vote.


Still, what alarms me far more than Trump are his SUPPORTERS. These people have defended the indefensible. They've defended things I never thought I'd see MILLIONS of my own countrymen defend.

The kinds of things they'd be willing to accept from Trump is mind-boggling.

This worries me because, while Trump is temporary--his base is here to stay and they could always vote another authoritarian psycho in down the line.

There is a disease gripping this nation--and I'm not talking about COVID-19--I'm talking about a MENTAL DISEASE. This mental disease has over a third of our country in active denial of reality. It's a disease so strong that it's essentially a large-scale cult mentality not seen since the days of Germany in the 30's.

I've been politically asleep all my life and didn't "wake up" until Donald Trump won. And I don't like what I'm seeing. At all. We're seriously on the verge of crashing and burning as a free country.


How can the stimulus bill be held up by Trump if he's the one that is trying to release unemployment benefits via executive order? How is it his fault while Pelosi and crew get no blame?

Why does the post office need additional funds? One of the idiot posters here said absentee ballots have been fine, so why the request for additional funds?

He's trying to meddle with the election and the dems aren't? How blind are you? What's the easiest way to commit voter fraud? Calm down. No need to have an aneurysim over it.

Why such hatred? What has Trump done to you? You'd better have a good reason for spewing such bile. As I said in the other thread to you, you don't speak for me, so spare me that your anger speaks for the people. Give me specifics.

So are you packing your bags and leaving the country if he wins? I have some destination suggestions for you. Cuba. Venezuela, China, but not Hong Kong, Africa, but not South Africa.


Quiet, KRL-Lite. I'd report your sock account but I've long since accepted that reporting troll behavior around here is a wasted exercise.

I'll place you on ignore instead, KRL. :)


Ignorance is Strength, innit?


You admit that you support tyranny. You agree with Trump's support of a Putin bounty on the lives of American troops, too.


Where did I admit that? Show me. Once again, you believe the lies you tell yourself. That's why in the real world, people don't talk to you to engage in an intelligent conversation. A pointless one. Yes. A meaningful one. No. Also, talking to yourself, is neither intelligent or meaningful. Just FYI.


You're the one quoting "1984". You're not complaining about Trump's complacency about Putin's bounty on American lives.


Can’t you stick to the point? You’re all over place. We were discussing the pandemic and then now you throw Russia into it. Where did that come from? ADD perhaps?


You are complaining about my replying to your comment.

A good way for me not to reply is for you not to reply to my comment.

Anyway, I agree we can both exit from this thread. Just don't reply.




Not surprising at all. This orange fat fuck needs to get voted out asap.


You agree with the OP? You agree with all of his vile hatred when he cannot state a single reason why his hatred is so personal? Why? What has Trump done to you personally? As I told the OP, you don't speak for me, so spare me your anger is the voice of the people. Give me your specifics only.


Why are you supporting Trump the Traitor who has killed 168,000 Americans for Putin and whose bounty on American troops he fully supports?


Everything bad that happens is his fault, innit? Everything good that happens, isn't it. If it rains on your birthday, it's Trump's fault, innit? If you cut yourself shaving, it's Trump's fault, innit? Such pointless hate. Why don't you sing John Lennon's Imagine to yourself and then apply it to yourself?

Why don't you move into a commune? You clearly can't take any responsibility on your own.


Running the country is the responsibility of the president. The buck stops with the president.

Stop shifting blame elsewhere. If he doesn't want to lead, then he should resign.


You’re confusing a President with a dictator.

Only a socialist or communist would make that kind of statement. The President’s job is to protect our sovereign borders make sure our laws are executed. It isn’t his job to run our lives.

It’s horrible Presidents like Jackson, FDR, LBJ, and even Nixon and Bush that grew the Federal govt. Do you like those Presidents?

Take some responsibility and live your own life rather constantly bitching that others are to blame in why you can’t advance in life. Stop playing the victim.


An important part of national security is protecting Americans from a pandemic which he has failed to do. Trump ignored the warnings of national security and health advisors for months.

"Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah):

"The federal government dismissed the virus’s threat and failed to protect Americans as infections spiraled out of control.

“Short term, I think it’s fair to say we really have not distinguished ourselves in a positive way by how we responded to the crisis when it was upon us,” Romney said in a video interview with the Sutherland Institute. “And the proof of the pudding of that is simply that we have 5 percent of the world’s population but 25 percent of the world’s deaths due to covid-19.

“And there’s no way to spin that in a positive light,” Romney said."


You’re all over the place again. I’m not going to discuss this since we’re already discussing this in another thread currently. Try to stick to the point at hand.


Not really. I answered your comment re: the duties and responsibilities of the president.

Another Trump failure is his refusal to criticize nor do anything about Putin who has placed a bounty on the lives of American troops. This is in direct violation of his oath of office!

"Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

I'm curious to know why you would defend a president who has clearly refused to defend American troops and carryout his oath of office.


I agree. National security is the job of the President. I won’t discuss the pandemic again as that is on another thread discussion.

Refuse to defend American troops? When?


And then thrown out of the White House by authorities because he WILL refuse to relinquish power.


Your argument crashed and burned at "fat fuck".

How the fuck do you expect people to take you seriously with that kind of argument.

TDS is real.


The op said it first. Plus it's no big deal. He deserves to be called those things and more.


WAY more. Trumpers on this board have no idea the kinds of words I keep myself from calling him around here.


First of all, I'm showing suppression of what I would truly love to say. The admins would delete my post if I was as uncensored as I wish I could be.

Secondly, my argument only crashed and burned with Trump loyalists and I really couldn't give a dog's hairy ass what Trumpers think of my argument.

Those who were meant to heard it heard it. I'd prefer you Trumpers be against me. The day I won favor with a Trumper is the day I'll know I did something wrong.


Go ahead and say what you want to say. Why so much hatred? What did Trump do to you personally?

If your argument holds up, then why don't you address what everybody said and answer how pillagers are protected from the virus.

I like how you play the victim card rather than defend your argument with facts and common sense.

Basically you're either Ignorant or Dim. Either way, it doesn't speak highly of your character, does it? FYI, that's a rhetorical question.


Are you a Russian?

If not, say something negative about Putin. Do you agree he looks horrible without a shirt and needs to wear man bra?


Not a Russian. Putin's a tyrant. Are you a socialist? If not, say something bad about AOC.

Do you enjoy playing pointless games? Apparently so.


AOC doesn't have anyone on social media pretending to be Americans in order to create discord.

I assume you're just stupid instead of a Russian.




Your reply would've been better as a little animated emoji.


I get it now...everyone is a POS! There, satisfied? Biting the bullet, is ye? 🙄

“Listen my children and you shall hear about the midnight ride of Paul Revere!”

Oh, excuse me! After reading your venomous post I just broke into song! Your wacker post was the cause of it. You really need to get a handle on that disease you caught. I believe it’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome and from what I hear it can really screw with your head. Your post was evident you’ve been stricken with it.

BTW, you may wish to read about the latest give away. These are funds to assist people. PEOPLE! Not institutions like the damn Post Office! Geez! Get over yourself!

“Happy Days Are Here Again” Broke into song again; maybe you should try it.


Which disinfectant do you inject?


You are absolutely right! Trump is despicable! The worst president the USA has ever had.


Yep. Makes Nixon look like Lincoln.
