Donald Trump is an enemy of America
So now it's all coming together. Our stimulus checks and all other COVID-19 relief bill elements are being held up by the orange, fat hog himself.
He's refusing the democrat's request to fund the post office mail-in voting measure.
This FAT FUCK is is attacking the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE and DELIBERATELY and BLATANTLY trying to meddle with our election DURING A PANDEMIC.
Why? Because this piece of shit TRAITOR to our country KNOWS he will lose if mail-in voting is allowed. From that idiot piece of shit clown Kanye West to this mail-in voting meddling to trying to cause a government shutdown a month before the election--this loser is trying to cheat in every which way he can to try to win this election.
And the most disgusting part of it all? His lunatic supporters DO NOT CARE. As long as he wins, they're fine with it. And they'll defend it with all manner of deflection there is.
Never in my life have I hated an American president more than Donald Trump. I literally hate this guy's guts and I've never felt this way before--not even for Bush. Obama, who angered me profusely on more than one occasion, didn't drive me to feel this way.
This vile piece of shit is an enemy of America as far as I'm concerned and God only knows what happens next if he wins again.
Jesus tap dancing CHRIST, are we in trouble...
Never in my life have I been this angry with a single president in our country.
Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to America and he MUST lose this election or we're screwed.