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Backlash against CNN for not airing the President's news-filled virus briefing.

Instead of the President's lengthy opening statement, they actually covered a statement from Obama criticizing Trump over "climate change" regulations.

CNN is a craven joke.

As one writer pointed out, while the network was being bashed and mocked for its nakedly political move, that particular day was one of the "newsier" and most important statements President Trump has given.

"This is one of the newsier and substantive briefings to date," National Journal politics editor Josh Kraushaar reacted."

""I remember CNN cutting away from other candidate's speeches in 2016 to cover an empty airfield waiting for Trump to land for a rally. Today they don't cover Trump on a day he promised to give a presentation to show why he extended the coronavirus guidelines. Not a great look," writer Josh Jordan scolded the network."

""I never want to hear @CNN-ers --- everyone from Tapper to Stelter to Lemon --- complain about there not being briefings again. They've spent over a year pre-pandemic complaining about no daily briefings with a press secretary. And now they're ORANGE MAN BAD WE CAN'T," NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck exclaimed."


They are disgusting. They're actually scared to death because this crisis is actually helping Trump instead of hurting him, like they hoped it would.
They don't want their viewers to hear it directly from the team so this way they can twist whatever they want, giving their viewers their crack head version of "the highlights."

Why do they have reporters from CNN there? Maybe they shouldn't be allowed in at all since they aren't taking it seriously and they're just using it to play politics. The left always says not to let a crisis go to waste!


Yeah the leftist White House Correspondents' Association, an anachronistic outfit who for some absurd reason is still allowed tyrannical power in deciding which news sources are allowed in the press conferences, just kicked OAN out of the briefings, eliminating about the only non-leftist tv news network (FNC's prime time opinion leans conservative but its hard news lurched from fair and balanced to leftist biased years ago, as Rupert Murdoch's idiot liberal sons began asserting themselves in accordance with their stated long term goal of making the network "another CNN")

Trump should quickly veto that decision, kick out CNN since they're not covering it anyway, and given Acosta's history of physical, frankly illegal disruptions, and replace them with OAN. Another one of Trump's legacies should be breaking the power of the corrupt, rabidly biased WHCA. He's already ended the tradition of legitimizing that cesspool by attending the Correspondents Dinner. Now finish it.

Either the White House should decide which news outlets to invite in (which is a privilege, not a right), or an independent, ideologically balanced body should be set up to make those decisions.


It's disturbing, krl. Yes, you are right. It's a privilege, not a right. They can ask any question to the President of the United States and yet so many of their questions are lame or they attempt gotcha questions due to their blatant hatred. Sickening. But thankfully we have a strong president who doesn't kiss their butt. Instead he calls them out on it right there. But they look for that too so they can play the victim.

I had to look up OAN. I wasn't sure what it was and I even had a few exchanges with doggie today and he mentioned it.

After clicking on the link you attached, I see which reporter they were talking about. It's ridiculous.

I thought the same thing that CNN shouldn't be allowed in if they aren't going to bother airing it. This IS the most important thing going on now, isn't it?!🙄


Good for CNN. They don't need to air Trump talking about chloroquine, or miracle day Easter, or that 'everybody's doing a great jurb defeating the Chinese hoax I mean coronavirus.'

The only thing that matters is to stay on point with social distancing.


Spoken like good communist cannon fodder. Cover your eyes and plug your ears. Burn books unless they're approved by the party. Silence opposing points of view. Keep your viewers ignorant and easy to manipulate, the one-sided messaging they receive firmly under control. Your Chinese comrades would be proud.


Spoken like good communist cannon fodder. Cover your eyes and plug your ears. Burn books unless they're approved by the party. Silence opposing points of view. Keep your viewers ignorant and easy to manipulate, the one-sided messaging they receive firmly under control. Your Chinese comrades would be proud.
It's fun to see you go completely off the rails with non sequiturs that are so distant from reality, proving you're just here to spew fecal matter.


Wow! Indoctrinated much? Talk about 100% closed-minded. Your supervisor I'm sure is proud! Good job, phony boy, he said. 🤪🤪🤪


No, it's hard for me to respect the mindset of ideological bottomfeeders so small minded and brainwashed that they actually cheer censorship or a "news" outfit refusing to cover what's undeniably news for purely political reasons, even something as newsworthy as a Presidential press conference on a crisis having a war-like impact on the nation. You're rooting to have less information. For those who wonder how people ever let totalitarian systems get imposed on them, ultravioletx is Exhibit A on that dark example of human nature.


This is worth repeating:

"You're rooting to have less information. For those who wonder how people ever let totalitarian systems get imposed on them, ultravioletx is Exhibit A on that dark example of human nature."


I've switched to CNN 15-20 times during this crisis. Each time I was looking for needed information and what I got was petty complaining about Trump. Americans don't need to hear that and I wonder how anyone could remain mentally healthy listening to it for more than five minutes.


"I've switched to CNN 15-20 times during this crisis."

You have my sympathies, Daggerboard.

"I wonder how anyone could remain mentally healthy listening to it for more than five minutes."

Look at the brainwashed CNN viewers on this board alone.




CNN folks are getting giddy with joy because the economy is struggling.

They're really the enemy of the people
