MovieChat Forums > Politics > I'm hoping for a Bernie vs. Trump debate

I'm hoping for a Bernie vs. Trump debate

Just seeing the radicals and cultists lined up next to each other ready to engage. For entertainment purposes of course. I already got my popcorn stockpiled and I don't want it to go to waste.

As long as Republicans hold the senate, I don't think Bernie could get any of his radical agendas done. Unless of course executive order can bypass those.

Food for thought, can Trump limit presidential powers if by chance Bernie wins the presidency? Sorta like how Putin did it by firing his government then reducing how much power a president has and giving it back to the senate. Remember that Trump has already filled a lot of empty positions left by Obama with conservatives judges etc.


"Sorta like how Putin did it by firing his government then reducing how much power a president has and giving it back to the senate."

Why would you want our country to become an autocracy? Russia is corrupt and there is no freedom or free elections. Putin steals money from the citizens. Don't you love America? The Constitution? American values? Our freedoms? Before Trump, the world looked up to us as a beacon of what was good and right.

The majority of Republicans in the senate don't represent American values or political norms anymore. Most of the good ones have resigned or retired. Moscow Mitch has said he wants to obstruct government which hurts all Americans. Republicans and Democrats need to work TOGETHER. Like Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

"Remember that Trump has already filled a lot of empty positions left by Obama with conservatives judges etc. "
That is an example of McConnell obstructionism which hurts us in the long run. It's an example of placing party before country.

Most Democrats are moderate therefore I want a moderate to win the nomination. Any of the present moderates would be good choices to make America stronger and united. Furthermore, I would like to see most of the present Republicans replaced by moderate Republicans instead of the present apparatchiks Look that one up!


When did I say I want the country to become an autocracy? I'm just asking if it's even possible for Trump to do so. Knowing him and the Republican base (based on events that have already unfolded), they'll try everything in their current power to limit what a democrat president can do if one is elected again into office to protect their policies in place and make it much harder if not nearly impossible to reverse. Trump was able to reverse a lot of what Obama had in place (before the norms went out the window).


If there's a democratic president and the senate remains Republican then the president will continue to be limited in power. Right now, Trump and the Senate are limited because of congress.

I think the man problem is if Trump loses, he'll find excuses to hold on to power by contesting the election and having the Supreme Court decide.


Bernie v. Trump would certainly be a sight to behold (for popcorn eating purposes) indeed.

I'm suprised how much Bernie is winning right now. Good for him.


He's so far winning the votes but not so much on the delegates. A mini-electoral college if you will. It's the delegates that count, not the popular vote. Butt-aye-judge so far leads by 22 delegates and Bernie with 21. These are just really early votes and they have 49 states to go. 1,990 delegates needed to win the nomination.


A Bernie/Trump debate would be veeeery interesting! An intelligent man (Bernie) vs. a mentally deranged Trump!


You mean a moronic 80 year old socialist who lives in fairy tale world (Bernie) vs. The mentally deranged (Trump).

I will vote for ANYONE over Bernie Sanders. I mean that. ANYONE. The American Dream is dead if Bernie Sanders wins the presidency.

He has a massive cult of naive college aged socialists behind him though excited for the freebies, and they buy into his garbage. I’m concerned.


Lol what American dream? the largest factor that determines social movement in the USA is how rich your parents are.

plenty of business and far from left wing friendly organizations have put many more left wing countries like Norway ahead of the USA for social mobility.

This is what happens when for example 30% of Americans (in a 5 state study) went bankrupt due to healthcare costs. it kills entrepreneurship, risk taking.

Social programs don't hold people back. they give them a platform to jump from so the rich class doesn't constantly just crush the others. They already have obscene advantages your kids never will have. They already try and cut and defund anything they can so your kids have no chance.

Its not about free stuff. tis about spending priorities. When you have some of the worlds wealthiest corporations receiving billions in corporate welfare. and many of them paying zero in federal taxes. SOMEONE HAS TO PAY. and that shift of tax burden has shifted from the corporations paying their fair share to it all on individuals.

You would have to be absolutely insane to start a business in the usa if you are married with kids. if someone has a health complication and the business doesn't do well or you didn't buy the top tier insurance and they refuse to cover someone.

goodbye everything. In Canada and the rest of the civilized world that is not a problem

Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland were top 4 (notice a trend)
USA was 27th


Oh hey, it’s you again.

Please, just move to the said countries you just mentioned that you feel are better than the US, and take Bernie with you. The hypocrite might not want to leave his 3 mansions though. He’s milking the shit out of this, and playing his cult of followers for all it’s worth.

At least you didn’t use your “you read one or two books on...” line in this post. Haha.

We’ve already had our discussion before. I don’t feel like doing it again. Agree to disagree. Have a good one.


Lol you ar that insecure and threatened by change and something being different and better?

if I say "japans high speed rail is better and more efficient" would you tell me to move there?

hahaha ohh ya by refusing to take corporate and wealthy donors money.. and himself personally making so much money off this presidential run by............ well he must be making money off it because he is....... oh right. he isnt.

you mean my "I have a masters in political science maybe sue actual sources". How annoying is that when people want facts and evidence. so inconvenient to your feelings and emotions :S

Oh you re the retard who couldn't form coherent arguments about social programs. any socialism and programs you liked were great! any you didn't were just lazy bums using the system and socialism.

LOL how embarrassing you sad loser


You are EASILY the most pathetic human being I’ve come across on this site.

And yes, move to Japan. Move anywhere away from the US.

You only speak to hear yourself talk. I’m guessing moviechat is probably all you have, which is the real embarrassment, so by all means keep up your “I’m an annoying know-it-all socialist extremist who wants to bang Bernie Sanders, and who talks down to everyone like I’m the world’s gift to humanity.”

Yes, Bernie the socialist has 3 mansions and several beautiful cars, even though he’s never had a real job. He sold out to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats last election, and doesn’t feel the need to “spread the wealth” from his chunk of change for being a pussy who falls in line and does what he’s told. He just feeds the bullshit to his moronic hippie college supporters, who eat it right up like naive little kids they are. They’ll learn once they get older. Just because you don’t have it doesn’t give you the right to take it from someone else.

You sucked me back in for one last post. I’m seriously done with you. I’ve had better conversations with the toilet after a night of heavy drinking.

Keep calling people losers, while you live on this site 24/7 picking arguments with strangers to try and feel better about yourself. You’re too dumb to realize no one has EVER won an argument about politics. It’s just two people yelling back and forth. You’re a joke, and so is your candidate.


Lol you re so fragile. Funny how wanting to change things in the usa to the left means "you need to move to another country" but to the right its Okay.

im typing retard. ya I speak down to you because you are a fucking low iq peasant.

hahaha wow you just love spewing Fox News and ben Shapiro crap don't you? must be easy going through life as a bot just repeating lines. Yes they will learn as they get older... that some programs are good for society and help people not being trapped being poor.

awwww get to a safe space. you need it you fragile snowflake. Oh make sure you tay off the socialist roads. and don't call the police or firemen. ohh and you should hate the government funded military lol.

awwwwwwww baby, should I call you a waabulance?


What a moron! Stop demonizing FNC, they are far better than fake news alternatives.

Economic mobility far more complex than a single number. Even then, US, UK, and France are almost the same.


Fox News is propaganda for the republicans. MSNBC for the democrats.

you think only that study you posted measured different metrics? lol. ya man only you found the study that does that. everything else only measured a single number. you are joke.


"While Americans have an optimistic faith in the ability of individuals to get ahead within a lifetime or from one generation to the next, thereis growing evidence of less inter- generational economic mobility
in the United States than in many other rich industrialized countries, at least according to the relative mobility measures commonly used in economic research."

WHILE IT ALSO SHOWS that besides the UK, the US has the highest correlation between a sons income and his fathers. in other words no meritocracy.

also this isn't a study... this is a paper.... she's quoting other peoples papers and studies and giving her subjective anlysis

Aaberge, Rolf, Anders Björklund, Markus Jäntti et al. 2002. “Income Inequality and Income Mobility in the Scandinavian Countries Compared to the United States.” Review of Income and Wealth, 48(4): 443–469.
d’Addio, Anna Cristina. 2007. “Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantage: Mobility or Immobility Across Generations? A Review of the Evidence for OECD Countries.” OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No. 52.

did you even read your own source? it agrees with me LOL


Hahaha! Now I want to see you keep going! You are absolutely humiliating yourself for the amusement of anyone who looks at this site! You’ve shown yourself to be a toddler who knows absolutely nothing except rehearsed propaganda points! It’s beautiful.

This is sadly hysterical...”Waabulance”??? Did you really just say that!??? Hahaha! How could ANYONE ever take ANYTHING you say seriously after that?!!! You saying that answers it all, you’re just a dork. A simple, pathetic dork in the truest sense of the word.

I don’t watch Fox News, but you keep coming back to it, even though I’ve said it several times...fuck Fox News, but you keep bringing it up, because you have NOTHING! Absolutely nothing, just your 3 main Rehearsed taking points you use over and over and over to several people on here every day, because you are a complete loser who has no life whatsoever. This is all you have. It’s hysterical!

So yes, keep it up. I need a good laugh! I’m happy to feed into it now if you keep going! “Waabulance!!!“ Really?

So quick, look up some discredited stats from biased websites around the web, pass them off as your own knowledge, like you actually know anything outside of the four walls of your parent’s basement, and get back to me quick with insults as “clever” and as “classic” as “Waabulance!!!”

Thank you for that! Holy shit is that funny! Bernie has a smart group of followers, I’ll tell you what. Pure geniuses. “Waabulance!”

You’re a dork who thinks he knows everything, nothing more. Classic!

I hope all the other people who argue with you on this site will end every post to you with this classic phrase: and I quote, “Waabulance”. 🤣 What an absolute tool you are!

Hurry up and respond! I’m looking forward to it!


soo 5 paragraphs crying over waabulance lol? you just proved my entire point about you guys being fragile snowflakes.

"I never watch fox" and yet all you do is spew their garbage.. funny....

get to 4chan and complain how "that librul was mean to me!!!"

man every time you comment now ill just post paragraphs of you crying like a little baby


I love this one

"This is sadly hysterical...”Waabulance”??? Did you really just say that!??? Hahaha! How could ANYONE ever take ANYTHING you say seriously after that?!!! You saying that answers it all, you’re just a dork. A simple, pathetic dork in the truest sense of the word. "

7 question marks and 4 exclamation marks capitalizing words. you are on the borderline of losing it mentally aren't you?


Whatever you say man. You said the words. It’s hysterical.

“Waabulance”. 🤣


I know it is. you cry sooo hard


the idea isnt that everything will pass smoothly of Bernies.

its that people are tired of having a centrist Democratic negotiate with a right wing republican and almost every single thing ending up in the centre right.

I cant think of a "left wing" win in the usa for decades. Gay marriage was because many republican donors actually have gay kids and family and told them to quiet down on that bit lol.

other than that its been nonstop corporate and wealthy tax cut, continued corporate welfare and massive military spending


I agree.
#1. It's not like Bernie or Warren can wave magic wands and give everyone health care and absolve student loans. At best it would be a long process with a lot of compromises, but the outcome would be good for all Americans.
#2. I'm not happy with how income inequality has burgeoned under either administrations, but pubs barely pretend to care about the working class. At least Dems talk about strengthening public education, universal health care, worker's rights and humane treatment of immigrants. Pubs like Trump make it clear the best interest for the USA lies at giving more to the richest citizens while the rest of us fight for the scraps. He's a con man, as bad as Reagan and dubya combined.


1. exactly. I'm a realist. the baretering/ negations system wont magically stop functioning likee that just cause we have a progressive in power.

2. I think the Republicass do pay lip service to "working". just it 1. doesn't appeal to me or you 2. is framed in the language and verbiage of "tax cuts" and "more money in your pocket and deregulation and cutting entitlements. we both know its totally Bullcrap. a certain amount of strong social programs are needed to ensure we don't just get an elite aristocracy who hoards everything and weakens social mobility. But that is what we have now. a recent study showed Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark as top 4 for social mobility. the USA was ranked 27th

hence why the rich and corporations media dogs are fighting Bernie so hard. One MSNBC host actually said that in New Hampshire, Third place may actually be better than 1st (knob vs Bernie)

you can't make this crap up.


I cant think of a "left wing" win in the usa for decades.





could of provided them. instead chose to sound like a retard


Here, I'll give you the rundown.

Bernie: "We need a system that provides healthcare to anyone who needs it. We need a minimum wage that equates to a living wage. We need an education system that does away with student loans."

Trump: "Socialism. Venezuela. The guy can't even comb his hair. Look at my hair. It's beautiful. I have the perfect hair."


Excellent post!!


Bernie vs Trump. Heres my analysis: Trump creams him in a landslide because Bernie is a pinko Bolshevik douchebag and Trump is gangsta af.


Trump is a egotistical alpha man. Smart and stable. Mean at times. Trump promises protection from an ongoing invasion.

Bernie is a weak man. Strong in his convictions but weak as a man. His math skills are non existent. He promises free stuff to young people.

If we keep math out of the debate it won't be a slaughter.

If we strictly wanted a great debate for the fun and enjoyment of watching, Tulsi is the only one who could hang with Trump and she's history, thanks to the DNC and HRC.

Yang might be a fun debate too, for a few questions. Not a full debate. He's a fun guy though.


Wow in 4 days Bloomberg just destroyed the OP's dream.

Money definitely buys!!!

