MovieChat Forums > Politics > Running Bernie Sanders Against Trump Wou...

Running Bernie Sanders Against Trump Would Be an Act of Insanity!

By Jonathan Chait, far-left columnist for New York Magazine.

Sanders has gleefully discarded the party’s conventional wisdom that it has to pick and choose where to push public opinion leftward, adopting a comprehensive left-wing agenda, some of which is popular, and some of which is decidedly not. Positions in the latter category include replacing all private health insurance with a government plan, banning fracking, letting prisoners vote, decriminalizing the border, giving free health care to undocumented immigrants, and eliminating ICE. (I am only listing Sanders positions that are intensely unpopular. I am not including positions, like national rent control and phasing out all nuclear energy, that I consider ill-advised but which probably won’t harm him much with voters.)

Vintage video of Bernie palling around with Soviet communists will make for an almost insultingly easy way for Republicans to communicate the idea that his plans to expand government are radical.

Sanders has never faced an electorate where these vulnerabilities could be used against him. Nor, for that matter, has he had to defend some of his bizarre youthful musings (such as his theory that sexual repression causes breast cancer) or the suspicious finances surrounding his wife’s college. Democrats are rightfully concerned about attacks on Hunter Biden’s nepotistic role at Burisma, but Sanders is going to have to defend equally questionable deals, like the $500,000 his wife’s university paid for a woodworking program run by his stepdaughter.


This is nothing. All he has to do is win all the state Hillary won (and that's going to happen).

Then all he has to do is pull off wins in traditional blue states like Pennsylvania and Michigan (also easy).

And then it's done.

None of those reasons you mentioned earlier even come close to the Access Hollywood bomb dumped on Trump during the debates.


People are going to look at their 401ks, IRAs, house value...and think of B Sanders sitting on their nest eggs and breaking it.

Bernie will get the young vote...but boomers and xers with nest eggs to protect will mostly not vote for him.

If you are a Trump fan THIS is the guy you want on the ticket.


Bernie will get the young vote...but boomers and xers with nest eggs to protect will mostly not vote for him.

That would be great, but most people don't have 401ks or it's essentially worthless about as much as a severance package. We keep reading reports with about 70% of American's don't even have $1,000 in their savings account and almost 50% have absolutely nothing.


...All he has to do is win all the state Hillary won (and that's going to happen). Then all he has to do is pull off wins in traditional blue states like Pennsylvania and Michigan...


Most peoples nest eggs are their house, which value rises and falls with the economy and stock market.

You will be surprised at the amount of people who say they hate Trump..but will vote for with their wallet.

If the market was down, unemployment/interest rates high...maybe Bernie would have a chance...

But hey,what do I know, I didn't see Trump winning in 2016.


But hey,what do I know, I didn't see Trump winning in 2016.

Neither did I. If we go back in time on election night we would hear the following phrase repeated over and over again on every broadcast and cable network:

"white, non-college educated male's in rural areas".

That is the same "surprising" demographic that will emerge for Sanders on election night if he is the nominee, I predict anyway.

Sanders is going to have a harder time fighting the DNC than he will Trump, but if he wins Iowa and NH all bets are off.

He's probably going to lose South Carolina and if Biden is still viable at that point the gang is going to have to gather quickly and go negative very fast.

What's so shocking was how bad the field was.

But I have no doubt Sanders has a easy path at beating Trump.

And for all those, "white, non-college educated male's in rural areas" from 2016...well, it's not going so well for them despite the good economy.


It is such a weird call. ALOT of people have had their fill of the President and his twitter and other antics. Probably the most hated/loved President since Lincoln.

Trump has his soild base, I don't know how many voters he has lost. The good economy might have earned him some more.

I am with the general thinking that a more business friendly canidate is more likely to get votes of moderates like me. (Moderates are the most ignored group, underestimated in number, under-covered by the press because they don't get ratings)


If there was ever a site that confused everyone it is twitter.

It is pointless. Outside of Trump it is a ghost town full of people following celebrities and liking everything.

I've always hated Twitter. It is the blackhole of the Internet.

FOX NEWS and CNN at their peaking hour get around just 3 million viewers.

There's 130 million voters out of 300 million + ready to be picked and counted.

I understand all the nonsense of Sanders and Trump.

All the votes cast for Obama, Bush, Clinton, McCain, Hart, Reagan, Gore, Mondale, Hillary, Dole, Kerry, Nixon, Wallace, Perot, Bush II, Dukakis...

Did I miss anyone outside of McGovern?

I just can't imagine Sanders NOT winning any all of the Hillary states and picking off Pennsylvania and Michigan.


Just wait until Bernie tries to defend his official platform of decriminalizing illegal border crossing, abolition of ICE, pathway to citizenship for all illegals, free healthcare and welfare for all illegals. No restrictions on Muslims from problem countries. In other words, open borders. He'll be toast.


I agree with you. I am especially suspicious of his free healthcare for all. Exactly how does he plan to pay for this??!!


By placing a tax on Wall Street speculation.


I can't wait to see Trump flatten this buffoon in a debate. It would be an illustration of a choice for the American people: Freedom, or Communist Tyranny, and I have a feeling nobody wants the latter unless they're stupid.


From the same guy who thought Hillary was unbeatable by Trump in 2016.

From the same guy who doesn't care that the DNC rigged it against Bernie.

From the same guy who thinks Bernie is too old and Biden isn't.

Jonathan Chait isn't a far left columnist. He's a centrist democrat.

That's the guy you are praising right now? Seriously?


Bernie and Jane on their honeymoon in Russia singing “This land is Your Land” with their Russian comrades!!


Trump supporters opinion of Hillary in 2016: She wants to start a war with Russia!

Trump supporters opinion of Bernie in 2020: He's too friendly with Russia!
