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Donald Trump is a coward

Like him or hate him, Bill Clinton took that stand during his impeachment. Regardless of anything else, he took that stand.

Donald has refused to EVER take the stand for ANYTHING in his entire joke of a presidency. He fires shots from afar. Tweets from afar. Hides behind admins.

Donald Trump is a coward. How 65 million people support this utter clown positively mystifies me. He attacks the dead. Attacks soldiers. Attacks his own staff. Hell--he attacks his own base.

Trump supporters call the man "tough". They speak of "safe spaces" whenever an anti-Trump person bashes him. They speak of "snowflakes". Well, the man can't even show up for his own trial and show how "tough" he is, fires off tweets from a "safe space" and whines nonstop about the whole thing like a "snowflake".

If the dems are SO wrong--if the impeachment is SUCH a sham--if Donald is SO innocent...then why is he not taking the stand and handing the dems' asses to them on a silver platter? Why is he not calling forth his witnesses to exonerate him? If he's truly innocent, it would be a massive political win for him to take that stand, denounce the dems, prove them wrong and skate to an easy 2020 election win.

...So, why is he not doing that?

Cowards scream about strength while avoiding a fight. Cowards attack people who can't fight back (McCain).

You're tough, Donald? Take the stand.

But we all know you won't. You've got your guys ready to acquit you. Without them, you are nothing and you know it.

Why so many of my fellow Americans would rally behind such a weak, insecure and foolish man as Trump is beyond my capacity for understanding.


Trump is the concentrated vitriol of a disinterested population.


Very well said.


I was channeling Hunter Thompson.


But if the population was disinterested why would they be vitriolic ?


You can't be both? Vitriolic over an uninspiring existence?


Good question.




"Vitriol" is "virulent hatefulness". Trump isn't virulently hateful. He may be the target of vitriol, but then a disinterested group wouldn't be targeting anyone, would they?

"Disinterested" is "Having no interest either way. Neutral. Uncommitted. Unbiased."

If you're going to quote dubious literary heroes, best pick someone with more credibility and knowledge than a drug-addicted, sadistic, over-rated pulp "author".


Jesus Christ it was just a sentence I threw out there. I don't usually proofread.

"Vitriolic over a meaningless life" was what I was trying to convey. Happy now?


So, it's now "Trump is vitriolic over a meaningless life"?

That's even more nonsensical.


The cult that is Trump. It is fed with the vitriol of a population void of meaning. Stop being so goddamned semantic you tedious twat.


"A population void of meaning"? What does that mean? Are you a philosopher for the Masses now?

I'll stop being "semantic", (you meant pedantic of course), when you stop writing illiterate nonsense.


Alright, buddy. Have fun.


You're right of course.

PS - Doggiedaddy replying to the post:

"Very well said."



Lol, yes. Some people are too easily impressed.


Ivanka went for a polished businesswoman look for the occasion, donning a burgundy turtleneck layered with a $498 Brooks Brothers blazer and finishing off with a pair of $595 blue checked trousers by Akris.


We are surrounded by cowards and those complicit in what amounts to an assault on democracy and this is what you respond with?


For some odd reason, he likes to give fashion updates. His kkkomrades don't seem to mind.


It's the American equivalent of "The trains ran on time", I suppose.


He has a thing for shallow, mediocre women.


Ivanka can go fck herself, to be quite honest.


And then what would her daddy do ?


What do you think all of Donald's conquests do after he "finishes"?


They end up going public about the affair. He calls them a liar, and says it never happened.

Do you think he'd have the audacity to call his daughter Ivanka a liar, and claim their affair never happened ?


By the looks of some of his rally crowds, they seem the type who wouldn't even bat an eye at the prospect of Trump and Ivanka...procreating.

They believe in "keepin' it in the family".


What an angry little "man."


I agree. Hopefully that angry little man will be gone after the election.


Yes he is a coward among other things like a misogynist, racist, homophobic idiot who should never have been elected president.


Well anyone who is a misogynist, racist, homophobic idiot and a coward can't be all bad...


Agreed. History books will properly reflect him as a national embarrassment. Our big "what were you THINKING, America?" moment in history.


And sadly, it will take a too long a time to have this understood. We progressives see this disaster happening in real time while the hard-core Trumpers enjoy this exercise in autocracy and calumny.
Let's hope for a better future before this evil takes too great of a foothold.


As always, the red side will realize only when it's all too late and, like always, will jump at a chance to repeat their mistake next time.

As usual, the blue side will have to come in to clean up the red side's mess. Hopefully, the blue side will have a chance to get started in 2021 because I honestly don't think our country will be salvageable if Donald gets another four years.


Happens every fucking time.


Clinton did not take the stand during his impeachment.


You had to come along and pop the delusional leftist bubble, LOL. It was sort of funny watching the few posters still in that shrinking bubble here, actual cowards and hateful idiots, swirl around getting each other increasingly worked up while remaining oblivious to how much they were humiliating themselves in the eyes of others.


Bill Clinton went under oath for Ken Starr's BS investigation. Starr and repubs then used Clinton's use of the word "is" while under oath as the basis for impeachment. That's probably the worst thing about it. Clinton said there's nothing going on between him and Lewinsky, which was technically true at the time since "is" can mean an ongoing relationship which there wasn't.

Repubs tried to do it again by having Hillary testify for over ten hours for the Benghazi incident, but they came up empty by finding no perjury.

Nowadays repubs have switched from petty investigations over to conspiracy theories they have no interest in investigating. They just throw them out there and let their alt-right minions online fill in the blanks.


You're right, sadly. While I'm an independent, I must say: The red/Trumper side is, without a doubt, the worst of the two parties at the moment. Hands down. I mean, my's as if insanity is being CELEBRATED with this Trump farce of a presidency. The crazier he acts, the more they laugh and love him.




Allow me to defend Trump for a second. I think the reason he doesn't want to testify is because he doesn't understand the big words. Words like "oath" might confuse him.


"I know words. I know a lot of words. BIGLY words. Words with letters."
