T-rump baffled everyone yesterday in one of his incoherent Tweets, when he tried to brag about the stock market:
“STOCK MARKET AT ALL-TIME HIGH! HOW ARE YOUR 409K’S DOING? 70%, 80%, 90% up? Only 50% up! What are you doing wrong?”
Fox News reporter John Roberts was among those baffled, as he responded in his own Tweet:
Other tweets piled on throughout the day, with one tweeter telling the President:
"Just checked. My 409K balance is zero. Send hamberders and covfefe."
Said another:
"Time to break out the Sharpie(TM) and make an Executive Order creating a new retirement IRS code."
Though T-rumpers are trying to defend this tweet as 'just a typo', it's easy to bury that explanation, since the '1' and the '9' are on different ends of the keyboard,as the NY Daily News pointed out.
elcamino, Shitstorm27, Bubba, krl97a, and the rest of them are searching for their 409Ks. They'll be busy in the months ahead looking for them before tax season.
It wasn't a typo with T-rump. The two numeral keys weren't even remotely close to each other to blame it as a typo. That's plain stupidity, not a typo - you can relate to that stupidity.
Sure, genius. Trump clearly doesn't know what a 401K is and has been accidentally saying it correctly in countless speeches and other tweets (https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1188813055108374533). After all, the only kind of typing error that exists is when you wrongly hit an adjacent key. There is no other kind of mistake.
I'm just glad you're here to tackle this ultra important issue. 😀
BTW, are you sure Obama never proposed a new 409K law in any of those "57" states he barnstormed through? Maybe some kind of special deal for "corpse men" serving in the Navy?
Either way, this is all bad news for Biden, who can't keep straight what state he's even in. Like when he talked to a crowd about being there in "Iowa" when they were really in New Hampshire. And those states are 1,000 miles apart; not adjacent at all! Talk about stupid.
Obama wanted to say fifty but changed it to forty-seven without correcting his originally fifty he had already spoken.
You are right about corpse men though. Obama did not know the p and s in corpsmen was silent.
However, those are both critiques on speech rather than his knowledge of which words are correct. Obama never assumed corpsmen was spelled corpse men, and Obama never assumed 57 meant 47.
For whatever reason, Trump legitimately thought 409k was the correct name for the plan when he made that tweet. Who knows. Maybe he'd just gotten done cleaning his desk of all the Sudafed powder with a bottle of Formula 409.
No, Obama clearly had no idea what he was talking about and lacked the mental acuity to utilize context clues. The "57" flub just shows that anyone can make the kind of trivial errors the left humiliates itself hypocritically going after Trump for. And contrary to the idiot Doggydaddy's claim, not all typos are due to adjacent keys being struck. Again, the proof that Trump knows it's "401K" is all the countless times he's talked about them before. That Democrats are reduced to hyping this as a story underscores how well things have been going for Trump lately.
Actually Obama gave the cringeworthy "corpse men" speech in 2010, after he had already been Commander in Chief of the military for over a year, moron. He had also been in government for most of his adult life while Trump had never held political office before running for president.
Says any gradeschooler, all of whom know how many states the US has, except for a few dunces like you of course, and few of whom know what a 401K is, including you.
Poor Doggiedaddy. Knocking you around doesn't require anyone's "best".
But it's true that even gradeschoolers know there are 50 US states, so getting that wrong is much, much worse than the 401/9K typo. That's to the extent any of this matters, of course, which it doesn't given the great news you're desperately trying to distract from (Dow records, Suleimani killed, enemy Iranian regime besieged by world condemnation and its own people protesting as it's lost all credibility except among US Democrats, CNN caving on Covington libel suit, Pelosi caving on impeachment, etc.).
In the face of all that you started a thread about a one digit typo. 😄
You keep trying to shove down our throats that 409K was a "typo", yet everyone knows it wasn't. His finger didn't slip on the wrong key and hit the number next to 1 by accident to make a 'typo' - 1 and 9 are on opposite ends of the keyboard. It was intentional, because your president is a dolt - not unlike you.
There are lots of different kinds of typos, moron, not just adjacent key slips: Phonetic (e.g. your/you're), distracted stray strikes, word/character doubles or omissions, etc..
See? You ignoring everything I said, including where I linked above to one of the countless examples of Trump discussing "401Ks",* and repeating your refuted idiocy illustrates why you always fail and lose every debate you have.
😄 Poor Doggiedaddy is reduced to insisting the Bloomberg news video I linked to of Trump discussing 401Ks off the cuff in 2017 isn't real. "Don't believe your lying eyes!" he desperately cries.
NO! Don't step on Doggiedaddy's big moment. You already had your ass thoroughly handed to you on this below, topped off with your "cities"/"states" typo. Though by your logic it wasn't a typo. You just don't know the difference between cities and states. Either way, go defend yourself down there.
Lol, context clues. He was reading corpsmen from a teleprompter live with no rehearsal. He pronounced the corps in corpsmen as corpse because the rules of the English language tell you to pronounce those letters.
Why did Trump pronounce Namibia as nambia when nambia is missing an entire syllable from what is printed on the page he's reading? Probably because he never heard of Namibia, and assumed it rhymed with Zambia.
Why does Trump have so much trouble pronouncing origins? He replaces it with oranges and continues to do it. It's as if his brain just checks out at times.
That's what it looks like here. His brain checked out and he thought 401k was a 409k. I still don't understand how his brain checked out enough for him to confuse coverage with covfefe. That's the problem with Trump. He makes mistakes that are too difficult to comprehend whats going on with him upstairs.
And its not strange to think Trump isn't that familiar with 401k's. He's probably got dozens of people to worry about that for him. Just like Ivanka has people who take care of her taxes for her. Even though she's a "ruthless business woman," she somehow thought Trump's 2017 tax cuts would yield higher returns for people who filed in 2018.
Overall Trump gets a pass because of the bigger gaffes he makes. "Grab her by the pussy," "bleeding from her wherever," "I prefer people who weren't captured," etc. With this stuff going on, nobody has time to round up all the little things he's said.
Your spin is comically lame but unwittingly brings up another point. Obama, who was sold as a "great orator", often had no idea what the speeches he read off the teleprompter were talking about.
It doesn't matter what you pretend to think is comical. There's an explanation for pronouncing the corps in corpsmen as corpse. It's called abiding by the rules of the English language.
There's an explanation for Obama saying 57 instead of 47. He had just got done saying he visited every corner of the country. He wanted to say 50 states, had to pause to do a little bit of math, then said 7 without changing his original fifty to forty.
What is the explanation for Trump typing covfefe instead of coverage? What is the explanation for Trump typing 409k instead of 401k?
It's hilarious that you're still harping on trivial typos while so energetically (if ineptly) defending not just Obama's much worse "57 states" gaffe, but his humiliating "corpse men" speech that proved actual ignorance of Navy corpsmen.
Here's one of the countless examples of Trump discussing 401Ks, this impromptu exchange with the press in 2017 being off the cuff with no teleprompter:
Obama pronounced corpsmen as corpse men because corpsmen was a word he was unfamiliar with off the cuff. If it was written as military corps or army corps I have a feeling he would've pronounced it correctly, but corpsmen probably caught him off guard due to its rare usage.
Obama didn't just say 57. He said fifty, paused to do math, then said seven, after just getting done saying he had visited all corners of the country.
There's an explanation for both. I asked for an explanation why Trump typed 409k instead of 401k. I already know Trump has not always thought it was called a 409k. The question is why did he write 409k in that moment. Posting a link to him saying 401k is avoiding this obvious issue.
So you can't find any evidence of Obama correctly using "corpsman". Got it.
Obama pronounced corpsmen as corpse men because corpsmen was a word he was unfamiliar with off the cuff. If it was written as military corps or army corps I have a feeling he would've pronounced it correctly, but corpsmen probably caught him off guard due to its rare usage.
So we agree that the explanation for Obama's cringe worthy speech was his ignorance, despite having been Commander in Chief for a full year and a career politician. But "corpsman" isn't rare. It's commonly used by anyone associated with or discussing the Navy or Marines.
We disagree on Obama's "57 states" gaffe and your explanation makes no sense. He's talking about having been to almost every state but one, then lists two he hasn't been to. He's not saying he's only visited 7.
I already know Trump has not always thought it was called a 409k. The question is why did he write 409k in that moment.
Why are any typos committed? Who cares? Everyone here, including you and I, commit them too from time to time.
At least we evidently agree that Trump knows it's a "401K", as proved by the countless times he's correctly used the term, a couple of which I linked to. That underscores the mind searing stupidity of this thread that has now blown up in Doggiedaddy's face.
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"So we agree that the explanation for Obama's cringe worthy speech was his ignorance"
Sure. Ignorance while reading a teleprompter without any prep and seeing a word he probably never saw written before. You didn't even write it correctly yourself. You said corpsman. That wasn't the word. It was corpsmen. It's no different than Trump reading Namibia as nambia. Except Trump broke the rules of the English language to get nambia and also removed a syllable. Obama didn't. And corpsmen is nowhere near as odd as Trump repeatedly mispronouncing origins as oranges. Like, three times in the same paragraph.
"We disagree on Obama's "57 states" gaffe and your explanation makes no sense."
I didn't say he only visited 7. He said fifty-seven, but between the fifty and the seven was a pause to do a little bit of calculating to determine how many cities he hadn't visited. And in doing so, he didn't change his original fifty- to forty-.
"At least we evidently agree that Trump knows it's a "401K""
Just like we know Obama knows there are 50 states and meant to say 47. Saying the wrong word is waaaaaaaay more common than typing a 9 instead of a 1.
How 57 got in Obama's head is explainable. How corpse was pronounced is explainable. How Trump managed to fat-finger 9 instead of 1 is, so far, not understood. So far you've given no reason why he did it, which is kinda funny when you consider all the conversing you've done in this thread.
Ignorance while reading a teleprompter without any prep and seeing a word he probably never saw written before. You didn't even write it correctly yourself. You said corpsman.
"Corpsman" is singular. "Corpsmen" is plural. I wrote it correctly and was discussing the concept, which Obama was ignorant of. If he knew what a "corpsman" was even by ear he should have quickly figured out what was being spelled. He had no idea what it was. Ignorance of such a basic military term is inexcusable for a Commander in Chief who's been on the job for a while or frankly someone who's been a US Senator for years. It shows an utter lack of interest in national defense matters.
But regardless of how egregious you feel it is or isn't, it's qualitatively different from a simple typo by Trump of a word he's correctly used countless times, and is more noteworthy since it actually signals something deeper than a trivial error in the moment.
I didn't say he only visited 7. He said fifty-seven, but between the fifty and the seven was a pause to do a little bit of calculating to determine how many cities he hadn't visited. And in doing so, he didn't change his original fifty- to forty-.
(bolding mine)
Your explanation is nonsense and Obama didn't mention "cities". He was talking about states and so were we until now. Do you not know the difference between a state and a city, or did you just commit a typo? How do you manage to fat-finger "cities" instead of "states"? Forget swapping two digits (which you hilariously just defended Obama doing while attacking Trump for a far less stupid looking version of the same thing), you swapped entirely different words.
By your own logic what you've been saying about Trump applies even more to you. Your best way out now that you've faceplanted like that in such wonderfully timely fashion is to cut your losses and concede that everything I've been saying is accurate.
LOL! ultravioletx fled this line after his "cities"/"states" typo. Assuming it was a typo, of course, and that he does know the difference between the two.