In her message to Iranian leaders, McGowan posted a gif of an Iranian flag and said the U.S. had "disrespected your country" and claimed 52 percent of Americans "humbly apologize," adding, "We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime...Please do not kill us."
No Trumpers seem to understand it. They're so damn lost in their partisan hatred/Trump love that they're actually trying to reason this all as: "You guys are just terrorist sympathizers! You feel sorry for that general!". That's their latest spin tactic.
The Trumpers are GONE. Left the reservation. They're not coming back. When Donald is FINALLY out of our White House, I wouldn't AT ALL be surprised if the fat fck tried starting up his own 'mini-government' where he declares himself "still-acting president". His supporters would follow him, too. Guaranteed.
This is a consequence of having an embassy in Iraq. It invites a proxy war with Iran. This was the plan all along. You have been played like a fiddle. This is exactly what Cheney and Rice envisioned.
Fake news tried to claim the undercover militia attacking the embassy were "mourners"!
Unbelievable. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC are overrun with idiocy and stupidity. They can't see the forest for the trees. Everything that's happened in the last 10 - 12 years on the democrat/liberal watch WILL come back to bite huge chunks out of their asses.
Considering that they ARE wrong, have BEEN wrong, over and over again, day after week after month, YEAR after YEAR, stupidly, idiotically and pathetically WRONG WRONG WRONG!!...
It ain't hard to be Right.
All you have to do is look in the opposite direction.
Well... not you. Almost anyone but YOU.
What's with the self satisfied ha ha ha? What, are you Santa Claus, giving gifts to all the little children while the rest of us are skeptical? Just oppose all facts. Go back to your school teachers and tell them all the the algebra and biology and history and chemistry was wrong. Just rewrite the world to fit you. Sounds like a dumb enterprise and I think you are up to it.
All US Presidents bow to the Saudis, which is not something I agree with. Many terrorists have come out of that country and funded by SA. Never said 9/11 was Iran either.
And yet, Iran do not have Saudi Arabia's wahabi salafist jihad ideology. There is freedom of religion in Iran, and they have been behaving well as we thumb them in the eye repeatedly. Yes, I side with them overall. I don't subscribe to the silly idea that you have to support the government you were born under conducting themselves unethically abroad.
I've never been within the invisible lines that constitute "Iran". I just know some Muslims are jihadist and some are not. We like to overthrow the more secular governments and let jihadists fill the power gap. It's what we did in Iraq and Libya, and it's what we're trying to do in Syria and Iran. We, meaning the USA.
There is freedom of religion in Iran, and they have been behaving well as we thumb them in the eye repeatedly. Yes, I side with them overall. I don't subscribe to the silly idea that you have to support the government you were born under conducting themselves unethically abroad.
That's an amazing post, even by drooling idiot leftist bottom feeder standards. Iran has no freedom of religion. It infamously gives the death penalty for apostasy from or blaspheming of Islam. It's a mullah-ruled "Guardian State" theocracy. Its brand of global revolutionary 12er Mahdi Shi'ism is at least as crazy and in some ways more dangerous than Sunni Wahhabism. Iran has been the world's #1 state sponsor of terrorism for decades and it routinely holds regime-led "Death to America!" rallies. Its government has openly stated a desire to "wipe Israel off the map". The general who was just blown away was the leader of the infamous Quds force, the Iranian special operations group which has aided numerous terrorist outfits across borders for years, especially Hezbollah, and was responsible for killing hundreds of US soldiers in Iraq and thousands of others around the region. They were recently behind that rocket attack on the Saudi oil field and the storming of the US embassy. They held US Naval personnel prisoner a few years ago, showing humiliating video tape of them to the world in violation of the Geneva Convention. They routinely arrest Americans and other foreigners (often students or tourists), falsely accusing them of being "spies", typically mistreating them and sometimes holding them for years before releasing them when they feel doing so gives them a propaganda boost.
They’ve repeatedly used brutal tactics against their own people to crush the occasional pro freedom uprising.
Iran has been repeatedly thumbing the US in the eye since they stormed our embassy, killed our ambassador, and held 52 Americans hostage in 1979. The US finally hit back, bloodying their nose.
It's one thing to be a traitor, but you are a hypocrite by bleating about "unethical" behavior in the same post you claim to side with Iran over the US, unless your ethical model is more hopelessly convoluted than an M.C. Escher drawing.
I'm not talking about siding with Iran on everything they do, I'm talking on acts of war, and also the nuclear treaty which Obama violated and Trump ripped up. I also don't mean to imply Iran is a secular government in the same way as Syria or Lybia, or that those countries are/were as secular as the US. Yes, they are "brutal" dictators, but try controlling those regions with anything else. They're damn sure better than what replaced them in Iraq and Libya.
Israel is in the heart of that region and isn't ruled by a dictator. Guess the problem isn't the geography. Whether, as you imply, Muslims are animals who must be ruled by an iron fist or human beings with the same God-given natural rights the American system states that all people have is a different discussion, as is the dubious claim that the US was somehow better off with either Hussein, Al Qaeda, or ISIS ruling Iraq than its current elected government.
Either way, I listed numerous acts of war by Iran, along with its regime's zany, apocalyptic and universalist (meaning it wants to spread it around the world, why it supports terrorism in other countries) theocratic dogma. The US response was appropriate and long overdue. Recent attacks by Iran made it pressing.
And there was no nuclear "treaty", but a non-binding executive agreement that was worse than the status quo. Bush had painstakingly gotten actual binding (Chapter VII) UNSC sanctions on an isolated Iran demanding it end its nuclear program. Obama undid that and sacrificed US interests and global security concerns chasing a personal vanity "legacy" item that involved giving Iran $150 billion in exchange for a weak, part honor system "inspections regime" that was temporary and didn't require that Iran end its nuclear program long term. And some smug photo ops of course. It was part of his larger strategy of ceding the Middle East to Iranian and Russian hegemony, much to the consternation of the Sunni nations, Israel, and bipartisan opposition in the US. Obama had to bypass Congress, which is why it wasn't a treaty. Chasing that also caused him to pass up opportunities to bring guys like Soleimani to justice while allowing a global Iranian-backed Hezbollah drug ring to flourish and fund terrorism, news of which just broke in recent years.
Trump ripped that up and has done an effective job of re-isolating Iran economically. This strike shows he won't let Iran roll over or push around the US as has often happened in the past.
When you put it that way, it does sound like a shady deal. But, it did prevent them from being able to make nuclear weapons. Even after Obama violated the terms, they were still complying with inspections. Now with the agreement gone, there is no reason for them not to make nuclear weapons. They are not gonna dismantle their energy program, it's a stupid request.
The 150 billion was their own money we just released the sanctions on, that's different from "giving" them 150 billion. It's a pretty sweet deal, let us inspect and we'll give back your own money. I probably wouldn't fault him for bypassing congress either, since republicans were proud do-nothings under Obama.
It didn't stop Iran from making nuclear weapons, which was the point. They essentially inspected themselves at the most sensitive sites, and weren't even stopped on paper from advancing their ballistic missile program or after 10 years expanding enrichment to the point where they could build a bomb within 6 months. The whole nuclear site inspections regime would have ended after 15 years, after which Iran would be free to do whatever they wanted with no enforcement mechanism to stop them.
And that $150 billion was seized for good reason. What's stupid is giving the world's #1 terrorist regime, a nation that routinely vows to destroy your own nation and is trying hard to build nuclear weapons, that money back without even a nominal pledge to stop supporting terrorism.
Republicans were the rightly proud loyal opposition on this issue, and, again, even a lot of Democrats took the rare step of publicly criticizing Obama on it. If it hadn't been such a shit deal it wouldn't have faced such strong bipartisan opposition.
The past 3 decades have shown there is no "bipartisanship" unless it is capitulation to republicans, so that word doesn't mean anything to me. It just means republican.
I guess the Iran deal was nothing to brag about, and I can see how sponsorship of terrorism is something to take as a serious issue, enough to justify sanctions that affect the citizens. At the same time, that just gives them more fuel for radicalization, so we're pretty much fucked. Scarcity of resources is just as much fuel for terrorism as hateful religion.
The unfortunate reality is the Trump cult doesn't care as long as Trump has conviction with what he's doing.
In 2011, Trump criticized Obama saying Obama would wrongfully attack Iran to win re-election, and he called the action pathetic even though Obama had no intention of doing it. Now we have Trump doing the thing he was once critical of.
When Trump is against war, his cult admires him for standing against the neocons.
When Trump pushes for war, his cult admires him for opposing the 'crazy leftist liberal socialists that want to institute Sharia law.'
Ignorant much? Then again, what else is new? The only thing you post is Orange Man Good. ANYTHING that fits that criteria regardless if it's pro or anti American makes you tee-hee like a fairy. Understand now? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....🤪🤪🤪🤪
Being that you are witless as well as stupid, I understand the need to steal my words and phrases. 😂😂😂
Apparently, you don't understand the stupidity of your own words as you ADMIT willful Ignorance as your solution to the issue at hand. Dunce much? Then again, what else is new?🤪🤪🤪
Sidestepping your nonsense opening line on "bipartisanship" which seems to be the opposite of the truth as the media frames it, squeezing a country economically can undermine and discredit its regime, something that's already been happening in Iran. At the very least it reduces the resources the regime has available to fund nefarious activities.
I was able to confirm some of your claims, disprove others, and just accepted the rest as probably true. Apostasy executions, looks to be true. That would be a big caveat to the "freedom of religion" that is otherwise touted. As far as #1 state sponsor of terrorism, that is just based on opinions and not numbers. As for death to America, what would Americans shout if Iran assassinated our torturer Gina Haspel? I could go on listing crimes of America too, and it would sound just as bad as what you say about Iran.
"Iran has been repeatedly thumbing the US in the eye since they stormed our embassy, killed our ambassador, and held 52 Americans hostage in 1979. The US finally hit back, bloodying their nose."
That's a bit like saying, "My neighbor punched me, so the next day I broke his nose." That's not self defense anymore, you're under arrest.
You didn't "disprove" anything I said. Iran has been attacking, imprisoning, and threatening US civilians and troops for decades, and Americans don't hold "Death to Iran!" or "Death to..." anyone else rallies in the streets, so I guess that answers your question.
I'll note that you should reread a couple of items more carefully. One: state sponsor of terrorism refers to government support. So while a lot of terrorists come from Saudi Arabia, for example, the Saudi regime actually works with the US to fight terrorists and is targeted by them itself. I know of no government anywhere near as active in supporting international terrorism as Iran has consistently been for decades.
Two: I said that "Iran has been repeatedly thumbing the US in the eye" since 1979, and listed some of the recent examples, so your "next day" analogy fails. It's more like letting an opponent hit you several times and watching him rear back for another strike before finally punching him back with a quick stunning blow that catches him by surprise.
Well, I might be pursuaded that the assassination was a fair attack. You gave a lot of reasons why they are scumbags. Although, it was still an assassination, and that's not very nice! If this war kicks off, there goes another 2 trillion. I've pretty much given up on being a developed country.
Such strikes are necessary in fighting terrorism, and a response to Iran's attacks that's preferable at this point to a full scale conventional invasion followed by a lengthy occupation (what would be required for your "2 trillion").
Perhaps you should try living in one of these countries that you side with.
While you're there, remember this: you're a Westerner. They want you DEAD. Doesn't matter where you're from Einstein - you're an Infidel and need your head cut off in front of your family. Just ask them... they'll be happy to show you, I'm sure.
That's BS. Because you don't like push back for this not well considered attack, people are siding with Iran? Gee, 2 + 2 = 12, right? Just start killing people, or you are siding with the opposition. God, how ugly this once wonderful country has become. Dimwits draw conclusions and act they understand world politics.
Don't forget that the dried out turd Rose McGowan also tweeted that all Trump voters are "trash", tacking on a "millions" lest anyone mistakenly assume she's only talking about a few Trump voters. That craven traitor has more warm and fuzzy feelings toward a regime that routinely holds "Death to America!" "Death to Israel!" rallies.
She tweeted the Iran flag with a sun and lion on it which is the shah aka before the Iranian Revolution where they forced people to start wearing garbage bags over their heads be it burkas or other. She's pretty much apologizing to Iran while disrespecting the current regime.