In fact from the same group that harassed the Covington kids, black radicals who were sympathetically covered by the NY Times and some other leftist outfits.
“This is heartbreaking. White supremacy kills.” - Tlaib, a day after the anti-Semitic killers had already been publicly identified as members of the Black Hebrew Israelites group
She deleted the tweet I guess after someone got to her but it's telling that she didn't care enough about the atrocity to be bothered to follow it at all, and just saw it as an opportunity to exploit to attack white people and Trump.
Joy Behar rushed to judgment in disgusting fashion and blamed the same innocent culprits.
“You will concede that the nationals — these white nationalists have been let out of their holes.” - Behar
right wingers make up the vast majority of the terror attacks in the USA. when they are the perp it gets blamed on "mental illness" and that he was a lone wolf. when its a muslim its part of "the global jihad war on America".
as you said right wingers love to play the victim while also suffering from siege mentality bordering on paranoid delusions.
right wingers make up the vast majority of the terror attacks in the USA.
BS from long since debunked propaganda. Most classically defined terrorist attacks are Islamist, of course, though there's been an increase in black nationalist violence (e.g. riots, killings). Most political violence in recent years, which one could argue is terrorism, especially when the overt goal is to suppress free speech, has been by radical leftist groups like Antifa.
And most murders overall the past few decades have been committed by blacks, despite them only being 13% of the population.
So given all that and taking rate into account given that whites are still the supermajority in the US, pretending the biggest threat is from "white" "right wingers" is disingenuous (I'm emphasizing race because the left's rhetoric does). That's the least criminally prone and most patriotic demographic of society. Given Behar's logic, have non-whites been "let out of their holes"? Per Tlaib, does "Black chauvinism kill"? Should the Black Entertainment Channel be scrapped, black-only beauty pageants and dating sites be shut down, and racial advocacy clubs and lobbying groups from campus organizations to the NAACP and United Negro College Fund be marginalized?
BTW, the "lone wolf" versus organizational thing (e.g. Al Qaeda, ISIS) matters because Islamist terrorist groups are serious about their long term goal of destroying the US. Because they involve a number of people working together over time to plan large scale attacks and try to acquire nuclear/chemical/biological weapons they pose an existential threat to the country in a way some kid on psych meds doesn't.
long debunked propaganda? aka statistics straight form the fib and state department.....
ohh hahahah went straight to the black murder rate lol
hahahah you couldn't help yourself could you man... your whole post was trash
how to get out of actually confronting terorism? shift it to black murder rates. claim non terrorism is terrorism by redefining it in your own mind. ignore statistics.
what's it like living life as a right winger? where facts don't matter and you can just reinvent terms to suit your political bias?
long debunked propaganda? aka statistics straight form the fib and state department.....
(bolding mine)
LOL! Whether Freudian slip or coincidental typo, that was awesome. Of course your claim is false. We're not debating straight forward statistics but rather sleazy (mis)interpretation, the most infamous examples of which didn't come from the FBI, btw.
how to get out of actually confronting terorism? shift it to black murder rates. claim non terrorism is terrorism by redefining it in your own mind. ignore statistics.
You mean I cited actual hard facts from the FBI, lol? I covered the spectrum of terrorist violence and spent more than a whole paragraph talking about the long term existential threat posed by Islamist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS, you lying moron. reply share
yes I typed I before B.. totally awesome.. small things entertain small minds..... I love how cuckservative say respect the military and intelligence. but as soon as they release numbers they don't like they hate them.
no you don't know the basic definition of terrorism. you add things in that objectively dont match the definition. You redefine word to suit your narrative even though its untrue.
we use words that have meaning for a certain reason. again the reality is right wing terrorism in the USA is rampant. and because you don't like that and want to feel like the "mean lefties" you will never accept it.
its classic cuckservative victim mentality. when facts don't suit your opinion. CHANGE THEM! change definitions! Change the subject because you can't address reality!
I love how cuckservative say respect the military and intelligence. but as soon as they release numbers they don't like they hate them.
Oh wow. Your IQ can't even peek over 100 can it?
I know vastly more about terrorism and these other topics than you do. While you can barely regurgitate a partisan soundbite or two in garbled form, I can and have discussed terrorism at length over the years as a concept needing definition, an historical phenomenon, and a current problem to solve. Unlike you I treat terrorism with life and death seriousness, not as a stupid partisan game.
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the concept among political scientists is one of the most controversial BUT never would a single one ever describe SJWs you don't like or black on black crime in Chicago as terrorism.
ALL that is is your fragile psyche. that can't accept any criticism or accept the fact that there is a severe problem with right wing conservative often white terrorism. so you have to say "Yaaa what about the blacks!! what about the left!!"
lol you are a joke. you'd be laughed out of any university class left or right wing.
LOL! Wrong, moron. I only mentioned total murder rate for perspective. I didn't call it "terrorism". I'm not the one using some absurdly contorted definition that counts white prison gang violence as "right wing terrorism" but doesn't count black or Hispanic gang violence, as the most ballyhooed, widely covered "report" did back in 2017; one that had been prepared by leftist hack bureaucrats at the GAO to give soon to be President Hillary Clinton PR cover for pivoting from Islamist (aka real) terrorism to cracking down on domestic "right wingers", only to be despondently handed to President Trump instead and dropped into the trash where it belonged.
you'd be laughed out of any university class left or right wing.
LOL! Nope. More like I comfortably eviscerated even my smartest leftist professors in class and persuaded the more open minded students on a variety of issues.
Lol. the numbers aren't based off prison gang murders. they are based off actual terrorist acts.
the GOA is now left wing too? hhahahhahahah man please stop. I can't type when im laughing this much.
how convenient that everyone who posts numbers you don't like are lying and leftists.
this is truly embarrassing man. I bet everything I own, that if you go into a right wing university and say "you can't trust the GAO numbers it was a Clinton coverup"
you will be laughed out of even the most far right wing professors class. I've never seen such low levels of intelligence with such high levels self delusion about your faculties. lol
LOL! You haven't posted any numbers, moron. "Right wing university", lol? If you were to actually go to college some day maybe you'd learn how to construct an argument. Then again these days maybe not. Heck, since unlike you I actually read the GAO report when it came out, not only did they falsify their findings by counting routine white gang murders, one of their "terrorism" examples was literally a guy killing his own uncle as part of an initiation. Clearly BS.
Of course you don't give a shit about terrorism. You're just some dumb partisan bottomfeeder.
lol defenders right wing terrorists. claims im a partisan hack. you can't make this self projecting up
😄 I never "defenders" (sic) right wing terrorists nor am I "self projecting"(?). But I wouldn't mind having some of whatever you've been drinking. 😄
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"Islamists have killed about 14 times as many people as Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists who, in turn, have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists"
You didn't cite anything from the FBI, and the ADL (a non-credible partisan outfit) piece has been panned for not showing its work (e.g. most of its alleged terrorist attacks) and employing a dubious methodology. I remember commenting on it in detail on this board months ago. The GAO report may have been easy to debunk but at least it was relatively transparent.
Here are a couple of articles that annihilate the ADL propaganda piece, partly by giving devastating examples of them and the GTD falsely labeling killers "right wing". Some tidbits:
"The most recent Global Terrorism Index report, published by the Institute for Economics and Peace in December of 2018, claimed that the total (number) of deaths caused by right-wing extremists in North America between 2013 and 2017 stood at 66.
However, 59 of these deaths come from the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. Yes, you read that right; this report declared the 2017 Las Vegas shooting to be an example of right-wing terrorism, despite the fact that even the FBI has declared that they were totally unable to determine the gunman’s motive. (and he targeted country music fans) So when that single incident is removed from the equation, the total number of fatalities from alleged right-wing terrorism in that four-year time span drops to just 7."
So much for the "Global Terrorism Index”.
"The (ADL) report also claims, without adding any evidence, that white supremacists being the top cause of terror-related deaths “has typically been the case in most years.” This is actually disputed by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland, which reports that left-wing terrorism overwhelmingly outnumbered right-wing terrorism in the 1970’s (65% to 15%) and the 2000’s (60% to 5%).”
“Multiple reports – from the ADL to the Global Terrorism Index – use “far-right” as a blanket term to include acts of violence that cannot be linked to right-wing views, including the murder of police officers and other government agents.”
In fact, as in the GAO report, they scour murders looking for any they can tie to someone who happens to be (or has been at some point in the past) a white nationalist or supremacist, and automatically count that as “right wing terrorism” regardless of the motive for the actual killing. But it gets worse than that.
“Consider that the ADL identified Nikolas Cruz, the criminally inclined young man who murdered 17 last year in Parkland, Florida, as “a budding white supremacist” who, notably, killed five Jewish victims. Yet Greenfield explains how tying the shooting to “right-wing extremism” is a conspiracy theory that was debunked early on, but to which the ADL shamelessly clings. Hey, why not? With people’s short memories, how many will notice?
Moreover, the school Cruz attacked (which he’d also attended) had a 40-percent Jewish population, yet 12 of those killed were non-Jewish. So Jews constituted 29 percent of the victims and thus were actually underrepresented among them.
Note, too, that anti-Semitism in America today is largely a leftist and Muslim phenomenon — see Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) et al.”
And now this recent NJ atrocity committed by bigots the NY Times and other leftist media outlets sided with to demonize the innocent Covington kids.
“The ADL report also labels killers Tierre Guthrie and Malachi Qaadir Dorns, whom Greenfield identifies as black members of black nationalist Moorish groups, as “right-wing.” Talk about a stretch.”
“Even more outrageously, the ADL labeled “right-wing” a vicious 2018 stabbing attack on a family by a 17-year-old Muslim convert named Corey Johnson. The ADL’s pretext for doing so was that the boy had once been a KKK fan — prior to adopting Islam. Never mind that he took the name “Mustafa”; quoted Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the man who helped birth ISIS; had watched jihadist videos; had earlier threatened to kill “every single infidel” at a certain school; read the Koran for courage before his attack; and actually said that he committed the act in his Islamic beliefs’ name.
Oh, one more thing: This “KKK lover’s” victims were white.”
"Terrorists murdered 3,342 people on U.S. soil from 1992 through August 12, 2017. Islamist terrorists are responsible for 92% of all those murders."
Not sure why you're posting sources undermining your central point, lol, but oh well. At least whatever you're drinking is probably making you happy.
PS - No conspiracy theory, BTW. Just leftist hacks in the federal government doing the kind of thing we've all seen them do, especially in recent years.
I remember off the top of my head seeing the Portland stabber Jeremy Christian’s murders counted as “right wing terrorism” in more than one of these BS “reports”. He was initially labeled a “white supremacist” by reckless leftist media because he showed up to a conservative rally in silly getup giving Nazi salutes. But he was protesting the conservatives with a lame troll performance bit and was quickly kicked out. Christian’s extensive online history made it clear that he was a self described “Bernie Bro” socialist and Jill Stein fan who hated Trump so much that he pledged to kill him.
So they lie about the data and dishonestly apply inconsistent definitions. But you don’t need to get into the weeds to see the truth, which is that there is no organized “right wing” terrorist movement, internationally or in the US. There are seriously organized international and local Islamist terrorist groups, some of which receive state support. Not only are they responsible for most terrorism deaths in the US, but they kill tens of thousands globally a year and are by far the primary threat to acquire NBC weapons or to permanently change the skyline of NY City.
"I remember off the top of my head seeing the Portland stabber Jeremy Christian’s murders counted as “right wing terrorism” in more than one of these BS “reports”. He was initially labeled a “white supremacist” by reckless leftist media because he showed up to a conservative rally in silly getup giving Nazi salutes."
and here comes to historical reinvention. where nazis are actually left wingers...
also "the media" is not a group that compiles these sorts of studies. I don't care if the media says he was a supporter of norse gods.
hahha and here comes the "look at the muslims!!!!!! there's no right wing terrorism problem!!"/
Being a socialist and self proclaimed "Bernie Bro" who supports leftist Jill Stein makes one a leftist, moron. And these "studies" (which you clearly haven't actually read) often rely heavily on media reports.
You're a joke. Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself.
did you really quit seb Gorka outlet and "the new American" lol
wow man.. that is so embarrassing. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh. quoting far right organizations to say the right has no issue.. I wonder why they'd say that.
You linked to half-assed leftist propaganda you hadn't bothered to read and I destroyed it with specific factual examples, LOL. And I just checked and sure enough the joke ADL site (which you didn't actually link to but is the source for the cheesy article you linked to) counted Jeremy Christian, a socialist and "Bernie Bro" as a "right wing" terrorist.
None of your sources showed their full work but they did include enough examples to discredit themselves. Here's another good analysis ripping your Washpo/GTD article to shreds.
Again, your joke GTD "study" counted the Las Vegas shooting as "anti-government extremism", for which there's NO evidence. Those leftist propaganda sites routinely exhibit the same dishonesty with lower profile cases too and use one another as sources. They automatically count "incel" killers as "right wing" when they don't have any concrete political views. In fact they typically seem to be more liberal than conservative if anything. The first incel killer was a half Asian immigrant from Britain, a far cry from the BS "white male" "right winger" American Hollywood has already taken and run with. White American males are probably the least "incel" male demographic on earth.
Here's more from this piece skewering the specific article you linked to parroting the ADL's press release about 2018. Apart from wrongly labeling things like the Parkland shooting and murders by black nationalists as “right wing” (or “tied to” in Parkland’s case), they ignore the various Islamist plots that were foiled due to diligence.
“The executive summary of the ADL’s annual report claimed that, “2018 was a particularly active year for right-wing extremist murders: Every single extremist killing — from Pittsburgh to Parkland — had a link to right-wing extremism.” This false claim was quickly picked up and repeated by the media.
Typically, the ADL report contradicts itself when it later claims that, “Almost all of the 2018 extremist-related murders were committed by right-wing extremists.”
Is it “every” or “almost all”?
The trick here is that the ADL report exploits any link, no matter how tenuous or dubious, to make its first claim, while its second claim essentially concedes that the shooters weren’t “right-wing extremists”.
How is it possible for a killer to have links to “right-wing extremism” without being a “right-wing extremist”? Why even try to link people who aren’t “right-wing extremists” to “right-wing extremism”?
Because that’s the only way the group, which we should now call the American Defamation League, can make its case…..
The ADL then states that Muslim jihadist killers are largely “absent from this list” (that is, their list); Greenfield counters, however, that we merely “got lucky” in 2018 as many jihadist plots were foiled.
Among the sampling he provides, most notable is that “the ADL neglected the Toledo synagogue plot by an Islamic terrorist who had wanted to carry out a synagogue attack modeled on the Pittsburgh Tree of Life mass shooting,” relates Greenfield. “The attack, which was intended to kill a Rabbi and congregants, was stopped with a Chanukah arrest.””
You also linked to a blogger who admitted that almost all terrorist deaths in recent decades have been been inflicted by Islamists (even a huge majority since 9/11), that most of the "right wing" deaths in that time happened in the one 1995 OKC bombing, and that the past few years have seen a strong uptick in fatal left wing terrorism, not right wing terrorism. So thanks for that.
LOL! You just linked to a low brow leftist propaganda site. Just because something calls itself "factcheck" or "Awesome!" doesn't mean it really is, you idiot. Regardless, whether it's the most respected scholar in the world or a scraggly homeless guy writing in the dirt with his finger, what matters is the argument. If you go to college someday you might learn that what you're doing is engaging in an ad hominem fallacy, attacking the messenger while avoiding the substance of the argument. You didn't respond to the many facts or logical points made.
You claim the Las Vegas shooting and black nationalist murders are examples of "right wing" terrorism. I mock you while using your half-assed trolling as a prop and excuse to post quality material I wanted to post anyway.
yes mediabiasfactcheck also calls out and labels leftwing sites that muddle the truth, lie and are extremely biased. its about understanding the bias each site has and how accurate they do reporting..
lol this is just more of you saying anything that doesn't agree with you is "left wing partisans and out to get the right!!"
this site gives fox, can and msnbc about the same rating for their factual reporting and calls fox right wing and can and msnbc left wing. HOW CONTROVERSIAL!!
you aren't worth responding to. someone gives you actual studies. you respond with opinion pieces from debunked news sources. I can't spend my life checking your joke sources.
you are an idiot. you are embarrassing to man kind. you would be laughed out of any university
this is just more of you saying anything that doesn't agree with you is "left wing partisans and out to get the right!!"
What's hilarious about your post is that quote is literally what you're doing, except with "left" swapped out for "right". You doubled down on just attacking my sources rather than responding to the verifiable facts and logical arguments they and I made debunking your propaganda and destroying your position, even after I just called you out on it, further proving what a moron you are.
You keep boasting about an alleged university education but you're showing that you can't think for yourself. When I expose your worthless propaganda "studies" by citing specific absurdities in them you have no answer. You just sit there sputtering. You're an easily dispatched joke who's only useful as a prop, for mild amusement, and for thread bumps.
And no, "mediabiasfactcheck" skews left and is a worthless joke in its stated purpose. It exists to demonize and try to marginalize conservative outfits. Occasionally the Washington Post and NY Times will run unflattering pieces on national Democrats. It's rare but it happens. Not as often as Fox News negatively covers Republicans (happens daily; only a liar or idiot would equate FNC with the sophomoric, utterly one sided MSNBC) but it happens. Doesn't mean Washpo and the NYT aren't rabidly biased to the left, and I'm sure you wouldn't classify FNC as unbiased.
That you can't see the difference between the hard facts I posted and the slanted leftist drivel you posted is sad. That you're too stupid to realize your own source said this....
"Terrorists murdered 3,342 people on U.S. soil from 1992 through August 12, 2017. Islamist terrorists are responsible for 92% of all those murders."
...debunking your own central point is even sadder. Oh well. At least you've been a useful prop.
can't educates incense like you. get back to your ben Shapiro videos.
I see you're back to hitting the sauce. Have fun, moron. 😀
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yes 9/11 happened.. which accounts for 3000 of those deaths in one event.
its almost like. islamic terrorism is a huge problem AND right wing home grown terrorism can be a problem too
see unlike you with your self projecting calling me a left partisan. I actually care about terrorism in all forms. another embarrassing comment by you lol.
And OKC happened in 1995, that one, isolated event accounting for the vast majority of "right wing" deaths.
You're the one who launched this exchange by falsely spinning "right wing" terrorism as by far the worst threat...on a thread about black militants murdering Jewish victims a few days ago, so don't start pretending you're not a hack and that you sincerely care about terrorism "in all its forms". You punched yourself in the balls, embarrassing yourself with your own source.
The truth is so called "right wing" and/or white nationalist killers really are lone wolves, despite your original dismissal of that point, and the fact is they often have a history of mental problems and prescription drug use.
There are no large "right wing" terrorist organizations dedicated to destroying the USA. There are many such jihadist groups.
right wingers make up the vast majority of the terror attacks in the USA. when they are the perp it gets blamed on "mental illness" and that he was a lone wolf. when its a muslim its part of "the global jihad war on America".
It's true. And the Trumpers on this board make these threads to take attention away from it. They want everyone to believe that all the evils in the country are caused by brown-skinned people.
If you make any mention of how white supremacists are the biggest threat to you out of all the terrorist groups, even if you are white like myself, the right accuses you of being part of an agenda to reduce the numbers of white people.
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White supremacists are correctly blamed by the media and politicians way more than they are falsely blamed.
When they are correctly blamed, the story goes away quickly.
Of course the truth is the opposite of your claim, as it often is. There is no "white supremacist" movement in the US. Those numbers are statistically negligible. The vast majority of those labeled "white nationalists" or "supremacists" by the leftist media aren't (Proud Boys, Andy Ngo, Ben Carson, Covington kids, Trump, Milo, Ben Shapiro, etc.), and the media never shuts up about the isolated, very rare cases of an actual white nationalist doing something and seldom slacks off in its relentless false accusations, while stories like the one in the op quickly fade.
Also, Ashley Todd didn't get nearly the criticism Jussie Smollett got. In fact, "Ashley who?" is the typical right-wing response to her name.
😄 That's because she's not a celebrity, while Smollett was a star on the most pushed leftist show on network tv. 😄 The media fell all over itself when he spun his lie. Idiot Ellen Page sobbed about it during her guest appearance on late night tv. That was all too high profile for them to bury like they usually do with cases like this, but anti-minority "hate crime" hoaxes have been a routine fixture by leftist activists for years.
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If a group of neo Nazis harassed some black kids and then a couple of them about a yr later went on a shooting rampage I wonder if the "news" media would leave out that detail in their reporting?
I have yet to hear any connection to the two events in the Democrat news media.
Well guys, if you can't get a hold of a cold shower, the best form of birth-control is looking at this idiot and hearing her voice. She'll turn you off immediately.