MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why do sjw's and feminists hate statemen...

Why do sjw's and feminists hate statements like : we are all the same underneath the skin

But their goal is to point out white privilege and how men are paid more etc...


But white matters.


White butt matters?




He can't link to his ass, where he pulled this 'fact' out of.


You need a link to prove that feminists complain about women being paid less and sjw's claiming the hate of "white privilege"??


I want a link to "Why do sjw's and feminists hate statements like : we are all the same underneath the skin".



Feminism and sjw's don't have proof of their cause yet they still claim what they say so why should I?


No link. I didn't think so.


If proof was needed for statements and views then these groups would not exist


You're just a troll.


Proof is always needed if you are claiming a group hates something they are not known for hating.


Seriously though, I've never seen feminists or sjws say that. In fact they are the first ones to deny more than skin deep differences between races or sexes. So how about you show an example if you want anyone to take your stupid thread seriously?


If they dont think that then they are judging people by their colour saying they are different,and of they do think that then they have no grounds to complain about non equality so they lose either way


by that logic you never have to provide links ever lol. how convenient




It's also ironic, because, if you observe their actions, they only believe in superficial diversity. Their perfectly happy having a variety of people who look different on the outside, but inside, they want them all to think the same, talk the same, march to the same tune, and vote the same. It's like watching a hive mind take over a variety of people, but in the end, they're all just drones. And they get pissed if you call them out on it.


We ARE all alike underneath the skin. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot.


that's why no one does and he can't provide a link. he's trolling


This sounds made up.

Are you making things up stewart? Naughty, naughty.

I don't think anyone, sjw or conservative gives a hoot about statements like that. It works for your agenda to say that progressive people are unreasonable and ridiculous enough to get offended by such a benign statement, but it sounds like more hollow mud-slinging to me.


Logically it would go against what they stand for if they to admit that people are the same underneath they could not acuse people of being racist or sexist because we are all the same underneath so they would have to admit we are equel and there is nothing to complain about


If they don't think we are all the same underneath: then they are sexist and racist judging people by their sex and skin

If they do think we are the same under the skin: then they don't have any grounds to point out discrimination by sex or race

So wich is it??


So wich is it??
It is the clearest example of a strawman argument I have ever seen. It was not something spoken by either an SJW or feminist, but your desire to criticize them is so strong that you have fabricated them hating that statement, just so you can knock them down for it.

If they do think we are the same under the skin: then they don't have any grounds to point out discrimination by sex or race
The problem you are having is that discrimination doesn't target what is underneath the skin. It focuses on what is on the surface.

SJWs agree that we are the same underneath the surface, and they argue it is immoral to criticize someone for their race... since it is underneath that counts.


Because the left is filled with hate. They’re miserable uninspiring people who think emotionally not logically. Thus they’re easily influenced by irrelevant superficial qualities.


The left is a joke. They preach tolerance and acceptance of all beliefs and races yet if you disagree with any of there beliefs you are either a racist or a Nazi. White males are under constant assault. Waters is telling people to attack and kill Trump supporters.


Amen! They practice Alinsky tactics. If you can't win a debate with facts and logic (and they never can), just SMEAR your opponent. They want to attack, silence and destroy anyone who doesn't agree with them. They're Fascists!



Amen! They're the second largest hate group in the world, second on to Radical Muslims!



That's because they're butt hurt, and offended by just about everything, and will never be satisfied no matter what they "achieve".

