#EmptySeatMAGATour tops the trending Twitter topics, upsetting T-rump
After MSNBC ran footage of T-rump addressing dozens of empty seats at his NH rally the other night, more than 70,000 tweets have been shared this weekend since early Friday morning, using the hashtag #EmptySeatMAGATour. Of course, this angered T-rump - as expected - who started touting 'the large crowd size' he attracted in NH, to counter the damage being done.
T-rump has been bragging about the 'full houses' he pulls into his rallies, but the footage which MSNBC shared Thursday night showed a bunch of empty seats off to the president's right, as the camera caught him speaking from his left side.
The SNHU Arena, where he was speaking, has a capacity of a little under 12,000 seats. Police who were assigned to the arena believe under 11,000 attended.