MovieChat Forums > Politics > As Hong Kong is on the precipice of a bl...

As Hong Kong is on the precipice of a blood bath, T-rump 'hopes nobody gets hurt'

As pro-democracy protesters clash with police, and as Communist China hints that it may violently end the demonstrations in a bloodbath, T-rump - the leader of the free world - has this to say about Hong Kong's unrest:

“The Hong Kong thing is a very tough situation. I hope it works out peacefully. I hope nobody gets hurt. I hope nobody gets killed.”



if he got involved a whacko like you would call him an "imperialist" and you know it. you'e the same kind of loon who called bush all kinds of things for starting wars and now you want to send soldiers everywhere, well no you don't, you just want to say something bad about trump right?

you libs would love china, it's full of kids with poor parents.


Your ridiculous, nonsensical rants never fail to entertain - even when an important world crisis such as this one is taking place.


go to china doogie, help them out, i'm the sure they have the kind of epstein islands there or near there that you libs just love. watch any good simpsons episodes lately?


I want Elaine Chao to go back to China and straighten out the problems in her homeland, before she tries to solve any problems here.

I'm with T-rump on this one: SEND HER BACK! SEND HER BACK! (Not sure why he's not telling her to go back in public).
