You revealed the mystery poster, LOL! I had tried to spare you further humiliation by not attaching your name to the quote. No, you were the one who got quite trounced on that thread, which is probably why I linked to it and you didn't.
Did you ever look up Marx's "dictatorship of the proletariat" or even directly read Marx, Engels, and Lenin like I told you to? Of course not. You still haven't even read the Mueller report. Even if your attempt at pedantry hadn't failed spectacularly, as it did, the fact is that China is ruled by communists espousing communist ideology in a one party system controlled by the Communist Party, just like the other communist countries have been. Your argument is really that no communist country is really communist, a quirky fringe argument mostly pushed by communists wanting to distance themselves from the horrific atrocities of Marxist regimes, and one ignoring key elements of communist dogma from Marx to Mao, not to mention plain definitional realities (we have to call these self-proclaimed communist countries something).
But you went even further down the stupid hole than that, falsely claiming China (which actually has a mixed economy still skewed heavily socialist) is "capitalist to the core" and "free market". For example, you were ignorant, until I educated you and the other guy, of the fact that 85% of the 109 Chinese companies on the Forbes Global 500 are state owned, including all their biggest ones.
This current drama should serve as a reminder that even nominally "private" entities are as ephemeral as personal rights are under China's communist regime.