MovieChat Forums > Politics > Commie California is Now A Haven For Dir...

Commie California is Now A Haven For Dirty Illegals

So Garcetti wont be cooperating with ICE- its clear he stands with these disgusting illegals trying to invade America and supported by libtards.

California used to be good, now it's a cesspool because Dem-o-craps are running it! The city will go down just like Detroit because of these libtards!


"California used to be good, now it's a cesspool because Dem-o-craps are running it! The city will go down just like Detroit because of these libtards!"

Thanks for the info. I was unaware that California is a city. Good to know.


Everything liberals touch goes to shít, like king midas in reverse, but thats always been the plan, create more poverty and chaos, knowing that poor people who always vote for the party who offers you free stuff.

as for ilegals, well if you invite the third world, especially at these numbers, you'll end up like this.latinos don't know how to create a society, a country.....
