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Tiny statues of Trump with signs reading 'pee on me' appear across Brooklyn

A series of small statues depicting President Donald Trump with a sign reading 'pee on me' have appeared across Brooklyn.

Advertising professional Phil Gable placed the statues, which carry a plug for his branded content studio, around Park Slope over the weekend.

'The reaction has been really great so far—I mean really great, probably some of the greatest reactions anyone has ever had to anything, ever.'

Gable said he was thrilled by the positive reaction he'd gotten from neighbors in upscale Park Slope.

Gable deserves a Medal of Freedom.

'It was largely just a personal expression of my own disdain for Donald Trump, both as a President and a human being,' Gable told Gothamist.

'I went with the younger-looking Trump because I think that's probably how he sees himself, especially when he's paying Russian escorts for golden showers,' said Gable, referring to unverified allegations from the Democrat-financed Christopher Steele dossier.

Gable said that he had sprayed the busts with a dog potty-training aid to encourage dogs to relieve themselves on the statues.

He said he hoped dogs would learn to urinate on the statues rather than on flowerbeds in the neighborhood.


i'd recommend trying putting together a decent inteligent ticket for 2020, sensible, moderate democrats, with arguments, with ideas, when this is all you have, trust me. trump will get those 4 more years.


You’re asking the impossible. The democrat party hasn’t had legitimate platform since JFK.

They’re the party of obsessive hate. No ideas. No solutions. No platform.


I think you're under the mistaken impression that this is a campaign theme Dems are running on. It's not. It's a guy in Brooklyn getting mad props for erecting statutes of Trump to pee on.


"mad props" hahahahahahaha i've not said it's a democrat campaign, i'm just laughing at the immaturity of you guys, even moderate democrats are getting turned off now. peeing on status, crying, the oscars, late night talkshow hosts dedicating their shows to attacking the president.

but yeah it pretty much is the democrat theme, childish crap, personal attacks and things that were cool when we were 9. thats why trump won and thats why he'll win again. come back with something inteligent, worthy of this great country, be it a guy in the street or joe biden. "mad props" or no, middle america is laughing at you.


"personal attacks and things that were cool when we were 9"

lolz. Oh this is rich given the child-like personal attacks the president has made as part of his personal brand. You're hilariously lacking in self awareness I see.


you're forgetting something, this started before trump, you don't remember the personal attacks on bush? reagan? of course you don't kid, with your "lolz" and "mad props" you're more than likely a 14 year old girl.


"you're more than likely a 14 year old girl."

lmao! You're only clowning yourself when you complain about personal attacks while making personal attacks. You really are hilariously lacking in self awareness.


predicting by the way you hold yourself that you're young is an attack? wow


lolz! Like I said, you really are hilariously lacking in self awareness. You keep confirming my point.


This must be killing T-rump!


Maybe we should start calling him Trum-P.



Why not? LOL


I don't know, this makes me uncomfortable. Almost as if it's stooping to Trump's level.

I'm all for parody and think it's hilarious every time Trump has a meltdown over Alec Baldwin mocking him on SNL, but erecting Trump pee statues? Not the most tasteful form of political protest for me. Then again maybe it's just symptomatic of a divided country that seems more committed to petty political squabbles and cheap personal shots than constructive debate on core issues.

Personally I think if you guys ditched the idiot in charge and Republicans and Democrats both got over their personal persecution issues, things would improve immeasurably regardless of which side was in charge at the time.


I suppose like the people with the ballons he can get sheep to give him money for doing it.
