MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is Liberalism a mental disorder?

Is Liberalism a mental disorder?

I remember this idea floating around back in the day, i believe radio host micheal savage has a book called that, but is it true? is believing that your emotions are more important than facts ok? is calling everyone "racist" then voting for a black man just because he's black akin to mental health problems? is wanting to impeach a president simply because you don't like him then calling every "fascist" to be on the spectrum?

Is complaning about guns then not wanting a wall when millions of guns are crossing the border everyday really symptoms of mental health issues or are they just a bunch of people who don't live in nor understand how the real world works?

I look forward to your contributions


Please explain your vague and questionable statement that "millions of guns are crossing the border everyday" in reference to a wall... No, really, just what the hell are you talking about? Guns that are entering the U.S. illegally somehow? How exactly is this being accomplished?



The problem with guns being smuggled across the southern border isn't that they are coming into the U.S., it's that they are being taken the other way--into Mexico. Any idiot who can manage to do a Google search could have found that out in less than a minute.

But, of course, there are exceptional idiots for whom this is too complicated a task and the truth escapes them. Most of these exceptional idiots also get their "news" from right-wing propaganda outlets.


i suppose being liberal, if you like it, its gospel, if it doesn't fit your agenda it's "alt-far-fight conspiracies"

time to grow up. unless you get real you're gonna lose this next election. time for real policies and not russian hacking robots and alt-right conspiracy theories, less excuses and more policy, or you're gonna have to bare 4 more years of my man trump. hahahahahahahaha


Other than the 6 or 7 weapons the Las Vegas shooter had that may or may not have been purchased after they were smuggled illegally into the US, I'm still waiting for the proof about these "millions of guns" that are entering the US illegally that a wall is desperately needed to stop.


liberal logic "guns are bad, we need to ban guns"

2,000 Illegal Weapons Cross US-Mexico Border Per Day: Report › News › Analysis

22 ene. 2015 - A new study suggests the number of guns trafficked from the United States ... the uncertainty of just how many weapons are being trafficked int

liberal logic "the wall is a bad idea"

this is why you keep losing, and will lose forever, unless you can put coherant sentences together and ideas. you can't cherry pick policy, if you hate guns, support the wall, if you dont want to ban guns, then shut the fúck up


If you'd bothered to actually read that article, you'd see that the estimate for the number of guns smuggled into Mexico is three times higher than what was seized by Border Patrol entering the US. Two Hundred and Twelve thousand was the number coming in, whereas 2,000 a day was the estimate leaving the country. That's almost 3 quarters of a million weapons. So by this math, the US is actually LOSING a half million guns every year at the border.

Please refer to my previous point regarding exceptional idiots...


You can't make this shit up - I mean these alt-right posts are 'exceptionally idiotic'.


Thought this thread was going to be a discussion studying those who are part of the modern left, “liberals”, and if their views are the product of some kind of mental deficiency.

Was looking forward to it as many have been asking this question for quite sometime.


Is it a mental disorder to love your country too much? More than the all mighty dollar.


I think suggesting your political opponents are mentally deficient seems to be the very definition of clutching at straws.

I would have also thought that the gun crisis is the US has more to do with an ongoing inability to discuss reform in any constructive way rather than border protection. It seems convenient to muddle the issues and somehow suggest that all liberals are suffering a mental disorder because they MIGHT be in favour of gun and/or immigration reform.

To me, it seems crazier that people expend so much energy making hysterical, exaggerated and outlandish attacks on their political opponents rather than focusing on the real causes of their nation's problems. But that's politics for you.


Great post👍


i've only pu the question out there! i'm not the one using emotions instead of facts, it's not me whos calling everyone who doesn't agree with me "hitler" think about it kid.


No, you’re just calling them homos, idiots, and loons when they don’t agree with you.





Exactly. You are either Hitler, a Nazi, Racist, Sexists, etc.


Libruls are missing a part of their brains since they are incapable of reason and common sense.


What part of their brain are they missing Doctor? Specifically please.


Libruls are missing both front and temporal lobes. It's obvious.


Fascinating. You're really smart.


The part that involves operating with logic and not virtue signalling "emotion", apparently. Though many on the right suffer from something similar when it comes to religion.


I'll only address your initial question..
As once a lifetime liberal I do believe there was once a time and place for liberalism and that it helped cross many barriers that needed to be crossed. But now it has devolved into something I refer more as "progressive" or more correctly "regressive" ...or even oppressive.
It has taken on the very traits it once opposed with its extremes and polarization, its inability and refusal to listen to other points of view and to easily brand and ostracize people that don't tow their line. It's own prejudices multiply daily but to them it's the "right" prejudices.
So they are "good".

I suppose it's like anyone that achieves control. When they get that control it becomes their weapon. They deny what has been achieved or what has already been overcome because it's been their leverage and it's their righteous indignation card for staying in control of the media..
It's not about facts these days but some peoples inherent belief that they are right about everything and don't have to see other points of view or look at the big picture.. And they don't, do they?
We may have a overly conservative President but they rule every bit of media influence.
Progressives are not a symptom of Trump. Trump was a symptom of progressives.


Excellent analyses.

Those on the left are clearly more likely to have beliefs based in emotion rather than logic. It’s why having logical discussions with them is almost impossible. It’s why their arguments are based on name calling, and empty statements.

- Want a regulated US border like every other country in the world? Fascist! Racist!
- Think everyone should be treated equal? Sexist! Misogynist!
- want to have an open minded discussion on the climate? Consensus!
- Want to discuss the fact there is zero evidence of collusion? Do they cite evidence? No, Read the report!

They’re incapable of critically thinking. Of putting forward logical persuasive arguments. Of debating logical facts. They live an existence saturated with hate. Their political views are their religion. This didn’t start yesterday. It didn’t start with Trump. It’s been this way since the 1960s and the explosion of group think protesting which is entirely based in emotion.


Yes it is. Liberals think people can change gender at will and that there are hundreds of genders. They try to sexualize children with gay drag shows and want to normalize pedophilia.


What a ridiculous comment. Actually this whole thread is stupid. As far as I can see it’s just a whole lot of conservatives calling people who disagree with their politics mentally ill. I suppose ridiculing and name calling has worked for your Apprentice leader so monkey see, monkey do...


Liberalism, in the classic sense, is not a mental disorder. I do think many in the younger generation have been given a lot of misinformation in the public schools and universities. However, some on the left seem to not have rational thought.

Left: Human rights are of upmost importance.
Right: There's a human growing in the womb.
Left: It's not human.
Right: Here's proof it is human.
Left: You're lying and hate women and want them to die!

Left: Men can transition into women.
Right: Impossible.
Left: With surgery and makeup and hormones and personal feelings, yes, it's true.
Right: Chromosomes remain the same despite mutilation.
Left: If someone feels like it's true, then it's true! Hater!

Left: Don't accuse us of not loving our country!
Right: Ok, what do you love about our country?
Left: Well, some of the food is good.
Right: What about the founding ideals, its strength, the Constitution, the men and women who have died for our freedoms?
Left: That's all racist.

Left: Of course, we want border security.
Right: How will you secure it?
Left: With cameras.

Right: Why are you saying that?


This very thread proves the opposite. First bit of resistance to the op and it’s name calling time. The idea that this a “liberal” issue is a joke. It’s an asshole problem. And assholes exist on both sides of the red/blue divide.

Every right wing thread on this sight is a baiting thread. It’s not to talk about issues, it’s not to seek understanding of a differing point of view. It’s to attack. That’s the only goal. Take your bullshit post for example. It’s clearly bullshit, it’s clearing baiting, yet “liberals” are the problem. 🙄


you know it's true, thats why you've got like this!




I agree, there are idiots and jerks on both sides. But I posted conversations I consistently see, or have, every day. I see the Left claiming to be the kind ones, while yelling at Ted Cruz and his family to get out of a restaurant. I see the left throwing shakes and other things at people they disagree with. I see a blue check twitter account for dining and food write an article on why shakes are a good protest food. I see the left take down the American flag, destroy it, and raise the Mexican flag on a government building. While there are certainly crazies on the right, they're dwarfed by the crazies on the left.

You want there to be understanding of a different point of view? Whose? Mine or yours?


Well, I’m order to have a conversation the first thing that needs to go is the bullshit. Like your posts so far for example. For every idiot yelling at ted Cruz there’s another idiot yelling at brown people. It’s an one over the other. It might seem like that when your looking for it. But it’s not the case.

Last conversation I had went something like this:

Why is ok for black people to take white roles, but when white people take black roles everyone goes nuts?

Me: it’s about opportunities and the lack of them for black people. When a white person takes a black role it’s seen as further limiting those opportunities.

Bullshit, it’s racist double standard blah blah blah.

See, he could only see the part of the conversation that effect him. So the other part, the relevant part, he ignored and then throw a hissy fit about black people stealing all the jobs.

As for examples of online conversation, they’re just so one sidedly loaded. You have the left side being completely unreasonable and spiteful. Yet, the right side is so calm and innocent. You want to paint an accurate picture, both those side are acting like dicks. That’s the internet. Lots of people with really strong opinions based on very little information. This thread implies anyone that isn’t “right” has a mental disorder. You will have heard that kind of talk before. It’s easier to dismiss people when you make them less than. And that, is all I see on this site from the “right”. I see nothing of people explaining, or attempting to engage in sharing how they reached their opinions, it’s just constant bullshit attacks. Not unlike, this very thread.


Interesting your paraphrased conversation has you as the mature one, but your response to me is ranty and vulgar.
I'd be happy to have respectable debate on the issues, but it doesn't look like you want to.


Im just as guilty as everyone else at getting carried away at times, but my point is taken none the less, I assume?

"ranty and vulgar"? If you say so, I guess being thin skinned runs deep in these parts.

Yes, I can see how you would get that from the measured response I gave you(insert obligatory eyeroll).

You take care.
