MovieChat Forums > Politics > The people who DON'T have a home in the ...

The people who DON'T have a home in the Democrat Party...

- White males
- Christians
- Jews
- Pro-lifers
- Capitalists
- Pro-Gun
- Babies
- Legal immigrants
- Military
- Border Patrol
- Police Officers
- People who want free speech
- Conservative people of color
- Attractive women
- Anyone with a brain


- People who believe in equal opportunity.

- people who believe in financial independence

- people who respect the constitution

- people who put America first

- people who are educated

- people who understand science

- people with a sense of humor

- people with IQ’s over 90

- people who believe in the freedom to choose

- people who can think for themselves

- people capable of critical thinking

- people who’s minds are logic based and not emotion based

- people who are open minded


the list keeps on getting bigger and bigger, they are going so far to the left, that within 5 years even someone like micheal moore with be "alt-right" they are getting crazier and crazier.


Women who aren't man-hating feminazis.


You forgot to add Putin and Kim Jong-Un. T-rump has claimed them for himself early on. They’re the new faces of the Republicans.


They’re the new faces of the Republicans.

Speaking as a political Independent, it's not about Dems vs. Republicans anymore, my friend. That's long gone. It's about lunatic anti-American apostates vs. Americans with simple common sense. The latter could be Repubs, Independents, Libertarians, former Dems who now see the light or otherwise.

But thanks for bumping up my thread, Doggie; I appreciate it, as always. :)

