I have a prediction....
Stephen Colbert will be arrested within a week, related with all whats going on with Epstein and all that. Remember this post......
shareStephen Colbert will be arrested within a week, related with all whats going on with Epstein and all that. Remember this post......
shareNot happening and how I wish I could put money on this.
sharei have a good source. tuesday or wednesday- you'll see
shareNope, you don't have a good source and this won't happen. Spreading bullshit like this on message boards is dangerous so knock it off.
shareso is pedophilia, stop endorsing it
shareYeah since no one here would think I'm endorsing pedophilia and it's clearly a pitiful attempt at deflecting I won't dignify it further. Your game is simple and transparent; you throw around the name of a popular liberal comedian who's never even smelled a scandal in his personal life and connect him to the scum of the week who's been linked to other big names (like Bill Clinton and Donald Trump). Now nothing will ever come of what you're saying because you're full of shit but it doesn't matter because you got your meritless gossip out there maligning the good name of someone you don't like just for idiotic shits and giggles. It's obvious, it's lame, it's pathetic, and it's wrong.
sharea simple google search will tell you that for the last 5 or 6 years colbert has been no stranger to this type of talk, it's nothing new, nothing strange, nobody is picking a name out of thin air. you can find many many many little clues that suggest people knew weinstein was up to no good, but because he was a big time giver to democrats, he got away with it. if i would have predicted weinsteins downfall 2-3 years ago, you'd have told me the same. and it's the same with colbert. so yeah you're complict with pedophilia. because you protect them. it will come out.
shareAnd when it doesn’t come out (cause you’re full of shit) will you apologize/? Of course you won’t, because you got your little gossip out and you don’t give a shit about the consequences.
sharetheres never smoke without fire. but its always the same with you loons. if colbert co-hosted a show with ben shapiro and there was a 1/1000th of the rumours going around, and at times pretty obvious links, you'd have no problem with talking like i'm talking. with people like you it's never about truth and justice it's about bias. go look around hollywood, all the libs touching up, raping women or kids. kevin spacey. big time libs. and theres silence. you people are sick.
shareBut there is nothing outside of you saying this. If I see any actual evidence I’ll change my opinion. Let’s table this discussion for a week and when your prediction does or doesn’t come true, we can resume. How about that?
shareMy money’s on Hannity or O’Reilly.
shareHas been taking trips to pedophile island with Bubba and other top democrats who are bff’s with Epstein?
Imagine how pissed Epstein was when his bestie Hillary lost.
A little dose of reality:
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Mr. Trump told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
What did Colbert do?
shareCriticize Trump? The implication being the commencement of fascist America?
shareyou're forgetting that even questioning obama on economic policy was "racist" and asking questions about clintons emails and benghazi turned you into a women hating wife beater.
you loons are as fascist as it gets, the only difference is that use emotional blackmail and not force.
"even questioning obama on economic policy was "racist" and asking questions about clintons emails and benghazi turned you into a women hating wife beater."
lolz. You're delusional.
"only difference is that use emotional blackmail and not force"
You snowflakes and your 'emotional blackmail' are hilarious. Sorry but what you're describing is not fascism, no matter how much you want to force a square peg in a round hole so your feelings won't be so hurt.
either you have a short or a very selective memory. lets see. trump wins, an old white man, beats an old white woman, according to you facists, it's a "white lash" remember that?! 95% of blacks vote for barry and it's cool! these are the little things you people do. set narratives. and if you can't remember 2007-2012 being the age of "if you dont like obama then you're kkk"
it's you whos delusional. you fúcking loons are so out of it than voting for a white man and not a white woman is racist. take your meds!
"you fúcking loons are so out of it than voting for a white man and not a white woman is racist"
lolz. You're gonna burst an aorta working up your blood pressure this much over your fictitious and nonsensical allegations.