Trump is the best ever
shareI don't agree with this.
sharesame here
shareThen why did you post it in the first place?
shareI posted one pro and one anti Trump message on this board.
sharean experiment of sorts. I am Canadian and don't really care about American politics.
shareBut that can not be true as we all know that Canadians care _deeply_ about American politics, so deeply in fact that they regularly use America as a projectionist's whipping post to distract from their own political inadequacies such as Trudumb's legacy lunacy including:
@ Importing terroristic Somalis to fill perceived labor force deficits.
@ Applying carbon taxes that result in absurdly high food price hikes.
@ Chastening the MooCow citizenry on the use of gender specific pronouns.
@ Overtaxing the rich at 33%.
@ Carrying water for the feckless UN by taking in thousands of exploding Syrians.
@ Sucking up to CETA while remaining in TPP.
@ Blocking pipelines and endorsing strategic minerals bankruptcy.
@ Soft-pedaling the LAV SCAM pay for play.
@ Dancing around like demented jackanapes in Nehru garb for show/play.
@ Running massive deficits after promising a balnced budget.
@ Failure to reform the electoral system's "first past the post" system.
@ Sending containers of rotting trash to the Philippines under the guise of "recycling".
I could go on of course, but...
But as you said, "I don't really care about American politics."
So here are some of your own to mince over, toodles!
you know a lot about Canadian politics.
shareApparently more than Trudumb the Lesser does, sad though that may be to contemplate...:-(
Do you guesstimate he's collected enough bribes to live comfortably as a school "teacher" again?
I'm thinking his days as a bouncer will be behind him - notoriety the worst thing a door shark can court...;-)
Why not?
shareNah, Trump is terrible.
shareHownos, sorry but I strongly disagree!! He is despicable, lies all the time (thousands of lies so far), mentally deranged, sexist, homophobic, pompous, for starters.
shareYet he gets things DONE:
Trump signs measure aimed at Preventing Veteran Suicides
Trump signs Major public lands Conservation bill into law
Trump signs into law Genocide Prevention Act
Trump signs legislation enhancing US Leadership in Indo Pacific region
President Trump signs Ashanti Alert Act into law
Trump Signs $867B Bipartisan Farm Bill with Welfare Reform Work Requirements
Trump Signs Law Punishing Chinese Officials Who Restrict Access to Tibet
Production of Hemp to become Legal in all 50 States with Farm Bill passage
Trump Limits Asylum Migrants must come in Legally
Trump Signs New Hezbollah Sanctions Into Law
Trump signs Opioids Law at White House event
Trump signs bipartisan Water Infrastructure spending law
Trump signs the Music Modernization Act, the biggest change to copyright law in decades
Trump signs bills to Help Patients stop overpaying for Medicine
Trump signs law ending Gag Orders against Pharmacists sharing Money Saving information
Trump signs bill requiring Airports to provide spaces for Breastfeeding Moms
Trump signs Karis Law on the 50th Anniversary of 911
Trump signs order to keep Guantanamo Military Prison open
Trump signs proclamation directing troops to secure border
President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un sign ‘important document’ at Singapore summit
Trump signs law giving Border Patrol better Fentanyl detection tools
Trump signs law expanding Hate Crime protections to Religious Institutions
Trump signs technical education bill into law
Trump signs law to expand Childhood Cancer Research
Trump signs bill easing U.S. bank rules into law
Trump Cuts aid to Palestine
Trump signs law creating national historic park for Martin Luther King Jr.e
Trump signs into law U.S. government ban on Kaspersky Lab software
Trump signs Russia sanctions bill into law
Donald Trump signs law aimed at cutting abortion funding
Cuts aid to Palestine???? I'm not a fan of Israel and the way it has annexed part of Palestine. Palestine's people are in a bad way and have been for many years!
What makes you think I'm a woman?!
shareCuts aid to Palestine???? I'm not a fan of Israel and the way it has annexed part of Palestine. Palestine's people are in a bad way and have been for many years!
He has no idea what he is doing. He'd sign anything just to look like he is doing something. No progressive agenda, only what lines his pocket first and his acolytes next. If he even things that far.