MovieChat Forums > Politics > I hope more people migrate here

I hope more people migrate here

I didn't use the IMDB boards so much over the past year, still knowing I had a place to go to where I could argue about feminism, the homofascist agenda and just the sheer stupidity of the left was a nice comfort. I hope this can become that.


Tell your liberal friends that there's a Trump rally going on here or that Milo Yiannopoulos posts here. That will drive them over here to spew their venom.


People could only take so much of that SJW crap. It was reaching a hysteria level and then *POW*, the Trumpster poured water on their gaudy parade.

The mindset of the left has become so virulently anti-male in recent years that I actually saw a documentary/public TV program segment wherein some woman PhD sociologist praised some other woman for leaving her family for a lesbian lover. WTF? If a man leaves his family, he is scumbag #1 but if a closet LGBT does it, it's "finding oneself!", "expressing diversity!" and other vomitous claptrap.

